KSEAB II PU Business Studies Model Question Paper 2025 Karnataka
Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : II PU
Subject : Business Studies
Download : Model Question Paper 2025
Website : https://dpue-exam.karnataka.gov.in/ModelQp2025/frmkmpdamodelpapers
KSEAB II PU Business Studies Model Question Paper
I. Choose and write the correct answer: (5 x 1 = 5)
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1) Whose speciality happens to be ‘personal skill’?
a) Profession
b) Art
c) Science
d) None of these
2) Who is known as father of General Management?
a) Henry Fayol
b) Gilbreth
c) F. W. Taylor
d) Harold Koontz
3) Business environment is a group of ________ powers.
a) Special
b) General
c) Internal
d) Special & General
4) First step in planning process is ________.
a) Setting an objectives
b) Evaluate alternative courses
c) Implementing the plan
d) None of these
5) Under what function of management the relationship between different positions is explained?
a) Planning
b) Communication
c) Organisation
d) Supervision.
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answers from those given in the brackets:
( Formal, Gang plank, State, Promotion, Place mix, Village)
6) _________ communication method can be used in case of emergency.
7) The organisation structure which is based on rules & procedures is called _______ organisation.
8) _________ results in higher responsibility and hike in salary.
9) _________ covers all the activities required to physically move the goods from producers to customers.
10) If not satisfied order of District commission can appeal to the ________ commission.
III. Match the following: (5 x 1 = 5)
11) A B
a) Coordination is i) Process of controlling
b) Needs in hierarchical order ii) The essence of management
c) Taking corrective actions iii)Abraham Maslow
d) Capital Structure iv) Sales Promotion
e) Rebate v) Owners fund and borrowed fund
vi) Management function
IV. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each: (5 x 1 = 5)
12) What is Budget?
13) State any one type of selection tests.
14) State any one element of Directing.
15) Give an example for fixed asset.
16) Write one function of Packaging.
Part- B:
V. Answer any six of the following questions in 2 or 3 sentences each. Each question carries 2 marks: (6 x 2 = 12)
17) State any two Organisational objectives of Management.
18) What is Scalar Chain?
19) State any two importance of Planning.
20) Write any two differences between Authority and Accountability.
21) State first two stages in Staffing Process.
22) Name any two Leadership styles.
23) State any two limitations of controlling.
24) Write twin objectives of financial Planning.
25) Define Marketing.
26) Write any two Consumer Rights.
VI. Answer any six of the following questions in 10-12 sentences each. Each question carries 4 marks: (6 x 4 = 24)
27) Briefly explain any four nature of Principles of Management.
28) Explain any four points to explain how important the understanding of Business Environment for managers is.
29) ‘Balance of payments and changes in foreign exchange reserves’. State the dimension of business environment with which it is related. Write a note on it.
30) Briefly explain the planning function of the management has features throw light on its nature and scope.
31) Which source of recruitment is needed to fill new staff in an organisation? Explain briefly three merits of that source.
32) “A good control system helps an organisation in many ways”- Justify this statement with any four points.
33) The decision in which keeping in view the overall objective of maximising shareholder’s wealth is? Explain any three factors affecting on the above decision.
34) Write any four characteristics of Good Brand Name.
35) Explain four functions of Public Relations performed by the marketing department.
36) Explain in brief four importance of consumer protection from the point of view of business.
Part- D:
VII. Answer any three of the following questions in 20-25 sentences each. Each question carries 8 marks: (3 x 8 = 24)
37) What is Management? Draw the neat diagram which shows the different Levels of Management. Explain them with example.
38) State the four advantages and four disadvantages of Functional Structure.
39) Explain the four methods of On-the-Job and any four methods of Off-the-Job training.
40) Explain Principles of Directing.
41) What is Pricing? Explain the factors affecting price determination.
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