Neurochemistry & Neuropathology M.Ch Question Bank :
Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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(3 Years Course) PART-I :
2013-2014 :
(5 Years Course) PART-II :
1990-2000 :
2001-2014 :
Neurochemistry & Neuropathology :
Related : TNMGRMU Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology M.Ch Question Bank :
Q.P. Code:181562
Time: 3 hours
Maximum :100 marks
(180 Min)
I .Elaborate on: (2x15marks=30marks)
1. Describe the Pathophysiology of Tuberculous meningitis. Mention the complications of Tuberculosis meningitis and their management.
2. Chiari Malformations. Mention the various theories for Formation of Syringomyelia in the presence of Chiari malformation.
II .Write short notes on: (10x7marks=70marks)
1. Wallerian degeneration
2. Rathke’s Cleft Cyst
3. Subacute combined Degeneration of the Spinal Cord
4. Colloid Cyst of Third Ventricle
5. Acetyl Choline
8. Glioblastoma Multiforme
10. Haemangioblastoma
AUGUST 2013 :
I. Elaborate on: (2X15=30)
1. Classify tumours of the posterior third ventricle. Enumerate the role of tumour markers in arriving at a diagnosis of posterior third ventricle region tumours.
2. Describe the biochemical changes at the cellular level following trauma to the brain.
II. Write notes on: (10X7=70)
1. Dopamine.
2. Phenytoin.
3. Melatonin.
4. Vasogenic oedema.
5. Histopathological classification of pituitary adenoma.
6. Aseptic meningitis.
7. Epidermoid tumours.
8. Rathke’s cyst.
9. Pathophysiology of tuberculous meningitis.
10. Tonsillar herniation.
I. Elaborate on: (2X15=30)
1. Pathology of posterior third ventricular tumors.
2. Cellular events during a seizure.
II. Write notes on: (10X7=70)
1. Describe the pathology of medulloblastoma.
2. Describe the pathology of primary CNS lymphoma.
3. The role of proliferative indices in the management of meningiomas.
4. Describe the mechanism of action and side effects of phenytoin.
5. Describe the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease.
6. Describe the pathology of fungal granulomas.
7. Describe the pathology of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors.
8. The role of p53 and EGFR in gliomas.
9. The production and action of dopamine in the CNS.
10. Describe the pathology of radiation necrosis.
AUGUST 2014 :
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Discuss the WHO classification of astrocytomas and the role of immunocytochemistry in these tumours.
2. Discuss the various types and pathophysiology of cerebral edema.
II. Write notes on: (10 x 7 = 70)
1. Anti oedema measures.
2. Growth hormone secreting adenoma.
3. Signalling pathways in medulloblastoma.
4. Aseptic meningitis.
5. Hydatid cyst.
6. Sodium valproate.
7. Transtentorial herniation.
8. Encephaloceles.
9. Cerebral Venous infarct.
10. Methyl prednisolone.
August 2009 :
I. Essays : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Discuss the pathogenesis of cerebral oedema.
2. Discuss the neurotransmitter changes in various movement disorder.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Free radicals.
2. Biochemical changes in Alzheimer’s disease.
3. Neurotrophic factors.
4. Stem cell.
5. Wallerian degeneration.
6. Pathology of diffuse axonal injury.
7. Gliomatosis cerebri.
8. Brain Metastases.
9. Grading for Astrocytoma.
10. Pathology of meningioma.
August 2011 :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Discuss the pathological changes in diffuse axonal injury.
2. Discuss the pathological changes in the spine and spinal cord in cervical spondylotic meylopathy.
II. Write notes on :
1. Dysembryoblastic neuroepithelial tumour.
2. Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy.
3. Pseudorossettes. .
4. Ganglioglioma.
5. Genetics of neurofibromatosis.
6. Oncocytomas.
7. Pituitary apoplexy.
8. GABA.
9. Substance P.
10. Endorphins.
August 2012 :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Enumerate tumor markers and its applications in neuropathology
2. Classify pituitary tumors and discuss their pathology.
II. Write notes on :
1. Fibrous dysplasia.
2. Hyponatraemia in neuro ICU.
3. Choroid plexus papillomas.
4. Intra cranial sarcomas.
5. Lipoma of spinal cord.
6. Anti – oxidants.
7. Biochemical changes in traumatic brain injury.
8. Neuro transmitters of basal ganglia.
9. Pathophysiology of brain abscess.
10. Nerve regeneration
Theory Syllabus :
There will be two streams :
** 6 years Course for post-MBBS candidates (General Surgery 1 year + Neurosurgery 5 years)
** 3 years Course for post-MS (General Surgery) candidates
The evaluation will be in three parts for the 6 years course with examinations as follows :
Part I : General Surgery at the end of the first year
Part II : Basic Neurosciences and Clinical Neurology at the end of the third year
Part III : Neurosurgery at the end of the sixth year
The evaluation will be in one part for the 3 years course, with examination being conducted at the end of three years. The Candidates appearing for Part III Examination of 6 years M.Ch Neurosurgery course and 3 years M.Ch Neurosurgery post M.S course will have the same practical scheme of examination.
PART I (6 years course) :
** Will undergo training in basic principles in General Surgery
** Will preferably be posted for at least 2 months in a Head and Neck Surgery unit for exposure to the anatomy of Head and Neck
** Will undergo an examination at the end of first year of the course in :
i. Paper 1 – Basic Sciences in relation to General Surgery
ii. Paper 2 – General Surgery
** Will undergo Clinical and viva voce examination in General Surgery