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Database Management Systems B.Tech Question Paper :

Name of the College : Government Engineering College
Department : Computer Science Engineering
Year : May 2013
Degree : B.Tech
Sem : VI
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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GECWYD DBMS Question Paper

Vl Semester B.Tech. Degree (Reg./Sup./lmp. – lncluding Part Time) Examination, May 2013 (2007 Admn. Onwards)

Related : Government Engineering College Computer Programming B.Tech Question Paper :

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

November 2012

Answer all questions.
1. a) Briefly explain the role of any five actors on scene.
b) Explain client server architecture of DBMS.
c) What is referential integrity ? How it is implemented using SQL ?
d) Explain fullfunctional dependancy and 2nd normalform.
e) Write a note on magnetic storage devices.
f) Differentiate between fixed length and variable length records. Give illustrations.
g) Explain basic time stamp ordering method.
h) Explain the procedure of recovery based on immediate update in a single use environment.
2. a) Draw an E-R diagram for a hospital management system. Assume suitable entity and relations. 10
b) Explain recursive relation with an example. 5
3. a) With example for each, explain
1) entity 2) attribute 3) instance
4) metadata 5) schema (2×5=10)
b) Explain 3-schema architecture of DBMS. 5
5 each
4. a) State 1NF, 2NF, 3NF. Convert the following table to 1, 2, 3 normalforms.
Assume and mention the functional dependency. 10
Student-No Itudent-Name lourse-Code lCourse-Lenglh(yrs) Unit-Code Unit-Name llecturer Name
b) What is correlated nested query ? Explain with an example.
5, a) Consider the following relations. Write relational algebra statements for the following :
Student (ssn, name, address, majofl Course(code, title) Registered(ssn, code)
i) List the codes of courses for which no student is registered.
ii) Names of students and the titles of courses they registered to.
iii) The titles of courses for which no student is registered.
iv) SSNs of students who are registered for’Database Systems’or’Analysis of Algorithms’.
v) Number of students registered for a course.
b) What are views ? Show how views are created and used ?
a) Explain any five operation on files.
b) Write a note on RAID organization levels.
7″ a) Write a note on :
i) lnternal hashing
ii) Collision resolution.
Explain the structure of B+ trees.
What is the need of concurrency control ? Illustrate the problem urith suitable example.
b) Explain 2 phase commit protocol.
9. a) Explain deadlock problem. How wait for graph is used in deadlock ? Explain any one solution approach.
b) How do you find whether the given schedule is conflict serializable ? Explain the steps.

November 2011

Third Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, :
Data Sthucture And Algorithms :
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
instruction : Answer all questions.
1. a) What is primitive data types ? Explain with example. (5×8=40)
b) what is time and space complexity ? How it can be measured ?
c) What is Queue ? Explain insert and delete operations on queue.

d) What is linked list ? What are various operations that cafi be performed on linked list ?
e) Explain different tree traversals with simple examples’
f) Give difference between tree and graph. How do you represent it by array linked list ?
g) What is hashing and hashing collision ? Give suitable example.
h) Explain insertion sort with suitable example’

2. A) i) How do you declare a2 dimension array ? Give a formula in Row-major-order to get the array’s ith row and jth column. 6
ii) What is recursion ? Explain recursive algorithm to find nth Fibonacci. Give recursive stack structure for Fibonacci (4) i.e” fib. (4)’ I
B) i) How take place important role in recursive call ? Explain stack structures for factorial of a number. 6
ii) What are various notations used to denote the complexity of an algorithm ? Explain in brief. 9

3. A) i) What is queue data structures ? Explain array implementation of queue.
ii) Write an algorithm to traverse the linked list from head to tail and tail to head.
B) i) Write a note on linear data structures. What and all data structures belongs to linear data structures ? Give example and also represent these data structures as they operate.
ii) Write a note on stacks and operations performed on stacks.

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