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CS010606L04 UNIX Shell Programming B.Tech Model Question Paper :

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Subject Code/Name : CS010 606 L04/UNIX Shell Programming
Sem : VI
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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MGU UNIX Shell Programming Question Paper

B.Tech Degree Examination :
Sixth Semester :
CS010 606 L04 : UNIX Shell Programming

Related : MGU CS010602 Internet Computing B.Tech Model Question Paper :

Model Question Paper

Duration: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
PART-A : (Answer All Questions)
(5×3=15 marks)
1. Draw the architecture of UNIX Operating System
2. Write UNIX commands to perform the following operations.
** Copy the content of one text file to the end of another text file.
** To list the files in a directory date wise

3. Show the usage of ’grep’ command with an example.
4. Show the looping feature of bash shell with an example.
5. Write the usage of
** ping
** ns lookup commands

PART-B : (Answer All Questions)
(5×5=25 marks)
1. Draw the schematic diagram of UNIX structure and briefly explain its features.
2. How many options are available for ’cal’ command. How they works.
3. Define an editor and explain the differences between editor and a word processor.
4. What are the startup and shutdown files for each shell

5. Show the result of the ’sed’ command.
sed ‘‘a/bc,*/ % /* on the following file

PART-C : (Answer All Questions)
(5×12=60 marks)
1. Write each of the following logic expression in korn shell.
** (x==5) && (y>10)
** (x<=y) || (y>10)
** (x!=y)||(x>7) &&(y<=x)

2. Show the way to repeat a command 100 times using
** until
** for
** while loop
** for-in loop

3. Explain the concept of piping and pipe operator with respect to ’C’ shell. Write examples.
4. Define a filter. List filter utilities of UNIX.

5. Define ’sort’ command. What is its general applications. Can the input from sort command come from a file? If yes then show the same with examples.
6. Write a bash shell script which displays system date and time. Change the date through the shell program as Jan 1,2013.

7. Define a regular expression. Compare regular expression with math expression. Name the components of regular expression.
8. Write vi commands for
** deleting a word,line.
** replacing a character.
** copy and paste 10 lines.
** cut and paste 10 lines.

9. What is a process? How to create and destroy processes in UNIX. Show examples.
10. How the processes can be viewed and managed through shell. Show with examples.


CS010 606L04 : UNIX Shell Programming (Common with IT010 606L03)
Objectives :
To provide a fair knowledge of Unix concepts and gain sharp skills in Unix Shell programming

Module 1 : (8 hours)
Introduction to Unix : Architecture of Unix, Features of Unix , Basic Unix Commands – Unix Utilities:- Introduction to unix file system, vi editor, file handling utilities, security by file permissions, process utilities, disk utilities, networking commands – Text processing utilities and backup

Module 2 : (13 hours)
Introduction to Shells : Unix Session, Standard Streams, Redirection, Pipes, tee Command, Command Execution, Command-Line Editing, Quotes, Command Substitution, Job Control, Aliases, Variables, Predefined Variables, Options, Shell/Environment Customization.

Regular expressions, Filters and Pipes, Concatenating files, DisplayBeginning and End of files, Cut and Paste, Sorting, Translating Characters, Files with Duplicate Lines, Count characters, words or lines, Comparing Files.

Module 3 : (12 hours)
grep : Operation, grep Family, Searching for File Content.
sed : Scripts, Operation, Addresses, commands, Applications, grep and sed.
awk : Execution, Fields and Records, Scripts, Operations, Patterns, Actions, Associative Arrays, String Functions, Mathematical Functions, User Defined Functions, Using System commands in awk, Applications of awk, grep and sed

Module 4 : (15 hours)
Interactive Shells – Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH – Shell Features, Special Files, Variables, Output, Input, Exit Status of a Command, eval Command, Environmental Variables, Options, Startup Scripts, Command History, Command Execution Process.

Shell Programming – Korn Shell, C Shell and BASH – Basic Script concepts, Expressions, Decisions: Making Selections, Repetition, special Parameters and Variables, changing Positional Parameters, Argument Validation, Debugging Scripts, Script Examples.

Module 5 : (12 hours)
Process management : Creation, Hierarchies, Sending signals to processes, exec, termination, Zombie, waitpid etc – Network management:- tools, Client server mechanism, address resolution, ping, telnet, ftp, dns and squid – X Window System:- Overview, Architecture, starting and stopping X, X clients and display

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