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Homeopathic Materia & Medica BHMS Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College
Degree : Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Name : Homeopathic Materia & Medica
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website :

DKMM Homeopathic Materia & Medica Question Bank

Question Bank : I- BHMS
All questions are compulsory :

Related : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Medical College Homoeopathic Pharmacy BHMS Question Bank :

Section – A :
Q.No.1. Write appropriate answers (any ten out of fifteen) 2X10=20
a) Common name & thermal relationship of apis mel
b) Indicate two important mental symptoms of antim crud child
c) Indicate common name & chemical formula of antim crud
d) Indicate two important guiding symptoms of aloes
e) Describe two important guiding symptoms of allium cepa
f) Indicate characteristic vomiting of antim tart
g) Indicate two important symptoms of apis mel related to menin gites
h) What is the common name & family of athuja cynapium

i) How aconite symptom are aggravated and ameliorated
j) Indicate two important guiding symptoms of antim tart
k) indicate the characteristic nervous diariea of arg nitricum
l) Indicate characteristic tongue of rhush tox
m) How bryonia pains starts ?
n) Indicate Dentition diarrhea of chammomilla
o) Indicate eyes complaint of euphrasia any two.

16. Indicate the diathesis and temperament of apis mel
17. Indicate the desires and aversion of antim crud
18. Indicate characteristic diarrhea of aloes any two symptoms.
19. Indicate the family & prover of allium cepa .
20. Indicate characteristic haemorrhodes of drug aloes any two symptoms.
21.Indicate two important mental symptoms of aloes .
22. describe the constitution of antim tart.
23.How apis mel pains are aggravated and ameliorated .
24. Indicate the characteristic vomiting of aethuja after taking milk.
25. Indicate restlessness trio

26. Indicate two important mental symptoms of arg. Nitricom
27. Indicate two important physical general symptoms of Nux vomika
28.Describe the thirst of bryonia alb.
29. Indicate any two injury complaints of Arnica.
30. Indicate characteristic pain of bryoniya alb.
31. Mention two mental symptoms of aconite napllus
32. Write shape of tongue of antim crud .
33. Types of wounds in Ledum Pal any two..
34. two Important eyes complaints of euphrasia
35. Thirst of aconite

36. Prover and family of colocynth nasal discharges of alum cepa
37. Indicate common name of Prover of Bryonia alb.
38. Indicate the causative factor or ailments from of drug nux vomica.
39. Indicate the prominent remedy for worm complaints and common name
40. Common name and family of nux vomica
41. How colocynth abdominal is relieved.
42.Prover and common name chochicum
43. Common name and family of aconite napellus.
44.Common name Family of Aethusa cynapium.
45.Causation of diarrhoea in Argentum nitricum.
46.Any child two child complaints of Antim Tart.

46.Any two diarrhoea complaints during dentition of Chamomilla.
47.Any two child complaints of Chamomilla.
48.Any two child complaints of Cina.
49.Any two fever complaints of China.
50.Two important biochemic indication of FERRUM PHOS
51.Two important biochemic indication of MAG PHOS
52.Two important biochemic indication of SILICIA
53Two important biochemic indication of NAT MUR
54.Two important biochemic indication of NAT SULPH
55.Two important biochemic indication of CALC PHOS

56. Two important biochemic indication of CAL FLUOR
57. Two important biochemic indication of CAL SULPH
58. Two important biochemic indication of KALI MUR
59. Two important biochemic indication of KALI SULPH
60. Any Two Skin Complaints Of Dulcamara
61. Any Two rheumatic Complaints Of rhus tox
62. Any Two colic Complaints Of colocynth
63. Any Two respiratory Complaints Of ipecac
64. Any Two Skin Compaints Of Dulcamara
65. Any Two baby Compaints Of silicia

Q.2. Write short notes (any four out of six) 4×5=20
1) Guiding symptoms of china
2) biochemic indication of kali phos
3) Guiding symptoms of aconite
4) Fever of Bryonia
5) Mental symptoms of arg. nitricum
6) Respiratory complaints dulcamara
7) biochemic indication of silica
8) Guiding symptoms of bryonia
9) mental symptoms of nux vomica
10 Gastrointestinal complaints colchicum
11. Guiding symptoms of antim crud
12. biochemic indication of Nat mur
13. Guiding symptoms of ledum pal
14. Fever of aconite nap
15. Physical general symptoms of nux. Vomica
16. Mental symptoms of antim crud
17.Guiding symptoms of arnica mont.
18. fever of china
19. fever of rhus tox

Q.3. Write short answers (any four out of six) 4×5=20
1. Skin complaints of silicea
2.Fever symptoms of calimur
3. Mental symptoms of kaliphos
4. Skin complaints of cal. Fluor
5.fever symptoms of ferrum phos
6.Guiding symptoms of cal surph
7.headeche of silicea
8. skin complaints of cal solph
9. Extomiters complaints cal. fluor
10 Respiratory complaints –Nat solph
11 headache – ferrum phos
12. Guiding symptoms of kaliphos
13.anemia symptoms of ferrum phos
14. Injury complaints of silicea
15. Headache of Nat mur
16. GIT complaints of mag phos
17.Respiratory complaints of nat phos
18.Female genetal organ symptoms of Nat mur

Q.4.Long answer questions 2×10=20
1) Child – chamommilla
2)Child of cina.
3) Respiratory complaints – arg. nitrom
4) GIT- Argentum nit.
5. Injury symptoms – arnica
6.Gastro intestinal complaints of – cinchona
7. Fever- Rhus tox
8. Respiratory complaints ipecac
9.Fever of China.
10. Dysentery – colchicum
11.Indication of arnica – Injury complaints .
10.Nasal complaints ALLIUM Cepa.
12. Indication of apis mel in urinary complaints
13.Indication of aconite -mental symptoms
14.Fever of Aconite nap.
15.Rheumatism of Rhus tox.
16.Rheumatim of Ledum Pal.
17.Rheumatism of Bryonia alb.
18.Skin of Dulcamara.
19.EYES complaints of Euphrasia.
20.Respiratory complaints of Ipecac.

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1 Comment
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  1. Mojibur Ali Khan,2nd BHMS,MHMCH West bengal

    Thank you ma’am…. These are very helpful for 2nd BHMS students who will give 1st time exam on Hom Materia Medica.
    Needs more help.

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