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Homoeopathic Pharmacy BHMS Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College
Degree : Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Name : Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
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DKM Homoeopathic Pharmacy Question Paper

Q1) Solve any 10 out of 15 (for 2 marks each)

Part – A

1. First Hom. Pharmacopoeia of U.S.A was published in which year and by whom?

Related : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Medical College Homeopathic Materia & Medica BHMS Question Bank :

2. Which is the year of publication of first vol. of HPI and give no. of monograms.
3. Give two branches of Pharmacy proper.
4. Name the two medicines prepared from diseased products of plants.
5. Flowers are collected in which weather and when?
6. When the roots of annuals and biennials are collected?
7. 2 uses of Sugar of Milk.
8. What is the chemical formula of Glycerine and give its molecular wt.?
9. Name the two solid vehicles.
10. What are the types of Spatula?

11. How to clean wooden instruments?
12. In succussion how many scales are used?
13. What are the contents of inscription?
14. What are the two methods of preparation of Mother Tincture according to new method?
15. How to preserve Carbo veg. and Camphor?
16. Which is the first Hom. Pharmacopoeia? When it was published?
17. How many volumes of Indian homoeopathic pharmacopoeia? When first volume is published?
18. When was first edition of A.H.P published and by whom?
19. Name the two medicines prepared from bulb of fruit.
20. Name the two medicines prepared from diseased product of animal.
21. Whole plants are collected in which season and when?
22. What are objective and subjective symptoms?
23. Name two methods of conducting Hom. Drug proving.
24. Name two varieties of petroleum jelly.
25. Who introduced 50 millisimal scale and in which edition of Organon of medicine?
26. Name the two parts of prescription writing.
27. What is the ratio and drug power of class I and II?
28. What is the types and uses of hydrometer?
29. How to clean porcelain and mortar?
30. For storing Folic acid, which bottles are used and why?
31. Name the two specialities of Hom. Pharmacy
32. Name the two vehicles used as base for external application
33. Name the medicines prepared from energy of full moon and sun rays
34. Name two examples of medicines prepared from dried root
35. Give two uses of water bath
36. How to clean knife
37. What is the ratio of drug power of Class II A?
38. Name two types of alcohol
39. What is the ratio and symbol of 50 millisimal scale?
40. What is the starting point of jumping and flexion potency?
41. What are the contents of signature (parts of prescription writing)?
42. What are the uses of thermometer and hydrometer?
43. How to preserve nitric acid and picricum acid?
44. What are the routes of administration of medicine?
45. Name two qualities of ideal prover
46. B.H.P was published in which year and by whom?
47. What are the two branches of Pharmacology?
48. Name two medicines prepared from flowers
49. Name two medicines prepared from secretion of glands
50. What are the uses of funnel and chopping board?
51. Give the chemical formula and molecular wt. of Sugar of Milk
52. Who introduced 50 millisimal scale and in which edition of Organon of Medicine?
53. What is the ratio and drug power of 6A and 6B?
54. What is meant by B.D and H.S.S?
55. What are signs and symptoms?
56. Leaves are collected in which season and when?
57. For storing Fluoric acid, which bottles are acid and which colored bottles are not used? What is
pharmacomania and pharmacophobia?
58. What is common name of Aloes Soc and family?
59. What is ratio and symbol of decimal and centisimal scale?
60. A.H.P was published in which year and by whom?

Part – B

Q2) write any 4 out of 6 (5M each)
1. Impondribilia
2. 10 examples of animal kingdom
3. Difference between Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy.
4. General rules of collection of animal kingdom.
5. British Hom. Pharmacopoeia.
6. Preservation of potentised medicine.
7. Sarcode with 10 examples
8. Collection of nosodes
9. Microscopic evaluation
10. Pharmacognosy and Pharmacodynamics
11. Standardization of Mother Tincture
12. Volumes of H.P.I
13. 10 examples of mineral kingdom
14. Collections of poisons
15. Preservation of drugs
16. Indian Hom. Pharmacopoeia
17. Pharmacodynamics
18. Biological evaluation of drugs
19. Collection of mineral kingdom
20. Preservation of mother tincture
21. Define pharmacopoeia and its types
22. Standard of finished products
23. 10 examples of vegetable kingdom
24. Polycrest remedy and complimentary medicine

Part – C

Q3) Write any 4 out of 6
1. Filtration and its uses
2. Preparation of ointment and its uses
3. Succussion in centesimal scale
4. Hydrometer and spatula
5. Cleansing of bottles
6. Jumping potency
7. Decantation and its uses
8. Preparation of lotion and its uses
9. 50 millisimal scale potency
10. Class 3 (preparation of Mother Tincture)
11. Types of Mortar Pestle and its uses
12. Medication of globules
13. Method of sublimation and its uses
14. Preparation of Glycerol and its uses
15. Centesimal scale potency
16. Water bath and its uses
17. Classification of vehicles
18. Cleaning of bottles
19. Method of sublimation and its uses
20. Preparation of Glycerol and its uses
21. Centesimal scale potency
22. Water bath and its uses
23. Classification of vehicles
24. Cleaning of bottles

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  1. Please give me the answers for these questions.

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