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KSEAB II PU Psychology Model Question Paper 2025 Karnataka

Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : II PU
Subject : Psychology
Download : Model Question Paper 2025
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KSEAB II PU Psychology Model Question Paper

I. Select the correct alternative from the choice given: 5X1 = 5

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1) The first test intelligence was developed by _________________.
(a) Terman
(b) Goddard
(c) Binet and Simon
(d) Wechsler

2) The personality classification of Introversion and extroversion was given by -__________.
(a) Gordon Allport
(b) Carl Jung
(c)Friedman and Rosenman
(d) Raymond Cattell

3) Life events,daily hassles and experience of crisis are the __________________.
(a)Effects of stress
(b) conflicts
(c)Sources of stress
(d) Coping with stress

4) Binge eating and purging behaviour is
(a) Bulimia Nervosa
(b) Anorexia nervosa
(c)Substance abuse
(d) Alcohol abuse

5) Inborn tendency, Physiological mechanism,Child rearing are the causes of _________ as explored by social psychologists.
(a) Violence
(b) Aggression
(c) Anger
(d) Frustration

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets:
(Phobia, Intrapersonal,16PF, Ego defense mechanism, Conformity, MMPI)

6) Personality test developed by Raymond cattell is ____________.
7) Rationalization is one of the ________________
8) Unrealistic, irrational fear is ___________.
9) _______ is the tendency of people to work as per the norms of the social group to which they belong.
10) _______ involves communicating with oneself.

IV. Answer the following questions in a word or a sentence:
12) Name the three levels of struture of personality given by Sigmund freud.
13) What is frustration?
14) Expand ADHD.
15) What is the aim of cognitive therapy?
16) Define Altruism.

V. Answer any Seven of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences each:
17) Define Creativity.
18) Name the ancient Indian type classification of Personality.
19) What is Social Support?
20) What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?
21) Write any two goals of psychotherapy.
22) What is Self-care?
23) What is Psycho-surgery?
24) What are the psychological effects of pandemic on mental health among general population?
25) What are Stereotypes?
26) What is social distance?
27) Write any two effects of electronic media.

VI. Answer any Six of the following questions in 10 to 12 sentences each:
28) Explain the distribution of intelligence on general population.
29) Discuss Personality classification by Gordon Allport.
30) Differentiate between Eustress and Distress.
31) Explain Dissociative identity disorder.
32) Explain Cognitive behavior therapy.
33) Discuss the effects of natural disaster flooding in recent times at Wayanad, Kerala.
34) Explain the features or properties of attitude formation.
35) Explain environmental effects on human behavior.
36) Explain the characteristics of communication.
37) Explain Auto-kinetic phenomenon.

VII. Answer any TWO of the following questions in 20 to 25 sentences each:
38) Explain Triarchic theory of intelligence.
39) Discuss Friedman and Rosenman theory of personality.
40) Explain the factors influencing Co-operation and Competition.
41) Explain substance abuse disorders.

Part-E (Practical Part):
VIII. Answer any TWO of the following:
42) Write the plan and procedure that you have adopted to compare the self-rating with others rating.
43) Write the plan and procedure that you have followed to determine the personality of the subject by administering Sachs’ sentence completion test.
44) Write the plan and procedure that you have followed to study the effect of fatigue on mental coordination.

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