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R05311002 Industrial Instrumentation B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the College : Sphoorthy Engineering College
University : JNTUH University
Department : Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering
Year : December 2011
Degree : B.Tech
Year/Sem : III/I Year
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Industrial Instrumentation Question Paper :

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Time: 3 hours

Related : Sphoorthy Engineering College 09A51004 Principles of Electronic Instrumentation B.Tech Question Paper :

Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions :
All Questions carry equal marks :
1. Explain how an infrared radiation detector is scanned across an object. [16]
2. (a) Describe briefly about the basic principle of resolution counters and timers.
(b) Discuss in detail deflection type accelerometer. [8+8]

3. What are load cells? Describe a magneto elastic load cell and strain gauge load cell. How do they dier in operation aspects? [16]
4. Explain the concepts of contacting and non-contacting type of length measurement with examples. [16]

5. Explain a mechanical method for measurement of density. [16]
6. What is the use of Microphone and explain the types of Microphones. [16]
7. What is vacuum gauge? What are the different types of vacuum gauges? Explain. [16]
8. Explain on what principle the vortex meter operate along with the diagram. [16]

Code No: R05311002
Industrial Instrumentation : R05 Set No. 4
Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering :
Time : 3 hours
Max Marks : 80
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain on what principle the vortex meter operate along with the diagram. [16]
2. What is the use of Microphone and explain the types of Microphones. [16]

3. (a) Describe briefly about the basic principle of resolution counters and timers.
(b) Discuss in detail detection type accelerometer. [8+8]
4. What is vacuum gauge? What are the different types of vacuum gauges? Explain. [16]

5. Explain how an infrared radiation detector is scanned across an object. [16]
6. What are load cells? Describe a magneto elastic load cell and strain gauge load cell. How do they dier in operation aspects? [16]

7. Explain the concepts of contacting and non-contacting type of length measurement with examples. [16]
8. Explain a mechanical method for measurement of density. [16]

Code No: R05311002
Industrial Instrumentation : R05 Set No. 1
Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering :
Time : 3 hours
Max Marks : 80
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is vacuum gauge? What are the different types of vacuum gauges? Explain. [16]
2. Explain on what principle the vortex meter operate along with the diagram. [16]
3. Explain how an infrared radiation detector is scanned across an object. [16]

4. (a) Describe briefly about the basic principle of resolution counters and timers.
(b) Discuss in detail defection type accelerometer. [8+8]
5. Explain the concepts of contacting and non-contacting type of length measurement with examples. [16]

6. What is the use of Microphone and explain the types of Microphones. [16]
7. Explain a mechanical method for measurement of density. [16]
8. What are load cells? Describe a magneto elastic load cell and strain gauge load cell. How do they dier in operation aspects? [16]

Industrial Instrumentation SET 3 :
Electronics And Instrumentation Engineering :
Time : 3 hours
Max Marks : 80
Answer any FIVE Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
1. What is the use of Microphone and explain the types of Microphones. [16]
2. Explain the concepts of contacting and non-contacting type of length measurement with examples. [16]

3. What is vacuum gauge? What are the different types of vacuum gauges? Explain. [16]
4. (a) Describe briefly about the basic principle of resolution counters and timers.
(b) Discuss in detail deflection type accelerometer. [8+8]

5. What are load cells? Describe a magneto elastic load cell and strain gauge load cell. How do they dier in operation aspects? [16]
6. Explain how an infrared radiation detector is scanned across an object. [16]
7. Explain a mechanical method for measurement of density. [16]
8. Explain on what principle the vortex meter operate along with the diagram.

Basic Clinical Sciences-II B.Tech Question Paper :
All questions carry equal marks :
1. Define orthopedics. Write in detail about different types of joints with suitable examples and the movements at these joints. [15]
2. Discuss the requirements in setting up a blood bank. Describe types of blood groups and their significance. [15]

3. Define Anesthesia and classify general anesthetics. Discuss the various laws of gases and uptake of gases and vapors. [15]
4. Describe plethysmography and its applications in medicine. [15]
5. Discuss the principles of Radiotherapy, radio resistance and modification of radiation response. [15]

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