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Organisation : Tripura Board of Secondary Education
Exam Name : Class XII
Subject : English, Chemistry, Physics
Announcement : Model Question Paper
Year : 2023-24
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TBSE Class XII English Model Question Paper

Model Question : 2023-24
Class : XII
Subject : English
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Total Marks : 80

Section – A (Reading Skills)
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Many of us believe that ‘small’ means ‘insignificant’. We believe that small actions and choices do not have much impact on our lives. We think that it is only the big things, the big actions and the big decisions that really count. But when you look at the lives of all great people, you will see that they built their character though small decisions, small choices and small actions that they performed every day.

They transformed their lives through step-by-step or day-by-day approach. They nurtured and nourished their good habits and chipped away their bad habits, one by one. It was their small day- to-day decisions that added up to make tremendous difference in the long run. Indeed, in matters of personal growth and character building, there is no such thing as an overnight success.

Growth always occurs through a sequential series of stages. There is an organic process to growth. When we look at children growing up, we can see this process at work: the child learns to crawl, then to stand and walk and then finally to run. The same is true in the natural world. The soil must first be tilled and then the seed must be sown. Next, it must be nurtured with enough water and sunlight and only then will it grow into trees laden with ripe fruits.

Gandhi understood this organic process and used this universal law of nature to his benefit. GANDHI GREW IN SMALL WAYS, in his day -to- day affairs. He did not wake up one day and find himself to be the ‘Mahatma’. In fact, there was nothing much in his early life that showed signs of greatness. But from his mid-twenties onwards, he deliberately and consistently attempted to change himself, reform himself and grow in some small every day. Day by day, hour by hour, he risked failure, experimented and learnt from mistakes. In small as well as large situations, he took up the responsibility rather than avoiding it.

This is a common factor in the lives of all great people: they exercise their freedoms and choices in small ways that make great impact on their Iives and their environment. Each of their small decisions and actions, add up to have a profound impact in the long run. By understanding this principle, we can move forward, with confidence, in the direction of our dreams. Often when our ‘ideal goal’ looks too far from us, we become easily discouraged, disheartened and pessimistic. However when we choose to grow in small ways, by taking small steps one at a time, our achievements become easy.

Answer each of the questions given below by choosing the most appropriate option:- 1×5=5
(1) Lives of great people were built
(a) on big decisions
(b) on right choices
(c) one day approach
(d) every day actions

(2) Pick out the word /phrase which is similar meaning to purposely-
(a) Intentionally
(b) deliberately
(c) Consistently
(d) easily

(3) Gandhi became ‘Mahatma’ by-
(a) risking failures
(b)learning from mistakes
(c) taking up responsibilities
(d) all of the above

(4) The word pessimistic in the passage means-
(a) lost
(b) low
(c) negative

(5) What according to the writer is the universal law of nature?
(a) Everything takes time to grow
(b) nothing can change in one day
(c) both a and b
(d) neither a or b

1.2 Answer the following questions in 10 to 15 words:- 1×5=5
(i) How does growth occurs?
(ii) What is done by great people to transform their lives?
(iii) Who is the Mahatma in the passage?
(iv) What is the common factor in the lives of all great people?
(v) How can we can we grow in small ways?

Section – B (Writing Skills)
1. As the cultural secretary of the school draft a notice in about 50 words informing all the students about Speech Competition on AzadiKa Amrit Mahatsob. 4
You are Priya/Pritam, Health Ambassador of your school. You have decided to organise a Workshop to raise awareness of the importance of washing hands. This workshop will be conducted by the school counsellor. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of Class VI–VIII. 4

2. Write an advertisement in Lost & Found column of the local daily stating the loss of your file cover containing important documents while travelling from Sabroom to Agartala in local train in not more than 50 words. 4
You are the Principal of a computer academy. Write an advertisement for publication in the newspaper for admission to various courses in your academy.

3. You are Anand/Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of Chief Chef in a 5-Star Hotel. Apply for the job with complete biodata. Write in 120-150 words. 5
You are Manish Kumar, president of the NGO JYOTI. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the issue of your neighborhood being dirty for a long time and even after complaining to the Municipality they didn’t take any action. Write in 120-150 words.

4. Write an article in 120-150 words on the good and bad sides of Online Learning.5
You are Dipti/Dipak of ABC School in Agartala. Your school has taken the responsibility of special coaching for the underprivileged students of your school. Write a report for your school magazine on this in 120-150 words.

SECTION-C (Literature)
l. Read the given extract carefully and answer the questions that follow:- 1×6=6
“Fishermen in the cold sea
Would not harm whales
And the man gathering salt
Would look at his hurt hands”
i) Where do these lines occur?
ii) Name the poet.
iii) When would fishermen cease harming the whales?
iv) Why do the salt gatherer’s hands hurt?
v) What do these activities mentioned in these lines signify?
vi) How can the quiet moments initiate non-violence?
“Driving from my parent’s
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with pain
that she was as old as she looked.. ”
i) What is the name of the poem?
ii) Name of the poet.
iii) Where was the poet driving to?
iv) Who was sitting beside her?
v) What has the mother’s face been compared to?
vi) Find word from the passage which means-
a) sleep lightly b) dead body c) felt

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About TBSE

Tripura Board of Secondary Education was established in 1973 by an Act (Tripura Act. No.12 ) called Tripura Board of Secondary Education Act, 1973 as passed by Tripura Legislative Assembly. The Board started its functioning from the 1st January, 1976. Intervening period was spent in framing Rules and Regulations, Curricula and Syllabi, and such other guidelines which were being necessary for smooth and active conduct of the business of the Board.

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