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KSEAB SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper 2024-25 Karnataka

Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : SSLC (Class X)
Subject : Social Science
Download : Model Question Paper 2024-25
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KSEAB SSLC Social Science Model Question Paper

I. Four choices are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Choose the correct answer and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 8 × 1 = 8

Related / Similar Question Paper : KSEAB SSLC Science Model Question Paper 2024-25

1. The Governor General who integrated Punjab into the British Empire was
(A) Wellesley
(B) Dalhousie
(C) Cornwallis
(D) Warren Hastings

2. Government of India Act of 1935 acted as the base for the formation of the Constitution of India because
(A) it formed a federal system
(B) it created a separate electoral college
(C) it established Dyarchy at provinces
(D) it promised to improve local self governments

3. India is now recognised as the fifth largest economic power in the world, because of its
(A) policy of non-alignment
(B) globalization and liberalisation policy adopted in 1991
(C) support for disarmament
(D) opposition to imperialism

4. According to Citizens Rights Protection Act of 1976
(A) practice of untouchability is a punishable offence
(B) special responsibilities to the state government to practise untouchability
(C) universal voting powers to all
(D) right to equality to all citizens

5. There was a protest against the MRPL to
(A) protect the environment by the chemical fumes from the oil refinery
(B) protest against the permission given to chop down the trees
(C) protest against the exploitation of women
(D) protest against the construction of dam across Narmada river

6. The largest physiographic division of India is
(A) Norther great plains
(B) Peninsular plateaus
(C) Himalayan mountains
(D) Coastal plains and islands

7. The income and wealth of the country should be distributed equally to all without any discrimination. It is
(A) Social justice
(B) Political justice
(C) Secular justice
(D) Judicial justice

8. Suhas bought an LED TV for Rs. 68,000 from a shop but within the warranty period it stopped working. The shopkeeper did not respond for the warranty and complaint. Now Suhas has to file a complaint at
(A) District Commission
(B) State Commission
(C) Taluk Commision
(D) National Commission

II. Answer the following questions in a sentence each : 8 × 1 = 8
9. Maintenance of army became easy for the English by subsidiary alliance. How ?
10. Why did Adolf Hitler organise an outfit called brown shirts ?
11. What is the main reason for sub-regionalism ?
12. What is prejudice ?
13. Which metal is known as wonder metal of 20th century ?
14. Why is petroleum called liquid gold ?
15. Give two examples for direct tax.
16. Who is an entrepreneur ?

III. Answer the following questions in two to four sentences / points each : 8 × 2 = 16
17. Mention the armed forces of the Central Government which maintains law and order.
Mention the steps taken by India to tackle the challenge of terrorism.

18. What are the ill effects of the dowry system ?
What are the causes for child labour ?

19. What are the contributions of Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana Yogam ?
20. Formation of Andhra Pradesh based on language was inevitable to the Indian Government. Why ?
21. Explain how forest plays an important role in the life of humans.
22. Indian agriculture is gambling with monsoon winds. Justify.
23. Write the importance of public finance.
24. Why is March 15 celebrated as World Consumers Day ?

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