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Physiology-II MBBS Question Bank :

Name of the College: RajaRajeshwari Medical College & Hospital
University : Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Degree : MBBS
Subject Name : Physiology
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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Jan 2008 to Dec 2013 :

Physiology-II :

M.B.B.S. PHASE – I Degree Examination – January 2008 l~
Time: 3 Hrs. [Max. Marks: 100]
PHYSIOLOGY : PAPER II (Revised Scheme)

Related / Similar Question Bank : Pediatrics MBBS Question Bank

QP Code: 1054
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. :
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. :
LONGESSAY : 2 X 9 = 18 Marks
1. Name the cells in the anterior pituitary gland and describe the functions of growth hormone
2. Describe the Nuclei and functions of reticular formation
SHORT ESSAY : 10 X 5 = 50 Marks
3. What is Tetany? Describe signs of latent tetany
4. Explain the refractory periods in skeletal muscle
5. Name the properties of smooth muscle. How do you explain the semi rhythmicity in smooth muscle?
6. Explain the heat loss mechanisms to maintain constant body temperature
7. What is hypothermia and what is the clinical importance of induced hypothermia?
8. Name Cerebellar Nuclei. How is dentale nucleus is connected to motor area of cerebral cortex?
9. Trace the pathway of Rubro spinal tract and write its function
10. Enumerate the structures that form Basal ganglia. Describe their functions
11. What is Rhombergs sign and in what diseases this sign is positive?
12. Name the superficial reflexes. What are the physiological conditions in which Babiniski’s sign is positive?
13. What are pendular movements? In which condition does it take place?
14. What lesions produce patellar clonus and ankle clonus?
15. What are the complications of hyper para thyroid ism?
16. What are the functions of Testosterone?
17. What is cryptorchydism and how it is corrected?
18. What are the structures that produce human chorionic gonadotropius (H.C.G) and mention the functions of H.C.G
19. What is Turner’s syndrome and how it is differentiated from Kline-felters syndrome?
20. What is Diabetes insipidus and what lesions produce this disease?
21. Define Chronaxie and Rheobase?
22. What are fibrillations and fasciculations? How are these recorded?
23. What is Hemiplegia and involvement of which motor tract leads to Hemiplegia?
24. What is Aphasia? Classify Aphasias
25. What is Aguessia? Trace the pathway of taste upto the taste centre?
26. Write briefly the structures in the middle ear. How it is connected to Nasopharynx and what is it’s importance?
27. Name the visual receptors. What are the functions of these receptors?
28. List the changes in the eye balls during accommodation reaction for near vision
16 X 2 = 32 Marks

LONG ESSAY : 2 X 10 = 20 Marks
1. Enumerate the Hormones secreted by Adrenal cortex. Describe the actions of Glucocort.coids. Add a note on Cushing’s syndrome.
2. Define reflex action. Give different types of classifications of reflexes. Describe four important properties of reflexes.
SHORT ESSAY 10 X 5 = 50 Marks
3. Describe the Synthesis of Thyroxine. Describe the clinical features of Hypothyroidism.
4. Describe the actions of Testosterone.
5. Describe Spermatogenesis and factors affecting it.
6. What is referred pain? Give two examples. Describe the theories of referred pain..
7. Enumerate the functions of Hypothalamus. Describe the role of Hypothalamus in food intake.
8. Describe the stages of complete transection of spinal cord.
9. Describe with a neat diagram Olfactory pathway.
10. Describe the mechanism of light and dark adaptation.
11. Describe the mechanism of accommodation. Draw and label accommodation pathway.
12. Enumerate the ways by which heat is lost from the body. Describe the response of the body on exposure to cold.
13. Signs of Tetany.
14. Diabetes insipidus.
15. Milk ejection reflex.
16. Weber Fechner’s law.
17. Enumerate the functions of Prefrontal Lobe.
18. Differences between REMand NREMsleep.
19. Differences between upper and lower motor Neuron lesion.
20. Atenuation reflex.
21. Functions of Auditory Tube.
22. Core and Shell Temparature.

Physiology – Paper II : (Revised Scheme II)
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Long Essay :
1. With the help of suitable diagrams, describe the mechanisms of action of hormones through different system of second messengers
2. List the features of cerebellar disorder. Describe the role of cerebellum in the control of motor functions

Short Essay :
3. Hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in females
4. Cardiovascular and CNS effects of thyroxine
5. Molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction
6. Endogenous pain inhibiting system
7. Role of hypothalamus in temperature regulatiori
8. Hearing tests
9. Rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis
10. Concept of cerebral dominance (categorization of hemisphere)
11. Immediate cardiovascular changes on exposure to hot climate
12. Errors of refraction

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