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Digital Computer Organisation M.C.A Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.C.A
Subject Code/Name : Digital Computer Organisation
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2014 :

Alagappa UniversityDigital Computer Organisation Questions

PART A — (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

Related : Alagappa University Management-Principles And Practices M.B.A Model Question Papers :

1. Explain about 9’s and 1’s complement method with
2. Convert the number ( )8 5675.444 into its decimal and
3. Write a short notes on Demultiplexer.
4. State the basic theorems of Boolean Algebra.
5. Design half adder using NAND gates.
6. Explain the operation of D-flip flop.
7. Explain about BCD counter.
8. Explain any two peripheral devices.
9. (a) Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to
10. Convert the following expressions to sum-of-products
11. Draw a circuit for parallel binary adder and explain its
12. Explain the functionality of full adder.
13. Discuss about Random–Access Semiconductor memories.
14. (a) Explain about Magnetic Tape.
15. Explain the block diagram of an I/O interface unit.

C & Data Structures

PART A — (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Write short notes on operators and list out its types.
2. Briefly explain about looping with an example.
3. Write a C program using gets and puts function.
4. Write short notes on pass by value and pass by reference
5. How getchar and putchar functions can be used to read
6. Define Binary tree and its types.
7. Write the algorithm to insert and delete an element in
8. Write short notes on stack operations.
9. Explain in detail about the switch statement with an
10. Discuss the various operations on double linked list.
11. What is stack ADT- Give any one implementation of the stack.
12. (a) Explain the Advantages of using functions. (7)
(b) Write a C program to explain about the built in functions.
13. Write a C program to convert Decimal number to Octal
14. Explain the terms(a) Pointers. (4)(b) Operations on a Pointer. (6)

Relational Database Management Systems

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following questions.

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
2. What do you mean by constraints- Explain with
3. Write short notes on Client/Server systems.
4. Define Query. How it is different from subquery- Explain.
5. Explain the concept of embedded SQL.
6. What are the factors that should be used to evaluate an Indexing technique? Discuss briefly.
7. How data can be manipulated in SQL? Explain.
8. Write short notes on joins in SQL.

Part B :
Answer any FOUR of the following questions.
9. Describe various components of DBMS environment and discuss how they relate to each other.
10. Write a note on
(a) Primary key and foreign key
(b) Self join and equi join
(c) Correlated subquery.
11. Explain briefly about oracle database architecture with neat diagram.
12. Write a brief note on various DML commands with neat syntax.
13. Discuss the ways for modifying and renaming the table with suitable syntax.
14. Describe the importance of oracle precompiler with necessary illustrations.
15. What do you mean by RDBMS? Explain with neat sketch about the components of RDBMS.

Operating Systems

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. Briefly explain the operating system concepts.
2. Write a note on process scheduling.
3. Discuss the concepts of interrupt handlers.
4. Explain in detail about device controllers.
5. Draw the structure of process control block and explain.
6. What is meant by mutual exclusion- Explain.
7. Explain the file structure in a file system.
8. Write the merits and demerits of contiguous allocation for disk space.
9. Briefly explain the operating system structure.
10. Explain in detail about interprocess communication.
11. Write short note on the following :(a) Race condition (5)
12. What do you meant by Deadlock- What are the necessary conditions for occurring deadlock?
13. What is meant by swapping and explain in detail about the analysis of swapping system.
14. What are files and explain the access methods for files.
15. Explain in detail about the security concepts in files.

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