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WBJEEB JEPBN Question Paper Common Entrance Test for Post Basic Nursing : West Bengal JEEB

Organisation : West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB)
Exam Name : JEPBN Common Entrance Test for Post Basic Nursing course
Document Type : Old Question Paper
Year : 2023
Website :

WBJEEB JEPBN Old Question Paper

PART – A :
1. The smallest bone in our body is __________________ :
(A) Malleus
(B) Stapes
(C) Incus
(D) Nasal Bone

2. The light sensitive part of eye is called :
(A) Choroid
(B) Sclera
(C) Retina
(D) Lens

3. Which of the following muscular valve controls the flows of digestive juice from hepatopancreatic duct to duodenum ?
(A) Sphincter of Oddi
(B) Seminular valve
(C) Ileocaecal valve
(D) Pyloric Sphincter

4. Which of the following organs is known as the “Graveyard” of R. B. C ?
(A) Kidney
(B) Liver
(C) Spleen
(D) Gall bladder

5. Which of the following is a part of hind brain ?
(A) Cerebellum
(B) Corpus Calosum
(C) Hypothalamus
(D) Spinal Cord

6. Which of these hormone is made by the Posterior pituitary ?
(B) LH

7. Which one of the following is not a mechanism of child socialization in the family ?
(A) Praise and blame
(B) Observing and learning
(C) Reward and punishment
(D) Study of scriptures

8. With respect to a movie–loving high school girl, a film star forms part of her :
(A) Secondary group
(B) Reference group
(C) Primary group
(D) In group

9. Family formed after marriage is called :
(A) Family of recreation
(B) Monogamous family
(C) Family of orientation
(D) Family of procreation

10. A social norm is :
(A) What everyone adheres to.
(B) An evaluation of the state of affairs as good or bad.
(C) A belief in something as good or desirable.
(D) Is not adhered to by everyone but guides the actions of individuals in social interactions.

11. Rajesh performs poorly in college exam and is angry on his professor for failing him. He then comes home and is served lunch by his mother. He then screams at his mother for overcooking the rice and the sabji being over salted. What kind of defence mechanism is operating over here ?
(A) Intellectualization
(B) Regression
(C) Rationalization
(D) Displacement

12. The formula for calculating I Q is as follows :
(A) (Chronological Age/Mental age) * 100
(B) (Mental age/Chronological Age) * 100
(C) (Mental Age *100)/Chronological Age
(D) (Chronological age * 100)/Mental Age

13. Which part of the brain is responsible for behavioural and emotional responses ?
(A) Pons
(B) Cerebellum
(C) Limbic system
(D) Medulla

14. In the theory of Repression, forgetting results due to :
(A) When previous learning competes with new learning
(B) Pushing unpleasant memories into unconscious
(C) Decay of memory trace
(D) Inadequate practice

15. The maximum effect of a drug is defined by :
(A) Therapeutic index
(B) Potency
(C) Efficacy
(D) Adversity

16. Best indicator of HIV prognosis :
(A) CD4 T cell count
(B) CD8 T cell count

17. Which of the following aminoglycoside antibiotic has the broadest spectrum of antibacterial action ?
(A) Amikacin
(B) Gentamicin
(C) Neomycin
(D) Streptomycin

18. Which of the following food enhances the absorption of an iron supplement ?
(A) Baked potato
(B) Orange juice
(C) Green beans
(D) Fortified Milk

19. Which of the following drugs is an example of proton pump inhibitor ?
(A) Pantoprazole
(B) Famotidine
(C) Ranitidine
(D) Sucralfate

20. The side -effect of notroglycrin is :
(A) Vomiting
(B) Diarrhoea
(C) Headache
(D) Constipation

21. One of the following is not a live attenuated vaccine :
(B) Oral Polio
(C) Measles
(D) Diphtheria

22. The most common causative organism of gas gangrene is :
(A) Clostridium tetani
(B) Clostridium botulinum
(C) Clostridium perfringens
(D) Corynebacterium

23. The temperature that allows for most rapid growth during a short period of time is known as :
(A) Minimum temperature
(B) Maximum temperature
(C) Optimum temperature
(D) Growth temperature

24. Which of the following immunity is obtained during a lifetime ?
(A) Acquired immunity
(B) Active immunity
(C) Passive immunity
(D) None of the above

25. When a particular antigen is mixed with antibody in the presence of an electrolyte at suitable temperature and pH the particles are clumped, this is called :
(A) Precipitation
(B) Agglutination
(C) Electrophoresis
(D) Cataphoresis

Pattern of Question Papers

The paper will contain 100 questions. All questions will be of Multiple- Choice Question (MCQ) type, with four answer options each, of which only one option is correct. Time for the paper is 90 minutes. The questions will be in English language only.
Duration : 90 minutes
No. of MCQ : 100
Full Marks : 100
Carry 1 mark each. Only one option is correct.
Negative marks :- 1/4

The paper will be based on GNM syllabus and will have two parts as follows. The topics and number of questions of the two parts are given below.
a) Part-A: Anatomy, Physiology, Sociology, Psychology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Nutrition, Pathology – 40 Q
b) Part-B: Foundation of Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Obstetrical Nursing, Community Health Nursing – 60 Q

Instructions for Candidates

1. All questions are of objective type having four answer options for each.
2. Each question carries 1 mark each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more than one answer, ¼ marks will be deducted.
3. Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A, B, C or D.
4. Use only Black/Blue ink ball point pen to mark the answer by filling up of the respective bubbles completely.
5. Write Question Booklet number and your roll number carefully in the specified locations of the OMR sheet. Also fill appropriate bubbles.
6. Write your name (in block letter), name of the examination center and put your signature (as is appeared in Admit Card) in appropriate boxes in the OMR sheet.

7. The OMR sheet is liable to become invalid if there is any mistake in filling the correct bubbles for Question Booklet number/roll number or if there is any discrepancy in the name/ signature of the candidate, name of the examination center. The OMR sheet may also become invalid due to folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to it. The consequence of such invalidation due to incorrect marking or careless handling by the candidate will be sole responsibility of candidate.

8. Candidates are not allowed to carry any written or printed material, calculator, pen, log-table, wristwatch, any communication device like mobile phones, bluetooth devices etc. inside the examination hall. Any candidate found with such prohibited items will be reported against and his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled.

9. Rough work must be done on the Question Booklet itself, Additional blank pages are given in the Question Booklet for rough work.
10. Hand over the OMR sheet to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.
11. Candidates are allowed to take the Question Booklet after examination is over.

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