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Remedial Biology B.Pharm Question Paper :

Name of the College : Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : BPB101/Remedial Biology
Sem : I
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TMU Remedial Biology Question Paper

Subject Code: BPB101
Paper ID: 0671102

Related : Teerthanker Mahaveer Dental College & Research Centre Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I B.Pharm Question Paper :

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Write short notes on any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Amoeba.
b) Mites
c) Plasmodium
d) Dicot Seed
e) Vascular bundles
f) Thallophyta
g) Karyokinensis
h) Parts of flowering plant

2. Describe general structure and life history of mosquito. (12)
3. What are adventitious roots? Explain different types of adventitious roots with diagrams. (12)

4. Differentiate between the following: (3×4=12)
a) Angiosperm and Gymnosperm
b) Phylloclade and Phyllode
c) Fibres and Sclereids

5. Write notes on the following: (6+6)
a) Draw and explain the structure of Ascaris
b) Draw and explain the structure of plant cell.

6. Explain meiosis in detail with illustrations. (12)
7. Describe life history of trypanosoma (12)
8. Explain modifications of leaves with diagrams. (12)

April 2008-09

Subject Code: BPB-101
Paper ID: 0671102
Remedial Biology
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Write short notes on any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Ascaris
b) Housefly
c) Aggregate fruits
d) Sclerenchyma

e) Aestivation
f) Gymnosperm
g) Animal cell
h) Cytokinensis
2. Describe general structure and life history of silk worm. (12)

3. Write notes on: (6+6)
a) Different types of veination
b) Different types of simple fruits

4. Write difference between the following: (3+3+3)
a) Tracheids and Vessels
b) Sucker and Rhizome
c) Stem and Root

5. What is Mitosis? Write down various stages with diagrams. (12)
6. a) Draw a well labeled diagram of transverse section of dicot and monocot, roots. (6)
b) Explain complex permanent tissues and its various types with diagrams. (6)

7. a) Describe life history of plasmodium. (6)
b) Modifications of tap root with diagrams. (6)
8. Explain with diagrams: (6+6)
a) Underground or subterranean stem.
b) Classification of plant kingdom.

April 2010-11

Course Code: BPB101
Paper ID: 0671101
Fundamental Biology
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Briefly describe any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Tissue.
b) Animal kingdom
c) Plant kingdom
d) Transverse section of monocot leaf

e) Diagram of flower
f) Structure of amoeba
g) Diagram of plant cell
h) Difference between plant and animal cell

2. Give general structure and life history of following: (6×2=12)
a) House fly
b) Mosquito
3. What are meristemetic tissues? Classify the meristemetic tissue with the help of diagrams. (12)

4. Explain in detail about the monocot and dicot stem with help of diagrams. (12)
5. Draw a well labeled diagram of transverse section of monocot root and explain it. (12)
6. What is cell division? Explain Meiosis in detail with illustration. (12)

7. Write notes on any three: (4×3=12)
a) Xylem
b) Phloem
c) Bark
d) Bulb
e) Bud

8. Discuss the life cycle and structure of followings: (6×2=12)
a) Taenia solium
b) Amoeba

May 2008-09

B.Pharm III Semester Examination
Subject Code : BPH302
Paper ID : 0673102
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 75
Note : Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (3×5=15)
a) Define the term “coca leaf” and “opium”.
b) Differentiate between misbranded drugs and spurious drugs.

c) Write a note on Pharmacist oath.
d) Write a note on restricted licenses.
e) Define “drugs” and “loan license”.

f) What do you mean by central register?
g) Write a note on offences and penalties in the contravention of the provisions of Drugs and Magic Remedies Act.
h) What do you mean by schedule G and schedule J of Drugs and Cosmetics Act?

2. Describe the constitution of Pharmacy council of India. What are education regulations and how are they implemented by PCI? (12)
3. Describe the constitution and functions of (i) Drug Technical Advisory Board (ii) Drug Consultative Committee. (12)
4. What are the qualifications for appointment as a drug inspector? Explain their duties and procedures. (12)

5. Define narcotic drugs. Briefly explain the procedure for entry, seizure and arrest under the act and name the authorities which are empowered to do so. (12)
6. Discuss the provisions relating to manufacture of Ayurvedic and Homeopathic preparations containing alcohol. Can an Ayurvedic practitioner manufacture alcoholic preparations for his own patients? (12)

7. Discuss the provisions of Medical Termination of Pregnancy act 1971 relating to the approval of a place for the termination of pregnancy. (12)
8. Discuss the essential requirements of building, space, equipments outlined in schedule M for the manufacture of drugs.

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