MITNE106-1 Protocol Engineering M.Tech Model Question Paper :
Name of the College : Mahatma Gandhi University
Department : Information Technology
Subject Code/Name : MITNE 106-1/Protocol Engineering
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper
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Protocol Engineering Model Question Paper :
M.TECH. Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper – I
First Semester
Related : MGU MITNE105-4 Multimedia & Rich Internet Applications M.Tech Model Question Paper :
Branch: Information Technology
Specialization: Network Engineering
(Regular – 2013 Admission onwards)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
1. a. Discuss briefly following terms (15 marks)
i. Communication model
ii. Communication Software
iii . Communication Protocol
b. Explain the various Protocol development methods. (10 marks)
2. a. Describe the various Application Protocols. (15 marks)
b. Explain the functions of each layer in ISO-OSI reference model. (10 marks)
3. a. Explain the salient features of SDL. (15 marks)
b. What is X-on-X-off protocol? (10 marks)
4. a. Describe RSVP specifications. (8 marks)
b. Explain the Sliding window protocol specifications. (9 marks)
c. What is OSPF? Explain. (8 marks)
5. a. How the protocol verification differs from protocol validation? (10 marks)
b. What is deadlock? Explain. (15 marks)
6. a. Discuss the various protocol validation approaches. (15 marks)
b. Explain about SDL based protocol verification. (10 marks)
7. a. What is Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN)? (7 marks)
b. Discuss the various conformance testing methodologies. (10 marks)
c. Explain about QoS test architecture. (8 marks)
8. a. Explain about various Test Sequence Generation Methods. (15 marks)
b. Describe Objects Based Approach To Protocol Implementation. (10 marks)
(Regular – 2013 Admission onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
1. a. Discuss about protocol engineering phases. (15 marks)
b. What is CRC? Explain. (10 marks)
2. a. Describe the various functions of Protocols. (15 marks)
b. Explain the functions of each layer in TCP/IP reference model. (10 marks)
3. a. Explain the salient features of SDL. (15 marks)
b. What is Alternating Bit protocol specification? (10 marks)
4. a. Describe TCP protocol specifications. (8 marks)
b. Explain the Sliding window protocol specifications. (9 marks)
c. What is BGP multi protocol label switching? Explain. (8 marks)
5. a. Explain in briefly about Protocol verification using FSM. (10 marks)
b. What is deadlock? Explain. (15 marks)
6. a. Discuss the various protocol validation approaches. (15 marks)
b. What do you mean by Liveness property? Explain. (10 marks)
7. a. What is Protocol compilers? (7 marks)
b. Discuss the various performance testing methodologies. (10 marks)
c. Describe the code generation processes in SDL. (8 marks)
8. a. Explain about various Protocol synthesis and implementation Methods. (15 marks)
b. Describe Objects Based Approach To Protocol Implementation. (10 marks)
Syllabus :
Module I :
Introduction : Communication model, Communication Software, Communication Subsystems, Communication Protocol Definition/Representation, Formal and Informal Protocol Development Methods, Protocol Engineering Phases Error Control, Flow Control: Type of Transmission Errors, Linear Block Code, Cyclic Redundancy
Checks, Introduction to Flow Control, Window Protocols, Sequence Numbers, Negative Acknowledgments, Congestion Avoidance Network Reference Model – Layered Architecture, Network Services and Interfaces,
Protocol Functions : Encapsulation, Segmentation, Reassembly, Multiplexing, Addressing, OSI Model Layer Functions, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Application Protocols.
Module II :
Protocol Specification : Components of specification, Service specification, Communication Service Specification Protocol entity specification: Sender, Receiver and Channel specification, Interface specifications, Interactions, Multimedia specifications, Alternating Bit Protocol Specification, RSVP specification.
Protocol Specification Language (SDL) : Salient Features. Communication System Description using SDL, Structure of SDL. Data types and communication paths, Examples of SDL based Protocol Specifications: Question and answer protocol, X-on-X-off protocol, Alternating bit protocol, Sliding window protocol specification, TCP protocol specification, SDL based platform for network, OSPF, BGP Multi Protocol Label Switching SDL components.
Module III :
Protocol Verification / Validation : Protocol Verification using FSM, ABP Verification, Protocol Design Errors, Deadlocks, Unspecified Reception, Non-executable Interactions, State Ambiguities
Protocol Validation Approaches : Perturbation Technique, Reachability Analysis, Fair Reachability Graphs, Process Algebra based Validation, SDL Based Protocol Verification: ABP Verification, Liveness Properties, SDL Based Protocol Validation: ABP Validation.