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An Introduction to Sociology B.A Model Question Paper :

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Sociology
Degree : B.A
Subject Name : An Introduction To Sociology
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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MGU Introduction to Sociology Question Paper

Model Question Paper 1 : Complementary Sociology
First Semester B.A Degree Examination-Sociology
Complementary Course :

Related : MGU Methodology & Perspectives of Social Sciences B.A Model Question Paper :

Time: Three Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Part A

Answer all questions in one sentence each. Each question carries I mark :
1. Who is the founding father of Sociology? What is the subject matter of Sociology according to him?
2. What is Socialisation?
3. What do you mean by Social Structure?
4. Define Evolution
5. Define Modernization

6. What is Social Change?
7. What is a Social Group?
8. Define the concept of Self.
9. Define Society
10. What do you mean by a Social Institution?

Part B

Answer any 8 questions in not more than 50 words each. Each question carries 2 marks :
11. Explain the elements of Social Structure.
12. Differentiate between Status and Role.
13. Describe the basic characteristics of Society
14. Explain Deviance
15. Describe the characteristics of Secondary group

16. What are the basic elements of Social Interaction
17. Distinguish between Progress and Evolution
18. Distinguish between Association and Institution
19. What are the forms of Social Control?

20. “Sociology studies man as a member of the group”- Explain
21. Distinguish between Ascribed and Achieved status
22. What are the different types of Co-operation?
(8×2= 16marks)

Part C

Answer any six of the following in not more than 200 words each. :
Each question carries 4 marks :
23. Explain the scope and significance of Sociology
24. Briefly explain the historical development of Sociology in India
25. Analyse the significance of Social Interaction
26. Evaluate the importance of Competition and Conflict.

27. Distinguish between Primary and Secondary groups
28. What are the agencies of Socialisation
29. Define ‘Social dynamics’ and explain its types.

30. Explain ‘Technology’ as a factor of Social Change
31. What are the major strategies of Socialisation?

Part D

Answer any two of the following in not more than 500 words each. :
Each question carries 15 marks :
32. Critically evaluate the various theoretical perspective on the development of Self
33. Examine the historical factors that led to the development of Sociology.

34. Discuss the different types of social interaction that you encounter in everyday life.
35. Describe the various factors of Social change in the modern society. (2×15=30marks)

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  1. Auguste Comte is the founding father of sociology

  2. Who is the founder of father of sociology?

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