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Advanced Marketing Management M.Phil Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Phil
Department : Management
Subject Code/Name : Advanced Marketing Management
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Alagappa Advanced Marketing Management Questions

1. What is the difference between a strategy and a
2. Explain the various interpretations of the term
3. Name some products that might logically be sold

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4. What can department stores do to offset their
5. Which advertising medium is best for advertising
6. What is the product offering of : (a) A Political candidate ;
7. Explain, with examples, the conditions required
8. What are the advertising strategies to be used
9. Distinguish between Leader pricing and Predatory
10. The goals of a modern physical distribution system
11. How should a sales person respond when customers
12. Personal selling should be the main ingredient in
13. (a) Carefully distinguish between Market
(b) List five brand names that you think are good
14. (a) Highlight the concept of skim–the cream
(b) You can eliminate middlemen but you cannot
15. (a) Why is it worth while to pretest
(b) Many countries unfortunately have a low

Set II

Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
1. Briefly define strategic HRM.
2. What are the various sources of Recruitment –
3. Mention the different kinds of Retention strategies.
4. Justify Mentoring as a learning tool.
5. Highlight the need and importance of HR Audit.
6. Make a brief note on OD.
7. Mark the difference between HRM and Strategic HRM.
8. Discuss the use and limitations of HR outsourcing.
9. Critically evaluate the 360 degree performance appraisal.
10. Explain any four methods of Executive Training and Development.
11. Explain the methods of measurement in HR
12. Identify and discuss the major forces influencing HRM in future.
13. (a) What roles do the external environment and competition have in formulating the strategies of HR Department ? (Or)
(b) How and why recruitment methods be evaluated ?
14. (a) If you were to audit an existing performance appraisal systems, what criteria would you use to judge its effectiveness ? (Or)
(b) Bring out the salient features of the incentive schemes followed in Indian Industries.
15. (a) How effective is the bench marking and balanced score card for measuring HR strategy’s contribution to the financial bottomline of a company ? (Or)
(b) Bring out the challenges lying ahead of HRM and highlight the preparations to be made for facing the challenges.


1. What is the difference between a strategy and a policy in marketing management ?
2. Explain the various interpretations of the term New Product.
3. Name some products that might logically be sold under a uniform delivered price system.
4. What can department stores do to offset their competitive disadvantages ?
5. Which advertising medium is best for advertising the following products ?
(a) Microwave ovens and
(b) Personal Computers.
6. What is the product offering of :
(a) A Political candidate ; and
(b) A family-planning organisation ?

Section – II (4 × 6 = 24)
Answer any four of the following questions.
7. Explain, with examples, the conditions required for effective market segmentation.
8. What are the advertising strategies to be used when a product in the growth stage ?
9. Distinguish between Leader pricing and Predatory price cutting.
10. The goals of a modern physical distribution system in a firm should be to operate at the lowest possible total costs—Justify.
11. How should a sales person respond when customers say that the price of a product is too high ?
12. Personal selling should be the main ingredient in the promotional mix for a marketer of services. Do you agree ? Explain.

Section – III (3 × 11 = 33)
Answer all the questions.
13. (a) Carefully distinguish between Market potential and a Sales forecast, using examples of consumer and industrial products. (Or)
(b) List five brand names that you think are good ones and five that you consider poor. Explain the reasoning behind your choices.
14. (a) Highlight the concept of skim–the cream pricing and penetration pricing with suitable examples. (Or)
(b) You can eliminate middlemen but you cannot eliminate their functions. Discuss with suitable examples.
15. (a) Why is it worthwhile to pretest advertisements before they appear in media ? Suggest a procedure for pretesting a magazine ad. (Or)
(b) Many countries unfortunately have a low literacy rate. In what ways might a company adjust its marketing programme to overcome this problem.

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