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Legal Education & Research Methodology LLM Question Paper :

Name of the University : Karnataka State Law University
Degree : LLM (Constitutional Law )
Subject Code/Name : Legal Education & Research Methodology
Semester : IV
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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KSLU Legal Education Question Paper

Second Semester LL.M. Examination, June 2013
Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 80

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1. Answer all Questions.
2. Figures to the right indicate marks.
3. Answer one essay type and one short note question from each Unit.

Sample Questions

Q. No. 1. (a) Clinical Legal Education is concomitant for better legal Education – Elucidate. OR
Explain the merits and demerits of lecture method.
(b) Write short notes on :
Examination system. OR
Organisation of Seminar.

Q. No. 2. (a) Explain Doctrinal Research in law ? Distinguish Doctrinal and non-doctrinal research. OR
Discuss the status of socio-Legal Research in India.

(b) Write short notes on :
Inductive method. OR
Merits of empirical Research.

Q. No. 3. (a) What is bibliography ? State the significance of Bibliographical research in law. OR
Enumerate the relevance of legislations and precedents in legal research.
(b) Write short notes on :
Report of law commissions. OR
Selection of a research problem.

Q. No. 4. (a) What is Research Design ? Examine the implications of a research without research design. OR
Discuss observation method as a data gathering tool.
(b) Write short notes on :
Sampling OR
Comparative Research.

Q. No. 5. (a) Discuss various methods of writing thesis. OR
Explain the relevance of research report and what are the broad outlines of research reports.
(b) Write short notes on :
Writing skills OR
Tittle of the thesis.

II Semester of LL.M. ( IPR/Const/B &T) Examination, June/July 2014 :
Duration : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1. Answer all questions.
2. Figures to the right indicate marks.

Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the merits and demerits of lecture method of teaching law. OR
Discuss the problems relating to examination system and evaluation.
(b) Write a note on :
Student participation in law school programmes. OR Legal aid.

Q. No. 2. (a) Explain the significance of empirical research in legal research. OR
Discuss the status of socio-legal research in India.
(b) Write a note on :
Inductive method. OR
Non-doctrinal research.

Q. No. 3. (a) Enumerate the significance of legislation and precedents in legal research. OR
What is a research problem ? How do you identify a good research problem.
(b) Write a note on :
Foreign periodicals and its relevance in research. OR
Subordinate legislation and its use in legal research.

Q. No. 4. (a) What is sampling ? Explain different types of sampling. OR
Explain the significance of case study method in legal research.
(b) Write a note on :
Historical Research OR
Scaling technique.

Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the art of writing the thesis. OR
Explain the use of bibliography and footnotes in legal research.
(b) Write a note on :
Chapterization. OR
Title of the thesis.

Second Semester LL.M. Examination, January 2012 :
Q.No. 1. (a) Explain discussion method of teaching. How far it is suitable in teaching at post graduate level ? OR
Discuss the objectives of legal education. What are the problems and prospects of legal education in India ?
(b) Write a note on :
Lecture method of teaching. OR
Law Reforms.

Q.No. 2. (a) Distinguish between doctrinal and non-doctrinal research with illustration. OR
Discuss various limitations of socio legal research in India.
(b) Write a note on :
Deductive method. OR
Merits of empirical research.

Q.No. 3. (a) Explain the method of discovering the “rule of a case” and how do you ensure that the case is not over ruled. OR
Explain the significance of Juristic literature and juristic writing in legal research.
(b) Write a note on :
Bibliographical research. OR
Significance of foreign decisions in legal research.

Q.No. 4. (a) Explain the process of analysis and interpretation of data. OR
Explain the significance of comparative research in legal research.
(b) Write a note on :
Types of sampling. OR
Computerized Research.

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  2. What is a research problem? Identified the problem of research? How could you solve the research Problem?

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