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Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I B.Pharm Question Paper :

Name of the College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : BPH103/PPharmaceutical Chemistry-I
Sem : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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Subject Code: BPH103
Paper ID: 0101104

Related : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre Pharmaceutical Analysis-I B.Pharm Question Paper :

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Explain Hard and Soft acid-base (HSAB) concept?
b) Define Pyrogen and mention the significance of LAL test?

c) How will you prepare Activated Charcoal? Discuss its pharmaceutical importance?
d) Define sequestering agents with examples.
e) What do you mean by Blue, White and Green vitriol?

f) Explain the term half life and isotope?
g) Differentiate between Lugol’s solution and Iodine tincture.
h) Discuss the colour coding system for Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide storage cylinders.

2. Classify Gastro intestinal agents with suitable examples. Give the method of preparation and assay of any three antacids. (3+9=12)

3. Write notes on any three of the followings: (3×4=12)
a) Limit test for chloride
b) Sterile Water for Injection
c) Boric Acid
d) Antidotes
4. What is the basis and importance of Limit test? Describe the Limit Test for Arsenic. (4+8=12)

5. Give the method of preparation, assay and uses of any three of the following: (3×4=12)
a) Calamine
b) Calcium gluconate
c) Sodium fluoride
d) Zinc sulphate
6. Define Haematinics? Give the method of preparation, tests for purity, identification test and uses of any two official compounds of iron. (2+10=12)

7. Attempt the followings: (3×4=12)
a) Hazards and precautions of Inorganic radiopharmaceuticals.
b) Expectorants
c) Anaesthetics

8. a) What is Replacement Therapy? Discuss the role of different ions used in Replacement Therapy. (3+3=6)
b) What is Radio Activity? How the radiopharmaceuticals are produced? (3+3=6)

1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Citric acid is added in limit test of Iron. Why?
b) Define antacids. Classify with examples.

c) Give identification test for Zinc Sulphate.
d) What do you mean by decay constant?
e) Define inhalants. Give two examples.

f) Compare Light and Heavy Magnesium carbonate.
g) Define Intracellular and Extracellular fluids.
h) Define Antidote. Give two examples.

2. Attempt any Three. (3×4=12)
a) Write a note on combination antacids.
b) What are the major physiological ions? Discuss any one in detail.
c) Give the method of preparation and uses of boric acid and nitrous oxide.
d) Write a note on pharmaceutically acceptable glass.

3. Attempt any Three. (3×4=12)
a) Discuss limit test for chlorides.
b) Give method of preparation and uses of Ammonium chloride.
c) Give method of preparation and uses of Sodium metabisulphite.
d) Discuss role of fluorides in dental care.

4. Attempt any Three. (3×4=12)
a) Give the method of preparation of Sodium chloride and Calcium gluconate.
b) Write a note on electrolytes used for replacement therapy.
c) Write a note on adsorbents and protectives.\
d) Write a note on pharmaceutical buffers.

5. Attempt any Two. (2×6=12)
a) What are Hematinics? Explain the role of iron in body.
b) Discuss the importance of essential and trace elements in Pharmacy.
c) Write a note on measurement of radioactivity.

6. Attempt any Two. (2×6=12)
a) What are radiophrmaceuticals? Discuss any three clinical applications.
b) Explain the terms co-ordination and complexation.
c) Discuss water for injection and sterile water for injection

7. Attempt any Two. (2×6=12)
a) What are the sources of impurities in pharmaceutical substances? Illustrate your answer giving suitable examples.
b) Discuss limit test for arsenic.
c) Discuss physiological acid base balance.

8. Attempt any Two. (2×6=12)
a) Discuss various hazards and precautions to be taken in handling of radiopharmaceuticals.
b) Explain preparation and uses of following
i) Dried aluminium hydroxide gel
ii) Potassium permanganate
c) Discuss ORS therapy.

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