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09A50301 Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Sphoorthy Managerial Economics Question Paper

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75

Related :Sphoorthy Software Testing Methodologies B.Tech Question Paper :

Model Questions

Answer any FIVE Questions :
All Questions carry equal marks :

Set- I

1. What is business? Explain its characteristics. [15]
2. What is NPV? Discuss steps involved in computation of NPV. [15]
3. Estimate the sales for the year 2004{2005 [15]
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
50 60 65 72 79 75
4. What is production function? What is its role in the analysis of firm’s production activities? [15]

5. Explain basic problems of economy. [15]
6. What is monopolistic competition? Explain its important features? [15]
7. Classify the ratios and explain uses of each group. [15]
8. Explain the objectives of accounting and its role in business. Also explain the uses of accounting. [15]

Set – II

Code No: 09A50301
R09 Set No. 4
1. How price is determined under monopoly? Explain with suitable diagram? [15]
2. Define working capital? What are the factors aecting working capital? [15]

3. Calculate capital employed turn over ratio for the following information of a company: [15]
fixed assets current assets current liabilities sales
Rs.2000000 Rs.1200000 Rs.700000 Rs.2550000

4. Define joint Hindu family business. Explain its merits and demerits? [15]
5. Explain the short run influences and the costs. [15]

6. What do you understand by double entry book keeping? [15]
7. Explain the concept of optimization in managerial economic. [15]
8. Explain reasons for inverse relationship between price of a commodity &quantity demanded of it? [15]

9. (a) What do you mean by natural draught? What are the limitations of natural draught?
(b) What are the factors to be considered while designing chimney. Explain. [8+8]

10. Inlet diffuser, nozzle, thrust. An aircraft powered by a turbojet engine, is working in ambient conditions : 22 kN/m2, 220 k, is flying with a speed of 130 m/s. the total head temperature rise in the compressor is 222 k. the total head conditions at turbine inlet :195 kN/m2 995 k; the total head eciency of the turbine, 0.84.

11Find specific thrust of the engine in flight. Take nozzle isentropic eciency, 0.91. [16]
k Cp kj/kg k
Air 1.4 1.0
Gases 1.3 1.15

12. The air in a gas turbine plant is taken in L.P compressor at 293 K and 1.05 bar and after compression it is passed through intercooler where its temperature is reduced to 300 K.

The cooled air is further compressed in H.P. and then passed in the combustion chamber where its temperature is increased to 7500C by burning the fuel. The combustion products expand in H.P. turbine which runs the compressors and further expansion is continued in L.P. turbine which runs the alternator.

The gases coming out from L.P. turbine are used for heating the incoming air from H.P. compressor and then expanded to atmosphere. Pressure ratio of each compressor = 2, Isentropic eciency of each compressor stage = 82% , isentropic eciency of each turbine stage =82%, effectiveness of heat exchanger = 0.72, air ow = 16 kg/s, calorific value of the fuel = 42000 kJ/kg , Cv( for gas)=1.0 kJ/kg K, Cp(for gas)= 1.15 kJ/kg K, (for air) = 1.4, ( for gas) = 1.33.

Neglecting the mechanical, pressure and heat losses of the system and fuel mass also determine the following (a) The power output (b) Thermal eciency (c) Specific fuel consumption. [16]

Set – III

Code No: 09A50301
R09 Set No.
1. Explain the procedure of balancing ledger accounts. [15]
2. Write short note on
(a) Time series
(b) Regression
(c) Accountability
(d) Test marketing. [15]
3. How is macro economics useful to managerial economics? Discuss. [15]

4. From the following information calculate following ratios
(a) Gross profit ratio,
(b) Current ratio,

(c) Stock turn over ratio.
Sales 2520000
Cost of sales 1920000
Net profit 360000
Opening stock 300000
Closing stock 500000
Other current assets 760000
Fixed assets 1440000
Net worth 1500000
Debts(long term) 900000
Current liabilities 600000
5. Working capital is the nerve centre of business. Explain. [15]

6. Define public enterprises. Explain the recent achievements of public enterprises. [15]
7. Explain why a firm cannot have Iso quants intersecting each other. How a return to scale is captured in an Iso quant map? [15]
8. In real life neither perfect competition nor monopoly situation are found. Discuss. [15]

Set – IV

Code No: 09A50301
R09 Set No.
1. What do you mean by discounting of cash ows? [15]
2. Define breakeven point. Explain the rationale behind its decision. [15]

3. Write short note on:
(a) Substitutes
(b) Complementary goods
(c) Gien goods. [15]

4. What is registration? Advantages & eects of non – registration. [15]
5. What is the impact of substitutes and complements on demand of a product? [15]
6. Explain briefly accounting concepts and conventions. [15]
7. Explain the meaning of the term analysis of financial statement. Who are interested in this analysis? [15]

8. Discus the situation under which economic eciency demands that the market structure be a monopoly. [15]

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