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09A50107 Environmental Impact Assessment & Management B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Sphoorthy Environmental Impact Assessment Question Paper

B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011
Time: 3 hours

Related : Sphoorthy Engineering College 09A50108 Advanced Structural Analysis B.Tech Question Paper :

Max. Marks: 75
Answer any five questions :
All questions carry equal marks :
1.a) What are the basic concept of EIA.
b) What is the necessity of preparing an environmental base map? [7+8]
2.a) Give the criteria for the selection of EIA methodology.
b) Give the list of environment EIA methods. [7+8]

3.a) Give the systemic approach for the study of environmental impact on soil.
b) What is the necessity of delineation of study area for EIA? [7+8]
4.a) Give the causes and effects of deforestation.
b) What is the necessity of delineation of study area for EIA? [7+8]

5.a) Explain the mitigation measure to be taken up for reducing the impact on soils by industrial activity.
b) Give potential impact of pipeline construction on soil environment. [7+8]

6.a) Give the general methodology for the assessment of impacts on surface water environment.
b) How to identity the surface water quality and quality impact by any project activity. [7+8]

7. Explain the following:
a) Management audit
b) Health and safety audit. [15]
8.a) Write about the Air Pollution act.
b) Give the guidelines for integration environmental concerns in mining projects. [7+8]


1.a) Explain about EIA activity.
b) How the initial environment examination helps in EIA? [7+8]

2.a) Give the important characteristics of simple and descriptive checklists methods.
b) Give the advantage of scaling checklist method over simple and descriptive checklist method. [7+8]

3.a) Give the systemic approach for the study of environmental impact on ground water.
b) Give the direct land – use impacts. [8+7]
4.a) How to carry out the impact analysis on vegetation due to railroad project?
b) How to mitigate the potential impact on vegetation due to any project activity? [8+7]

5.a) How to assess the impact significance on the soil due to project activity?
b) Explain about simple quantitative approach to study the soil impacts. [8+7]

6.a) What are the mitigation measures to be taken up for reducing the environmental impact on surface water quality by use of agricultural chemicals?
b) Write the mitigation measures for reducing the impact on surface water quality by the mining activity. [7+8]

7.a) Write the advantages of environmental Audit.
b) Write about the types of Audit. [7+8]
8. Explain the following :
a) Motor act
b) Wild life Act. [8+7]


B. Tech III Year I Semester Examinations, December-2011 :
Environmental Impact Assessment & Management :
1.a) Explain the purpose of using EIA.
b) Explain the relationship of an EIA. [7+8]
2.a) What are the advantages of Adhoc method?
b) Explain the disadvantages of Adhoc method. [7+8]

3.a) What is the necessity of identification of activities to study the environmental impacts?
b) Give two examples of projects which have an impact on ground water. [8+7]

4.a) How to mitigate the potential impact on wildlife due to any project?
b) Explain the potential impact on recreational resources due to mining. [8+7]

5.a) How to collect the background information on soil environment?
b) Explain the quantitative approach to study the soil impact due to any project activity. [8+7]

6.a) Give the generalized approach for assessing the Air pollution impact?
b) How to evaluate and identify the sources, types and quantities of pollutants generated by different phases of project activity? [8+7]

7.a) What is environmental audit?
b) Write the objectives of environmental audit. [7+8]
8.a) Describe the water act.
b) Give the guideline for environmental aspects for river valley development project. [7+8]

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