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Engineering Physics B.E Model Question Paper :

Name of the College : P.E.S College of Engineering
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Subject Name : Engineering Physics
Degree : B.E
Sem : I/II
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Document Type : Model Question Paper

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Engineering Physics Question Paper :

I/II Semester B.E. Degree Examination :
Time: 3 Hrs.

Related : P.E.S College of Engineering P08ME45 Fluid Mechanics B.E Model Question Paper :

Max Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full Questions choosing TWO Questions from PART-A, TWO Questions from PART-B and ONE Question from PART-C.

Physical constants: Electron mass, m = 9.11×10-31Kg, Electron charge, e = 1.602×10-19C, Velocity of light, c = 3×108 ms-1, Planck’s constant, h = 6.625×10-34Js, Boltzmann constant, K =1.38×10-23JK-1, Avagardo number, N = 6.025×1026/K mole, Permitivity of vacuum, €0 = 8.85×10-12Fm-1
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions by choosing at least TWO questions from each part

1 a) What is black body? Discuss in briefly Wein’s and Rayleigh-Jean’s law to explain blackbody radiation.
b) Explain Planck’s quantum hypothesis. Derive Planck’s law of radiation.
c) State and explain Stefan-Boltzmann law.

2 a) Discuss the effect of temperature and impurity on electrical resistivity of metals.
b) Define density of states. Derive an expression for the density of states for conduction electrons per unit volume of metal.

3 a) Explain i) Bravais lattice ii) Lattice parameters. Distinguish between unit cell and primitive cell.
b) Explain the origin of continuous X-ray spectrum.

c) Derive Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction.
First order Bragg’s reflection occurs when a monochromatic beam of X-ray of wavelength 0.675Å is incident on a crystal at a glancing angle of 4.85°. What is the glancing angle for third order Bragg’s reflection to occur?

4 a) What are matter waves? Describe the Davison and Germer experiment to determine the wave nature of electrons.
b) Write a note on eigen values and eigen functions.
c) Calculate the deBroglie wavelength associated with an electron with a kinetic energy of 2000eV.

5 a) What are the postulates of special theory of relativistic? Derive an expression for relativity variation of mass with velocity.

b) Derive the Einstein’s energy mass relation and obtain the expression for energy and momentum of the particle. the total energy of a particle is exactly thrice its rest energy, what is the velocity of article?

6 a) Describe the different types of dielectric polarization.
b) What are dielectrics? Derive an expression for internal field in the case ofdielectric solids.

c) The dielectric constant of sulphur is 3.4. Assuming a cubic lattice for its structure, calculate the electronic polarizability of sulphur. Given for sulphur density = 2.07X103 Kg/m3 and atomic weight = 32.07.

7 a) Explain the phenomenon of superconductivity and Meissner effect.
b) Describe Type-I and Type-II superconductors.
c) Write a note on i)High temperature superconductors and ii) Maglev vehicle.

8 a) Write a note on carbon nanotubes.
b) Describe the principle and method used in the ‘Non-Destructive Testing of materials’ for defects using ultrasonics.

c) The velocity of longitudinal and transverse ultrasonic waves in a metal of density 2.71gm/cc is 6.42km/s and 3.04km/s respectively. Calculate the Poison’s ratio, Young’s modulus and rigidity modulus of the metal.

Syllabus :
Unit – I : Elastic and Dielectric properties of Materials
a) Elastic properties of materials : Elasticity, relationship between modulli (qualitative) and Poisson’s ratio, stress-strain diagram, bending of beams – bending moment, expression for Young’s modulus – uniform bending (theory), applications; I-shaped girders, problems.

b) Dielectric properties of Materials : Electric dipole, dipole moment, Dielectric constant and polarization of dielectric materials. Types of polarization. Relative permittivity. Piezoelectricity, Ferroelectricity. Equation for internal fields in liquids and solids (one dimensional). Clausius-Mossotti equation. Dielectric losses. Important applications of dielectric materials. Problems. 10 hrs

Unit – II : Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics
a) Modern Physics : Black body radiation spectrum. Statements of Wien’s law, Rayleigh- Jean’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann’s law and Planck’s law (Qualitative). Wave-Particle duality, deBroglie concept of matter waves and their characteristic properties, Phase velocity, Group velocity and Particle velocity, Relation between them. Expression for deBroglie wavelength using group velocity concept, Problems.

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