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MCEEE106-4 Environmental Impact Assessment M.Tech Model Question Paper :

Name of the College : Mahatma gandhi University
Department : Civil Engineering
Sem : I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Environmental Impact Assessment Model Question Paper :

Branch: Civil Engineering
1. Environmental Engineering,
2. Transportation Engineering

Related : MGU MCEEE106 Energy Management M.Tech Model Question Paper :

Semester 1 :
[ 2013 Admission onwards]
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
1) Answer questions in full.
2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
1. (a) Write short notes on (i) Direct impacts, (ii) Indirect Impacts, (iii) Cumulative impacts and (iv) Short term and long term impacts (10)
(b) Discuss the essential steps to complete an environmental impact assessment (15)

2. (a) Discuss the importance of predictive methods in EIA (10)
(b) List the various EIA methods. What are the criteria used for selecting best EIA method in a given situation? (15)

3. (a) Discuss typical mitigation measures that should be adopted to various water related issues (10)
(b) What are the legislative measures to control water pollution? (15)

4. (a) What is meant by biodiversity? How it is important in assessing biological impacts of any developmental activity? What are the typical impacts of a hydroelectric project on flora and fauna? (12)

(b) Discuss the sources of air pollution and their effects on environment. (8)
(c) List the standards for air pollutants (5)

5. (a) Discuss the qualitative, simple quantitative and specific quantitative methods for impact prediction on soil and ground water environment? (15)
(b) Discuss different activities in a major road laying project likely to have impacts on soil and ground water environment (10)

6. (a) Discuss the importance of environmental indices (7)
(b) Explain what is meant by social assessment? Why socioeconomic impacts are important in EIA of a major development project? (8)
(c) Discuss the procedure to be adopted for assessing Socio Economic Impact (10)

7. (a) Why public participation is important in EIA? Discuss in detail the procedure for public hearing in an EIA. (15)
(b) Write short notes on (i) Strategic EIA (ii) Cost Benefit Analysis (iii) Life Cycle Assessment (iv) Rapid EIA (10)

8. (a) What is meant by Environmental Risk Assessment? How Ecological Risk Assessment is different from Human Health Risk Assessment? (10)
(b) Define noise. How it is measured? (5)
(c) Discuss different effects of noise on environment. Discuss the criteria used for mitigation of noise impacts. (10) [4 X 25 = 100 marks]

M.Tech. Degree Examination :
Model Question Paper
Branch : Civil Engineering
Specialization :
1. Environmental Engineering,
2. Transportation Engineering

Semester 1
MCEEE / MCETE 106-4 Environmental Impact Assessment [ 2013 Admission Onwards]
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
1. (a) Explain the evolution and development of national environmental policy act (NEPA). Discuss its key features. (10)
(b) Discuss the importance of screening in EIA process. List out the various methods for screening process. (15)

2. (a) Scoping is an essential step in the EIA process – discuss the statement (10)
(b) What are the various methods for prediction of impacts of the affected environment (15)

3. (a) How air pollutants can affect human beings directly? (13)
(b) What are the legislative measures to control air pollution? (12)
4. (a) Discuss the role of modeling in prediction and assessment of impacts of water pollution. Give a suitable example. (15)
(b) How can a hydroelectric dam project affect the ecology of an area? (10)

5. (a) How the impacts of noise can be controlled? (10)
(b) List the standards for noise (5)
(c) How traffic noise is measured? (10)
6. (a) Assessing social impacts is the most tedious task in the EIA of a project. Discuss (10)
(b) Discuss the socio-economic impacts due to a highway development project in a medium sized city in India. (15)

7. (a) What are the objectives of public participation in EIA? (10)
(b) What are the various mechanisms for the public involvement at various stages of EIA? (15)
8. (a) Discuss various methods for conflict resolution (10)
(b) Discuss Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) as a tool for comparison of alternatives and decision matrix (15)[4 X 25 = 100 marks]

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