KSEAB II PU Geography Model Question Paper 2025 Karnataka
Organisation : Karnataka School Examination & Assessment Board (KSEAB)
Class Name : II PU
Subject : Geography
Download : Model Question Paper 2025
Website : https://dpue-exam.karnataka.gov.in/ModelQp2025/frmkmpdamodelpapers
KSEAB II PU Geography Model Question Paper
I. Answer the following multiple-choice questions:
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1) Tribes in Kalahari Desert
a) Red Indians
b) Semangs
c) Bushman
d) Bedouins
2) METSAT Satellite helps
a) Television
b) Weather forecast
c) Education
d) Radio
3) Regions of high density of population
a) Australia
b) Deserts
b) Polar regions
d) Southern part of Asia
4) Which one of the following is correctly matched
Dams Reservoir
a) Alamatti – Pampa sagar
b) Bhakra – Gobind sagar
c) Narayanapur – Shastri sagar
d) Tungabhadra – Basava sagar
5) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from codes given below.
List-I List-II
(City) (Name of internation airport)
A. Bangalore 1. Anna international airport
B. Chennai 2. Sahara international airport
C. Hyderabad 3. Kempe Gowda international airport
D. Mumbai 4. Rajiv Gandhi international airport
a) 1 3 2 4
b) 3 1 4 2
c) 2 4 3 1
d) 4 1 2 3
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate words given in the bracket:
(West Bengal, Software, Friedrich Ratzel, Hicky’s Gazette, Giffith Taylor, Damodar)
6) Anthropogeography was written by ______________
7) ___________ is a Quaternary occupation
8) The sorrow of Bengal _____________
9) ___________ is the largest producer of Rice in India
10) The first newspaper in India was introduced by ______________
III. Match the following :
11) A B
a) Origin of Species i) G. T. Trewartha
b) High Death Rate ii) HBJ
c) Shifting cultivation iii) Charles Darwin
d) Silicon Valley of India iv) Sierra Leone
e) longest pipeline in India v) Bangalore
vi) Jhuming
IV. Answer the following questions in a word or a sentence:
12) Define Human Geography.
13) What is density of population?
14) Interpret the word Hamlets
15) What is land use?
16) What do you mean by planning
Part – B:
V. Answer any five of the following questions in 2 to 3 sentences:
17) Mention any two elements of settlement geography
18) Write the components of population growth
19) Mention the different techniques of mining?
20) Give two examples of cultural and religious towns
21) Mention the techniques of rain water harvesting
22) Name the types of iron ore
23) Write the four important types of roads in India
24) Differentiate between export and imports of India
VI. Answer any seven of the following questions in 20 to 25 sentences:
25) What is demographic cycle? Explain the stages of demographic cycle.
26) Write about the world road transport.
27) What are the measures to check the fast growth rate of population in India.
28) Discus the factors affected on human development index in India
29) How is irrigation needed of India
30) Write a note on merits and demerits of green revolution.
31) Which is the geographical condition necessary for the cultivation of coffee?
32) Describe the production and distribution of bauxite in India
33) Present in the conservation and management of minerals and power resources.
34) What are industrial regions? Explain any four major industrial regions of India.
35) Describe the production and distribution of cotton textile industries in India.
36) Select any four major ports of India and explain.
37) Discuss about urban waste disposal of India
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