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Methodology & Perspectives of Social Sciences B.A Model Question Paper :

Name of the University : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Sociology
Degree : BA
Subject Name : Core Course – Methodology And Perspectives Of Social Sciences
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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MGU Perspectives of Social Sciences Model Question Paper

Model Question Paper 1 :
BA Sociology Degree Examination :
First Semester :

Related : MGU An Introduction to Sociology B.A Model Question Paper :

Core Course – Methodology And Perspectives Of Social Sciences
Time: 3 hours
Max marks: 80
Part A :
Answer all questions in one sentence each. :
Each question carries 1 mark. :

Part A

1. What is a Science?
2. Explain the subject matter of Sociology.
3. What is “Case study” method?
4. What do you understand by the term “Objectivity”?
5. Explain “Inter Disciplinary” approach.

6. Explain ‘Longitudinal survey’.
7. What is Gender?
8. What is Positivism?
9. Distinguish between the ‘book view’ and the ‘field view’ of Indian society.
10. Which are the three levels of adaptive structures of caste according to Harold Gould.

Part B

Answer any 8 of the following in not more than 50 words each. :
Each question carries 2 marks :
11. Explain Ethical Neutrality in Social sciences.
12. Briefly explain Skepticism.
13. What is the meaning of Epistemology?
14. What is Anthropology?
15. Find out the relation between Social psychology & Sociology.

16. Explain Caste and Class as ‘Status Groups’.
17. Explain the structure of family as described by 1P Desai.
18. What are the different sociological perspectives?
19. Narrate the observations of the ‘Mandal Commission’ on caste in India.

20. Give four forms of gender inequality.
21. What do you mean by the term ‘Enlightment’?.
22. Name four important laws relating to women.
(8×2= 16mark)

Part C

Answer any six of the following in not more than 200 words each. :
Each question carries four marks :
23. Discuss the steps in Scientific method.
24. Distinguish between Census method and Sample survey. Illustrate with examples.
25. Analyze the relevance of social sciences in solving contemporary problems.

26. ‘Industrialisation leads to the disintegration of the joint family’- Discuss
27. Discuss the contribution of M.N. Srinivas in the study of caste in India.
28. Define Social Facts? Examine the methods to study social facts as proposed by Emile Durkheim.

29. Explain the Case Study Method
30. Examine the significance of Statistical analysis in social science
31. What do Political Science Study? How is it different from Sociology?

Part D

Answer any two of the following in not more than 500 words each. :
Each question carries 15 marks :
32. Trace out the emergence of different social sciences and examine how they are related to one another.
33. What are the difficulties in achieving objectivity in social science disciplines?

34. Analyze the ethical issues involved in Social Science research
35. Critically evaluate the modern trends in Caste System
(2x 15=30marks)

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  1. Nice. It is really helpful to all students.

  2. It is so helpful to all students.

  3. Really it was very helpful.

  4. Would you please let me know the papers in first and second semester BA Sociology Mahatma Gandhi university?

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