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Poetry M.A Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Department : English
Subject Code/Name : Poetry
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 :

Poetry M.A Model Question Paper :

1.Explain briefly Wordsworth’s attitude towards nature with reference
2.‘The Last Ride Together’ is a powerful dramatic monologue. Discuss.
3.How does Emerson describe Soul’s immortality in ‘‘Brahma’’-

Related : Alagappa University Literary History B.A Model Question Papers :

4.Discuss the lyricism of Frost with reference to ‘‘West Running Brook’’.
5.Describe the personification of Death in Emily Dickinson’s –
6.Write a critical appreciation of ‘‘The old play house’’.
7.What is the significance of the title ‘‘Lady Lazarus’’- Explain briefly.
8.Discuss how the Telephonic Conversation is a satir on the coloured person’s experience in England.

Part B :
Answer any FOUR of the following.
9. Sketch the philosophy underlying Emerson’s ‘‘Brahma’’.
10. Milton’s ‘‘Paradise Lost’’ Book II is a religious episode. Discuss.
11. How does Arnold Portray the criticism of Modern life is ‘‘The Scholar Gypsy’’?
12. Bring out elaborately ‘‘The Waste Land’’ is the expression of degeneration and dissolution of a generation.
13. Narrate briefly the irony and humour in ‘The Night of the Scorpion’.
14. What are the four basic sequences of images that define the lady’s identity in the poem ‘‘Lady Lazarus’’?
15. Attempt critically an essay on Australia – its past and present from A.D. Hope’s poem.

M.A. (English) Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Prose :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Write a detailed analysis of Bacon’s ‘‘Of Truth’’.
2. Dr. Johnson’s assessment of Milton’s ‘‘Paradise Lost’’.
3. How does Addison portray Sir Roger de Coverley? Give your estimation.
4. Charles Lamb as an essayist.
5. Summarize Orwell’s observation on written and spoken language.
6. Give an account of Ariel’s personality as it emerges from Durant’s description.
7. Why does Emerson advocate Self-Reliance?
8. What are the suggestions of Russell to prevent the world from the possibility of extinction?

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Write an essay on the juvenile poems of Milton.
10. Consider the Coverley papers as a precursor of the modern social novel.
11. Describe Carlyle’s portrait of Shakespeare and Dante.
12. What are Orwell’s reflections on Gandhi?
13. Write an essay on how colonizing the mind was done in Africa.
14. Narrate the experiences of Leacock in the bank and his art of humour.
15. What does Gardiner mean by umbrella conscience and mention the main characteristics.

M.A. (English) Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Drama :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE short essays of the following.
1. Sketch the character of King Oedipus.
2. ‘‘Dr. Faustus’’ as a Morality play – Discuss.
3. Bring out the comic element in the play ‘‘The Birthday Party’’.
4. Discuss the theme of father – son relationship as treated by Miller in ‘‘All my Sons’’.
5. Elaborate on ‘‘The cocktail Party’’ as a Comedy of manners.
6. Consider ‘‘Tuglaq’’ as a political allegory.
7. The role of Mr. Kashikar.
8. Sketch the character of Rita Joe.

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Examine the significance of the title ‘‘A Doll’s House’’.
10. ‘‘She stoops to conquer’’ is an anti-sentimental comedy – Discuss.
11. Elaborate on the theme of social responsibility in the play ‘‘All My Sons’’.
12. Discuss ‘‘Oedipus Rex’’ as a tragedy.
13. Write an essay on Harold Pinter’s ‘‘The Birthday Party’’ as an Absurd Drama.
14. Sketch the character of Dr. Faustus.
15. Write an essay on the role of Mr. Kashikar and justify the title of the play ‘‘Silence, the court is in session’’.

M.A. (English) Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Literary Criticism :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. How does Aristotle define tragedy?
2. Wordsworth’s views on the choice of themes for poetry.
3. Comment on Arnold’s use of ‘‘Touchstone method’’.
4. Discuss Jung’s theory of ‘‘individuation’’.
5. Bring out Derrida’s ideas on structure.
6. Assess Harold Bloom as a critic with special reference to his essay ‘‘The Breaking of Form’’.
7. Examine Linda’s views on post-modernity.
8. Substantiate Aurobindo’s concept of the word as ‘‘a superconceit Nature – Force’’.

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