Forensic Medicine& Toxicology BHMS Question Bank :
Name of the University : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College
Degree : Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Name : Forensic Medicine& Toxicology
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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Forensic Medicine& Toxicology :
Q.1] Answer (any 10 out of 15) 10 x 2 = 20
(Forensic Medicine)
** Qualification of coroner
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** Two criminal courts in India
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** Time limit for Exhumation in India France Scotland &Germany
** Types of malpraxis
** Number of jury and Types of jury
** What is Hostile witness
** What is Expert Witness
** What is Perjury
** What is Product liability
** Four examples of Documentary evidences
** What is Ethical Malpraxis
** What is Scientific Witness
** Three examples of Priviledge Communications
** Panchnama
** High Court
** What do you mean by Juvenile offender
** Three examples of Contributory Negligence
** Open Verdict
** Dying Declaration
** Dying Deposition
** Act of Omission
** Act of Comission
** Supreme Court
** Consent
** Summons
** Subpoena
** Juvenile Court
** District Court of Session
** Conduct Money
** MO fees
** Indication for Magistrate Inquest
** Coroner Court
** Cognizable Offences
** Non-cognizable Offences
** Leading Question
** Vicarious responsibility
** Circumstantial Evidences
** Exhumation
** How Many Copies of P.M. Reports are Prepared & to whom they are given
** Two examples of Act of Omission in infanticides
** Two examples of Act of Commission in infanticides
** Define Medical Jurisprudence
** What is Starvation
** Rule of Nine
** Rule of Dozen
** Flash Burn
** Immediate causes of death in case of Burn
** Types of Burn
** Pugilistic Attitude
** Boxing Attitude
** Two Methods of Inducing Criminal Abortions
** Types of Abortions
** Define Criminal Abortions
** Abortion Stick
** Ecobolics
** Emmenagogues
** Locard’s Principle of Exchange
** Incest
** Catamite
** Two Types of Sexual Perversion
** Paedestry
** Indescent Assault
** Types of Hymen
** Peeping Tom
** Bestiality
** Define Sexual Perversions with two examples
** Lust Murder
** Classify Sexual Offences
** Artificial insemination
** Types of Sterilization
** Two permanent methods of Sterilization in male
** Two permanent methods of Sterilization in Female
** Four temporary methods of Sterilization
** Three indication for Artificial Insemination
** Defloration
** Virginity
** Pseudocyesis
** Quickening
** F.H.S
** Goodeles Sign
** Haggars Sign
** Jackquemiers Sign
** Braxton HicKs Sign
** Height of Uterus
** Lochial Discharge after Delivery
** Posthomous Child
** Suppositious Child
** Bastard Child
** Still born Child
** Dead Born Child
** Viable Child
** Foetus Papyraseous
** Foetus Compressus
** Atavism
** Four natural causes of death in a new born / infant
** Motive for Infanticides
** Four Accidental causes of death in a new born / infant
** Causes of death in Infanticides
** Medicolegal importance in case of sterility & impotency
** Two types of incision in Autopsy
** Name of other Fibers which resembles with Hair
** Formula for Cephalic Index
** Types of Cranial Index
** Examples of External Congenital Deformities or Peculiarities
** Data required for estimation of Age
** Examples of External Acquired Deformities
** Hess Formula
** Karl Pearson Formula
** Tattoo Marks
** Basic Patterns of Finger Prints
** Medicolegal Importance of Scar
** Methods of Removing Tattoo Marks
** Examples of Preservatives used for Preservation of Visceras
** Types of Identifications
** Methods of Taking Finger Prints
** Signs of Life
** Signs of Somatic Death
** Signs of Molecular Death
** Types of Suspended animations
** Formula for Estimating Time of Death
** Forensic Entomolgy
** Medium in which body is Preserved
** Composition of substances in Adipocere
** Modes of Death
** P.M. Caloricity
** Examples of Grievous Hurt
** Section 320
** Defence wound
** Fabricated Wound
** Types of Drowning
** Types of Strangulation
** Types of Suffocations
** Types of Abrasion
** Types of Laceration
** Factors influencing Contusion
** Dry Drowning
** Causes of death in Hanging
** Causes of Death in Strangulation
** Bansdola
** Lynching
** Friction Burns
** Types of Burn
** Heat rupture
** Immediate signs of death
** Late Signs of Death
** Early Signs of Death
** M.L.I. of Adipocoere
** External Factors influencing rate of Decomposition
** Factors influencing Ligature Mark
** Internal Factors influencing rate of Decomposition
** Kinds of Weapons
(Toxicology) :
1) Length and Diameter of Ewald Boastube
2) Length and Diameter of Stomach tube
3) Two contraindication when tube is not passed
4) Position of Patient while passing tube
5) What is Vitriolage
6) what is Vitriol throwing
7) Condition of Tongue and Teeth in H2So4 Poisoining
8) F.D and F.P of H2So4
9) F.D and F.P of HNo3
10) F.D and F.P of HCL
11) What is poison
12) What is Toxicology
13) Common Poison used for suicidal purpose
14) Common poison used for Homicidal purpose
15) Factors which modify action of poison
16) What is general line of treatment in a suspected case of poison
17) How you will remove the unabsorbed poison
18) What is mechanical antidotes
19) What is antidotes
20) What is chemical antidotes
21) Composition of universal antidotes
22) What do you mean by Antagonist
23) Name two chelating agent
24) What is BAL
25) What is EDTA
26) Dose of BAL
27) Dose of EDTA
28) Diagnosis of Poisoning in dead
29) Uses of H2So4
30) Uses of HNo3
31) Uses of HCL
32) What is Carboluria
33) What is Burtonian line
34) Fatal dose & FP of Carbolic acid
35) Fatal dose & FP of Phosphorus
36) Fatal dose & FP of Lead
37) Fatal dose & FP of Cocaine
38) Fatal dose & FP of Canabis indica
39) Fatal dose & FP of Opium
40) Fatal dose & FP of Nux Vomica
41) Fatal dose & FP of Absolute Alcohol
42) Fatal dose & FP of Orgaonophosphorus comp
43) Fatal dose & FP of Methyl Alcohol
44) Fatal dose & FP of Dhatura
45) Fatal dose & FP of Castor
46) Fatal dose & FP of Croton
47) Fatal dose & FP of HCN
48) Fatal doze & FP of Cyanides
49) Two salts of lead & their uses
50) What is Phossyjaw?
51) What is Phosphorence?
52) Three important S/s of Lead-poisoning
53) Three important S/s of Nux Vomica
54) Classification of Organophosphorus comp.
55) Example of organophosphate insecticides
56) Example of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon
57) Routes of administration of Poison
58) Routes of elimination of Poison
59) Advantage of Arsenic Poison
60) Disadvantage of Arsenic Poison
61) Skin changes in Arsenic Poison
62) With which Diseases Arsenic Poison is differentiated?
63) Name Arrow Poison
64) With which diseases or condition Opium poisoning is differentiated?
65) Which are the pathological conditions simulating Alcoholic intoxication?
66) Vegetables seeds which resembles with Dhatura seeds?
67) Characteristic of hand movements in Dhatura poison
68) Characteristic of N.V seeds
69) Poison causing constriction of pupil
70) Poison causing dilatation of Pupil
71) Poison causing Hepatotoxicity
72) Poison causing alternate constriction & dilatation of Pupil
73) Poison with characteristic smell
74) Poison causing froth at nose & mouth
75) Composition of Universal Antidote
76) In which Poison Rectified spirit is not used?
77) Contraindication of Emetics
78) Examples of Cattle Poisoning
79) Magnans Syndrome
80) Runs Amoke