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KSEAB SSLC Beauty and Wellness Model Question Paper 2024-25 Karnataka

Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : SSLC (Class X)
Subject : Beauty and Wellness
Download : Model Question Paper 2024-25
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KSEAB SSLC Beauty and Wellness Model Question Paper

I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its question number and alphabet : 3 × 1 = 3

1. Senders send their messages by the action of
(A) Gestures
(B) Reading
(C) Speaking
(D) Writing

2. Choose the correct example for strength.
(A) Laziness
(B) Confidence
(C) Fear
(D) Difficult to solve mathematical problems

3. Our emotional mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived demands or threats is known as
(A) Emotion
(B) Stress
(C) Motivation
(D) Confidence

II. Answer the following questions :
4. Give any one advice to protect life below water.
5. What is meant by time management ?

III. Answer the following questions :
6. Write any four qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
7. What measures do you take to protect your data from theft or virus ?
Why is it necessary to back up data ?

IV. Answer the following question :
8. Explain the ways to overcome barriers to effective communication.

V. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its question number and alphabet :

9. The muscle that draws the eyebrow downward is
(A) Orbicularis oculi muscle
(B) Corrugator muscle
(C) Procerus muscle
(D) Nasalis muscle

10. Thicker and coarser type of the skin is
(A) Normal skin
(B) Oily skin
(C) Dry skin
(D) Allergic skin

11. The type of thread used in threading is
(A) Thin cotton thread
(B) Thick cotton thread
(C) Silk thread
(D) Woolen thread

12. The safest bleach for skin is
(A) Milk bleach
(B) Soap flake bleach
(C) Cream bleach
(D) Powder bleach

13. The foundation that adds shiny and glossy effect to the skin is
(A) Sheer foundation
(B) Matte foundation
(C) Shimmer foundation
(D) Liquid foundation

14. A product that prevents salon equipment from infection is
(A) Alcohol based solution
(B) Make-up remover
(C) Hydrogen peroxide
(D) Acetone

15. Salon staff are expected to confirm to certain standard that reflects professionalism is
(A) Punctual
(B) Criticizing
(C) Indiscipline
(D) Anger

VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable answer.
16. When the body gets overheated …………………. occurs.
17. To soften lips and reduce crack …………………… is used.
18. Eyeshadows are made up of oils, waxes and ………………… .
19. Another name for toner is ……………………

VIII. Answer the following questions :
21. Write any two temporary hair removal methods.
22. Define threading.
23. Which foundation is suitable for oily skin ?
24. Define contour brush.

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