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EPA05 Financial Administration B.A Question Bank :

Name of the University : Uttarakhand Open University
Degree : B.A
Subject Code/Name : EPA05 Financial Administration
Year : III
Document Type : Old Question Papers
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Financial Administration :

B.A.III(Bachelor of Art)
Third Year, Examination 2012
Max. Marks :70

Related : Uttarakhand Open University EC04 Uttarakhand Economy B.A Question Bank :

Note : The Question Paper is divided into three sections A, B and C. Answer according to the Instructions given in each section.

What are the salient features of Indian Budgetary System –
What is the procedure for passing the budget by Parliament of India –
Explain the difference between Performance Budgeting and Traditional
What are the main sources
How does the Executive control the financial administration
Write a short essay on the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

Answer any four questions.Each question c 5 marks.

What are the PA-
Explain the difference between Performance Budgeting and Traditional
What are the main sources
How does the Executive control the financial administration
Write a short essay on the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Discuss the merits and demerits of Public Debts
Give a brief account of Consolidated Fund of India.
Mention the sources of finance of village administration

Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark
1 x 10=10

Accounting is the work of the Legislature a the work of the Execution
Choose the correct alternative
How many budgets are there at Federal Level in India –
“Finance is the moving force behind Public Administration”. This statement belongs to
i-Gladen ii-Max Webar iii-Elton Mayo iv-L.D.White
When was the system of accounting separated from auditing in India
i-1966 ii-1967 iii-1976 iv-1986
Who appoints the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee –
i-President ii-Speaker of the Lok Sabha iii-Prime Minister iv-Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

Answer any four questions.Each question c 5 marks.

What are the PA-
Explain the difference between Performance Budgeting and Traditional Budgeting
What are the main sources
How does the Executive control the financial administration
Write a short essay on the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Discuss the merits and demerits of Public Debts
Give a brief account of Consolidated Fund of India.
Mention the sources of finance of village administration

Third Year Examination-2015 :
EC-05 Quantitative Methods :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Note : This paper is of sixty (60) marks divided into three (03) sections A, B, and C. Attempt the questions contained in these sections according to the detailed instructions given therein.

Section – A : (Long Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘A’ contains four (04) long-answer-type questions of fifteen (15) marks each. Learners are required to answer any two (02) questions only. (2×15=30)
1. “Statistics is the science of estimates and probabilities” Explain.
2. Write down the merits and demerits of geometric mean and harmonic mean.
3. Differentiate between equations and identity and solve the following equations
37x + 294 = 95
29x + 37y = 103

4. (a) Define differentiation
(b) Differentiate the following with respect to x.
(i) y = x4 + x2
(ii) y = 4×6 + 2×4 + x3 + 10

Section – B : (Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Section ‘B’ contains eight (08) short-answer-type questions of five (05) marks each. Learners are required to answer any four (04) questions only. (4×5=20)
1. Function of statistics
2. Explain the following :
(a) Column Matrix
(b) Square Matrix
3. Explain the qualities of a good questionnaire.
4. Clarify the general rules for drawing diagrams.
5. Calculate mean if mode is 17 and median is 22.
6. Clarify components of time series.
7. Write short note on Lorenz curve.
8. Explain Venn Diagram.

Section – C :
Note : Section ‘C’ contains ten (10) objective-type questions of one (01) mark each. All the questions of this section are compulsory. (10×1=10)
Tick the correct answer :
1. Total number of books sold by a book seller on different dates is a variable. (True/False)
2. Comulation frequency curve is always an upward rising curve to the left. (True/False)
3. Differentiation of ex = ex. (True/False)
4. Geometric mean of number 3 and 12 is 4. (True/False)

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