07A70509 Multimedia & Application Development B.Tech Question Paper : scce.ac.in
University : JNTUH
Department : Computer Science And Engineering
Year/Sem : IV/I
Website : scce.ac.in
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/scce.ac.in/4949-07A70509-MULTIMEDIAANDAPPLICATIONDEVELOPMENT.pdf
Multimedia & Application Development :
Code No: 07A70509
R07 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Related : Sree Chaitanya College Of Engineering 07A80401 Mobile Computing B.Tech Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/4948.html
Common to Information Technology, Computer Science And Engineering
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions :
All Questions carry equal marks :
(a) Briefly explain HTTP.
(b) Write about Hyper Text Markup Language. [8+8]
2. What getter method and setter method? Give an example program for it. [16]
3. Write about the following:
(a) PAL video
(b) SECAM video
(c) Chroma sub sampling. [5+5+6]
4. (a) Explain an optimal plan for transmission rates in buer management.
(b) Write five differences between TCP and UDP Protocols. [8+8]
5. Dierentiate overriding of class method and overriding of instance method. Give an example of each. [16]
6. (a) Compare audio compression techniques with video compression techniques.
(b) Explain about MPEG video coding. [8+8]
7. (a) What are the advantages of Adaptive Human coding compared to the original Human coding algorithm?
(b) Describe 2D-Descrete wavelet transform. [8+8]
8. (a) Explain about why nested assets are not automatically recognized by compiler
(b) Explain about how to link Avatar symbol to the Avatar class?
(c) Explain how to handle component events? [6+5+5]
Code No: 07A70509
R07 Set No. 4
1. (a) What is OSI? Explain Application layer in detail.
(b) What is the importance of Set-top Box (STB) why we go for this? [8+8]
2. Explain the following questions:
(a) How to Initializing avatar instances?
(b) Currency converter properties.
(c) Properties and methods of nested assets. [6+5+5]
3. (a) Write briefly about Extensible Markup Language.
(b) Write about Synchronized Multimedia Markup language. [8+8]
4. Discuss the advantages of using:
(a) MELP (multiband excitation linear predictive)
(b) MPEG-7 DDL (description denition language) components? [8+8]
5. Write a program in ACTION SCRIPT containing a method with variable number of arguments. [16]
6. Explain how to handle multiple type exceptions. Give an example program in AS. [16]
7. (a) Give detailed description about lossless image compression.
(b) Explain about successive approximation quantization. [8+8]
8. (a) Write about signal-to-Quantization-Noise Ratio.
(b) If sound card is 8-bit then what is the best SQNR it can achieve? Explain. [8+8]
IV B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011 :
Multimedia And Application Development :
1. Explain about an OOP application frame work. [16]
2. (a) What is IP(Internet Protocol)explain in detail?
(b) Write short notes on Session Description protocol (SDP). [8+8]
3. Dene class? Explain the dierent components of class body. [16]
4. (a) Explain about VLC.
(b) Explain about vector quantization. [10+6]
5. (a) Explain about Sequential search.
(b) Discuss the advantages of using an algebraic codebook in CELP coding.[8+8]
6. Write about Y Cb Cr color model in detail and also explain where this model is used. [16]
7. What are the most salient dierences between ordinary TV and HDTV? What was the main importance for the development of HDTV? [16]
8. Explain how to add repositioning the view region feature to ImageViewer class.[16]
IV B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011 :
Multimedia And Application Development :
1. Explain the following
(a) GIF File format
(b) GIF Screen descriptor
(c) GIF color Map. [5+5+6]
2. Explain the following class attributes with suitable examples.
(a) Dynamic
(b) Intrinsic. [8+8]
3. (a) What is the disadvantage of DCT compared to wavelet based coding?
(b) Write compression and decompression for string ABABBABCABABBA.[8+8]
4. (a) Explain how to adding components to the document.
(b) Discuss about the duality of movie clip subclasses. [8+8]
5. (a) Draw and explain the schematic diagram of encoder for DPCM.
(b) Draw and explain the schematic diagram of decoder for DPCM. [8+8]
6. (a) Explain the advantages of Internet telephony over POTS2.
(b) Explain the importance of physical layer in OSI reference Model. [8+8]
7. (a) Write some of the advantages of MPEG-2 compared with MPEG-1.
(b) Explain MPEG-4 object types, proles and levels. [8+8]
8. What do you mean by \un qualied member references”? Explain. [16]