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Repertory BHMS Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College
Degree : Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Name : Repertory
Year : IV
Document Type : Question Bank
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DKMM Homoeo Repertory BHMS Question Bank

Q.No. 1. Write appropriate answers (10 out of 15) 10×2=20 Marks
1) Write definition of homeopathic repertory.
2) Give broad classification of homeopathic repertory.

Related : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College Surgery BHMS Question Bank :

3) Who is called the father of repertory?
4) What is Allens three-leged stool?
5) Name two homeopathic repertory software.
6) Give two limitations of card repertories.
7) Define repertorial totality.
8) What is artistic prescribing by Kent?
9) What is pathological general symptom?
10) What are puritan repertories?
11) What are basic symptoms of Garth Boriecke?
12) Which Kent’s observation is seen in irreversible cases?
13) What is potential differential field?
14) What are clinical rubrics?
15) What are keynote symptoms?

Section A

1.define repertory.
2.what is prescribing symptom.
3. What is concomitant symptom.
4.write the long form of radar.
5.explain rubric “abrupt”.
6.rubric “somnambulism” is given in which chapter of kents repertory.
7.dreams is given in which chapter of kent.
8.what is cross –refference rubric.
9.classification of symptoms according to garth boerieck.
10. What is keynote symptom.
11. Who is the author of “times of remedies and moon phases” author of complete repertory.
13.who is author of synthetic repertory.
14. I-sis is formerly known as?
15.who is the author of synthesis repertory.

Section B

1. who is the What is the use of common symptoms in case taking?
2. What is the importance of investigations in case taking?
3. What is the use of miasmatic diagnosis in case taking?
4. What is a general symptom?
5. What are characteristic symptoms?
6. What is a pathognomic symptom?
7. What is the classification of general repertories?
8. Give two examples of clinical repertories.
9. What are card repertories?
10. Define repertory
11. Define rubric.
12. What is a subrubric?
13. Rubric ‘somnambulism’ is found in which chapter of kents repertory?
14. ‘dreams’ are given in which chapter of kents repertory?
15. ‘agg. From fish’ is given in which chapter of kents repertory?

Section c

Q2. Write short answers ( any 4 out of 6) 4×5=20
1. limitations of repertory.
2. Methods of repertorisation.
3. Eliminating symptom.
4. Computer repertory.
5. Prescribing symptom.
6. Boenninghausen’s concept of totality of symptom.
7. 1.clinical repertory
8. 2. card repertory.
9. 3.computor repertory.
10. 4.regional repertory.
11. 5.general repertory.
12. 6.concordance repertory
13. Boerickes repertory
14. Eliminating symptom.
15. General symptom.
16. Concomitant symptom card repertories
17. Kent’s evaluation of symptom.

Section D

Q3.write short answers(any 4 out of 6) 4×5=20
1.general symptom
2.particular symptom
3.common symptom
4charecteristic symptom
5.totality of symptom
6.concomittant symptom
1. Bells diarrhoea.
2. Boerickes repertory.
3. Crisis management in Borlands pneumonia.
4. Importance of evaluation symptoms.
5. Prerequisites of repertorization.
6. Remedy differentiation.
7. Bells diarrhea
8. Computer repertory.
9. Importance of common symptoms
10. Repertory is a means and not an end in itself.
11. Prescribing in acute cases.
12. Totality of symptoms.

Q4.Long Answer Question : (Any 2 Out Of 4) 2X10=20
1. Difficulties in taking a chronic case.
2. Write in detail about prescribing symptom
3. Explain uses of repertory in detail
4. Limitations of repertory

1. Describe the relation between repertory,organon and HMM.
2. Importance of record keeping.
3. Difficulties in taking a chronic case.
4. Concordance repertory.
5. Give the sources, philosophy, construction, advantages and limitations of Kent’s repertory in detail.
6. Give the sources, philosophy, construction, advantages and limitations of BBCR in detail.
7. Write down prescribing symptom in detail.

Solve any two out of four : (LAQ) 2X10=20 Marks
a) Advantages of repertory.
b) Difficulties in taking a chronic case.
c) Importance of record keeping.
d) Detailed classification of repertories with two examples of each.

Q5. long answer question :
1.SOURCES of kents repertory
2.philosohy of kents repertory of kents repertory
4.advantages and llimitations of kents repertory

Q6. long answer question :
1.Write sources of BBCR
2.Philosophy of BBCR. of BBCR
4.ADVANTAGES and limitations of BBCR repertory.

Q7. long answer question analysis of symptoms according to…
1. Hahnemann
2. Kent
3. Boeninghausen

Garth boeriecke :
Q5. Write in details about :
1. History of repertory.
2. Evolution of post kentian repertory.
3. Sources of kents repertory.
4. Deductive logic.

Q6. Write in details about :
1. Construction of BTPB
2. Grand generalization.
3. Paucity of symptoms.
4. Reportorial totality.

Q7. Write in details about :
1. Construction of kents repertory.
2. Classification of repertory.
3. Scope and utility of repertory.
4. Cross repertorisatiion

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  1. What is card repertory?

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