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Psychology Of The Learner-I B.Ed Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Ed
Department : Education
Subject Code/Name : Psychology Of The Learner-I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Alagappa University Psychology Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A :

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Psychology Of The Learner – I

1. Write notes on Introspection method.
2. What do you mean by educational psychology.

3. What are the different stages of developmental task-
4. What do you mean by emotional development-
5. List any two characteristics of adolescence stage.
6. Write short note on achievement motivation.
7. What is intrinsic motivation-
8. What do you mean by individual difference-
9. List any two functions of hormones in our body.
10. Define learning.
11. What do you mean by span of attention-
12. List any two reasons for forgetting.
13. How do you measure span of memory- Explain.
14. Describe the educational implications of transfer of learning theory.
15. Explain the concept of perception with suitable examples.
16. Describe the law of effect with suitable example.
17. Discuss the educational implications of operant conditioning theory.
18. Suggest ways and means to enhance memory among children.
19. Explain about the pro-active inhibitation with suitable examples.
20. What are the different types of reinforcement-

Part C : (2 × 15 = 30)
Answer all questions not exceeding 750 words each.
21. (a) Describe the Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and its educational importance. Or
(b) Differentiate the terms growth and development. How heredity and environment influence the growth and development of the children? Explain.
22. (a) Explain the Gagne’s theory of learning and its educational implications. Or
(b) What do you mean by problem solving? Describe the factors which affect the problem solving ability of the children.

Teacher & Education In Indian Society – I

1.What are the three Ratnas in Jainism and explain it.
2.Mention the role of teacher in Idealism.
3.What is the significance of Article 45 in the constitution of India-
4.Write down the supporters of social aim of education and their views.
5.What do you mean by National integration-
6.Point out the nature of social change.
7.Write a short note on role of family in education.
8.What is socialism-
9.Explain the stagnation in Education.
10.Bring out the functions of DPEP.
11.What is Universalisation of primary education-
12.Why vocational education is important-

Part B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer any five questions not exceeding 250 words each.
13. Explain the contribution of philosophy to education in vivid manner.
14. Discuss the naturalism and its methods of teaching with educational implications.
15. List out the notable features of National System of Education in ancient India.
16. Describe the development of national system of education in Post Independence period.
17. List out the responsible factors for the social change and explain.
18. Explain the impact of socialism secularism and democracy in Education.
19. Describe the views of Indian Commission on equality of Educational opportunity.
20. Discuss the role of education in preservation of cultural heritage of India.

Part C : (2 × 15 = 30)
Answer all questions not exceeding 750 words each.
21(a) Describe the basic principles of existentialism and its educational implications with regard to aims of education, method of teaching, curriculum and discipline.Or
(b) Discuss the objectives of NPE, 1986 and enlist the characteristics of National System of Education in NPE 1986.
22(a) Explain the importance of Educational Sociology and discuss the role of community in Education. Or
(b) Give a broad comparison of formal and non-formal agencies of education.

Teaching Learning Process – I

1.What is the meaning of curriculum-
2.Explain concentric type of curriculum.
3.What are the steps in curriculum development-
4.What do you mean by utility of curriculum-
5.What is the meaning of Teaching-
6.What is systems approach to teaching-
7.What do you mean by Industrial objectives-
8.What is affective domain-
9.What is Team Teaching-
10.What is panel discussion-
11.What is Co-operative learning-
12.What is CAI- Explain.
13.Explain about programmed instruction.

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  1. Define sensation and perception.

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