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Organisation : Sikkim Public Service Commission SPSC
Recruitment Name : Assistant Architect
Document Type : Question Paper
Year : 2024
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SPSC Assistant Architect Question Paper

Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answers for the following questions from the options given below: (1 to 10) (1×10=10)
Once an old lady lost her eyesight and became blind. She called a doctor and agreed to pay him a very big amount if he cured her. But she had a condition that she would not give a single penny, if she was not cured. The doctor came to her house daily for treatment. Day after day he started stealing the lady’s furniture and other valuable things from her house. Every day he took away one thing from the lady’s house. In order to do this, he delayed curing the lady.

He finally cured the lady after he had removed all the furniture and valuable articles from the lady’s house. Now he demanded his fee from the lady. But the lady refused to pay the fees and said that she was not fully cured. The doctor registered a case against her. On being asked by the judge in the court as to why she was not paying the fee, the sharp lady told the court that her eyesight had not fully restored as she could not see the furniture and other articles in the house. The judge was very clever. He gathered what was going on and punished the doctor.

1) Which of the following can be said about the doctor?
(i) He was a cunning doctor
(ii) He was outwitted by the old lady
(iii) He believed he could get away with his deception
Choose the correct code from below:
A) Only (i)
B) Only (i) and (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All of the above

2) Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the story?
A) The lady was still partially blind when she went to the court
B) The doctor was not successful in his dubious plans
C) The judge was clever to understand the situation
D) The lady agreed to pay a huge amount to the doctor if she was fully cured

3) Choose the word · from the options given below, which is most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word ‘registered’ as used in the above passage:
A) Lodged
B) Withdrew
C) Dislocated
D) Uncalculated

4) Choose the word from the options given below, which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word ‘restored’ as used in the above passage:
A) Collected
B) Understood
C) Recovered
D) Rested

5) Which of the following can be said about the old lady?
(i) She was dumb
(ii) She fought for justice
(iii) She was a cheat
Choose the correct code from below:
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (ii) an (iii)
D) All of the above

6) Why did the doctor delay curing the old lady?
A) Because he stole one thing every day from the lady’s house
B) Because he wanted more money
C) Because he disliked the old lady
D) Because the old lady refused to pay the doctor’s fee

7) Choose the word from the options given below, which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word ‘sharp’ as used in the above passage:
A) Fine
B) Intelligent
C) Salient
D) Stinging

8) Why did the doctor register a case against the old lady?
A) Because the old lady was arrogant
B) Because she was a cheat
C) Because she didn’t have the money to pay the doctor’s fee
D) Because the old lady refused to pay the doctor’s fee

9) Choose the word from the options given below, which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the word ‘delayed’ as used in the above passage:
A) Patented
B) Protected
C) Expedited
D) Slowed

10)Why did the old lady tell the court that her eyesight was not fully restored?
A) Because she wanted the cheat doctor to be punished by the court
B) Because she was a habitual liar
C) Because she didn’t want to pay the doctor’s fee
D) Because she was a fraud

Choose the correct words from the options given below to complete the paragraph. (lx5=5)
Fresh bouts (11) __ showers in Darjeeling hills and (12) __ some places in the plains of the sub-Himalayan Bengal triggered multiple landslides and (13) ____ traffic on NHl0 on Thursday, a day after the highway, known as the lifeline of Sikkim and Kalimpong, was reopened (14) __light vehicles (15) ___ a gap of one month.
11)A) of


13)A) opened
B) crossed
C) halted
D) destroyed

14)A) for
B) as
C) from
D) on

15)A) from
B) to
C) exactly
D) after

Choose the correct ANTONYMS for the following words: (lx5=5)
A) Bloated
B) Shrunk
C) Swollen
D) Bumpy

A) Minor
B) Significant
C) Hefty
D) Unnecessary

A) Polished
B) Practicable
C) Lively
D) Fashionable

A) Foolish
B) Lavjsh
C) Straight forward
D) False

C) Virtuous

Given below are jumbled sentences. Out of the given options given below the jumbled sentences, choose the correct one that gives their correct order : (lx5=5)
21)P)Having cancer is often one of the most stressful experiences in person’s life.
Q)They also allow people to learn froni others facing similar situations.
R)The groups are gaining popularity these days as they allow volunteers to talk with cancer patients.
S)But these days there are support groups that help patients cope with the emotional aspects of cancer by providing an opportunity to share feelings and challenge they face with others.
Choose the correct code from below:

22)P)Most of them are in jail because of their circumstances.
Q)Not all prisoners are hardcore criminals.
R)So they deserve a chance to rehabilitate themselves.
S)Therefore, learning a trade would help them reintegrate with society.
Choose the correct code from below:

23)P)But after a while they all began to blur in our memories.
Q) When we arrived in Bangkok, we took a tour of the city’s famous Buddhist temples.
R)However there was one temple, The Temple of Golden Buddha, which left an incredible impression in our hearts and minds.
S) We visited numerous temples that day.
Choose the correct code from below:

24)P)This code contains information about its nature.
Q)Each living organism has DNA code.
R)If this genetic material is altered it would alter the organism.
S) The nature of an individual is determined by the unique genetic material in the code.
Choose the correct code from below:

25)P)The subject taught in Gurukul varied from Sanskrit to Mathematics.
Q)Indian education has its roots in the ancient ages.
R)However this system changed when the British came to India.
S)In those days the Gurukul system was followed.
Choose the correct code from below:

Instructions To Candidates

Read the instructions carefully before answering the questions: –
1. This Test Booklet consists of 20 (twenty) pages and has 81 (eighty one) items (questions).
2. Immediately after the commencement of the examination, you should check that this booklet does not have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or items etc. If so, get it replaced by a complete test booklet.
3. Please note that it is the candidate’s responsibility to fill in the Roll Number and other required details carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet and the separate Answer Sheet provided. Any omission/discrepancy will render the OMR Answer Sheet and separate Answer Sheet liable for rejection.
4. Do not write anything else on the OMR Answer Sheet except the required information. Before you proceed to mark in the OMR Answer Sheet, please ensure that you have filled in the required particulars as per given instructions.
5. Use only Black Ball Point Pen to fill the OMR Answer Sheet.
6. This Test Booklet consist of Multiple Choice-based Questions and conventional questions. The answers to the Multiple Choice-based Questions have to _be marked in the OMR Answer Sheet provided to you.
7. Each item (question) comprises of 04 (four) responses (answers). You are required to select the response which you want to mark on the OMR Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.
8. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the OMR Answer Sheet and the Answer Booklet(s) and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the OMR Answer Sheet and the Answer Booklet(s). You are permitted to take the Test Booklet with you.

9. Penalty for wrong answers in Multiple Choice-based Questions:
(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question.for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted as penalty.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to the question.·
(iii) If a question is left blank. i.e., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.

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