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Human Skill Development B.A Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.A
Department :English
Subject Code/Name : Human Skill Development
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Dec 2009 :

Alagappa Human Skill Development Question Paper

(Common for B.A. B.Sc.)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Related : Alagappa University Prose & Communication Skills B.A Model Question Papers :

SECTION A — (5 – 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.

1. What are the merits of good habits-
2. Explain Dais Etiquettes.
3. What are the reasons for people not setting goals-
4. Define competitive negotiation.
5. How do people cope with change-
6. Explain the need for skills in Human Relations.
7. What is conflict- How can one manage conflicts-
8. How can stress be managed-
9. Explain the different levels of functions of the mind.
10. List briefly the meaning, need and factors influencing personality.
11. Elaborate on the steps taken in decision making.
12. What are the styles and qualities of a food leader-
13. Explain the canons of good human relations.
14. What are the ways of developing personality-
15. Define stress. What are the causes and effects of stress-


1. Write a note on body language.
2. How will you make your communication effective-
3. What are the barriers to communication-
4. Explain the importance of preparing a draft of a speech.
5. What are the differences between oral and written communication-
6. What is a topic sentence and how does it make a paragraph effective-
7. How will you increase your word power/vocabulary-
8. Explain and illustrate agenda.
9. What are the different types of report-
10. How does body language help in making communication more effective-
11. What are the different methods of delivering a speech-
12. Write an application for the poet of a sales manager inaching your biodata.
13. What are the principles of oral communication-
14. What are the steps involved in essay writing-


1. Annotate any FOUR of the following taking TWO from each Section :
Section A :
(a) Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
(b) I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(c) It is now she begins to sing-at first quite low
Then loud, and at last with jazzy madness –
(d) Sweet is the shade of the coconut glade, and the
scent of the mango grove,
And sweet are the sands at the full O’ the moon
with the sounds of the voices we love.

Section B
(e) Mark you this, Bassanio,
The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.
(f) The curse never fell upon our nation till now :
I never felt it
till now; two thousand ducats in that; and other
precious, precious jewels
(g) … therefore the poet
Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones and floods;
(h) A Daniel come to Judgement : Yea, a Daniel!
O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!

2. Answer the following questions in THREE pages each :
(a) (i) How does wordsworth describe the beauty of London city while crossing the Westminster Bridge? Or
(ii) Show how ‘‘Night of the Scorpion’’ is typical of Indian rustic scene and philosophy. Or
(iii) Trace the evolution of thought in Wilfred Owen’s ‘‘Strange Meeting’’.
(b) (i) How has Shakespeare contrived to combine the different stories or episodes into the plot of ‘‘The Merchant of Venice’’? Has he succeeded in harmonising them? Or
(ii) Describe the character of shylock, bringing out any redeeming features you may find in him. Or
(iii) Give an account of the circumstances of how Bassanio had to raise the loan and sign the bloody bond.

3. Answer the following questions in ONE page each
(a) (i) Explain the inner meaning of Robert Frost’s ‘‘The Road Not Taken’’. Or
(ii) Give a critical appreciation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet XVIII. Or
(iii) What is the picture visualized by Tagore in his poem?
(b) (i) Bring out the significance of the opening scene in The Merchant of Venice. Or
(ii) How does Portia estimate her suitors? Or
(iii) Write an appreciation of the Moonlight scene.

4. Write an essay on any ONE of the following
(a) The advantages of Travelling. Or
(b) Role of a student in free India. Or
(c) A Holiday in the Country.

5. Write a report on the following
(a) Diwali celebration in your hometown. Or
(b) Blood donation camp conducted in your college. Or
(c) A clash between two groups of people in your village.

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  1. Where can I get Human Skill Development book? Please help me.

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