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Chemistry Of Biopolymers M.Sc Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Sc
Department : Chemistry
Subject Code/Name : Chemistry Of Biopolymers
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper  : APRIL 2011 :

Chemistry Of Biopolymers :

1. Make a note on mass number.
2. Write the electronic structure of phosphorous
3. Write the Haworth and Fischer formula of glucose.

Related : Alagappa University Research Methodology In Chemical Research M.Phil Model Question Papers :

4. Differentiate between starch and glycogen.
5. Write short notes on essential fatty acids.
6. What are nucleoproteins –
7. Make a note on rancidity of fats.
8. What is phosphatidyl inositol –
9. Define Tm of nucleic acid.
10. Write short notes on hyperchromic effect.
11. (a) Describe the types and importance of covalent bond.
12. (a) Give a brief account on isomerism and its types.
13. (a) Describe the peptide bond and its characteristics.
14. (a) Describe in detail about the properties and functions of phospholipids.
15. (a) Give an account on replication of RNA.
16. Explain the structure and physical properties of water.
17. Write the following chemistry of monomeric units of
18. Explain the conformation study on structure and functions of collagen
19. Write an essay on structure and properties of
20. Discuss in detail about structure and properties of RNA.

1. Define Flow cytometry.
2. How to calculate Swedberg value –
3. Write the principles of paper chromatography.
4. Write short notes on mobile phase.
5. What is E- .
6. What is the principle behind colorimeter –
7. Make a note on stripping.
8. Write short note on 32P.
9. Write short note on redox reaction.
11. (a) Describe the components of analytical centrifuge.
12. (a) Write down the principle and procedure of paper electrophoresis.
13. (a) Explain the principle and applications of mass spectroscopy.
14. (a) Describe the safety measures in handling radioisotopes.
15. (a) Explain the principle and applications of Glass electrode.
16. Elaborately discuss about density gradient centrifugation.
17. What are the factors affecting SDS-PAGE electrophoresis – Explain.
18. Explain the principle, instrumentation and applications of NMR.
19. Give an account on scintillation counting.
20. Write an essay on working principle of biosensors with its applications.

1. Define : Active site.
2. What is turn over number –
3. What is Km –
4. What are allosteric enzymes –
5. Give the names of ion-exchangers.
6. What is Salting–out –
7. Define : Immobilized enzymes.
8. List the disadvantages of Immobilization techniques.
9. What is Biosensor –
10. What is Synzyme –
11. (a) Write note on enzyme specificity.
12. (a) Explain the factors affecting the enzyme activity.
13. (a) Explain Gel filtration chromatography.
14. (a) Give the applications of Immobilized enzymes.
15. (a) Explain the criteria for selecting an ideal biosensor.
16. Write an essay on Enzyme classification.
17. Describe Enzyme inhibition –
18. Explain the principle and instrumentation of affinity chromatography.
19. Write notes on immobilization techniques.
20. Explain the principles, components and operations of Optical biosensor.

Biochemistry :
Elective—Food Technology :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Section A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all the questions.
1. Define Food.
2. How will you define nutritive value of food ?
3. List out the chemicals used in food preservation.
4. Define Canning.
5. Mention the factors that influence Spoilage.
2 AF-3871
6. What are the changes that occur during Spoilage ?
7. List out any four food hazards.
8. Define Salmonellosis.
9. What is milk yoghurt.
10. Define Fermentation.

Section B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all the questions
11. (a) How will you estimate the number of micro organisms present in food ? (Or)
(b) Write the types and sources of microorganisms associated with food.
12. (a) Write note on methods of food Preservation. (Or)
(b) Explain the control of microorganisms by Radiation and Ionization methods.
13. (a) Write short note on Vegetable Spoilage. (Or)
(b) Explain meat and fish spoilage.
14. (a) Explain the following bacterial disease :
(i) Staphylococcal intoxication.
(ii) Botulism.
(b) What are the detection methods used to identify the disease causing microorganisms ?
15. (a) What are the basic principle applied for food fermentation ? (Or)
(b) List out the applications of fermentation.

Section C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
16. Explain the conditions that influence the microbial growth in food.
17. Write the following methods of food preservation :
(a) Preservation by temperature.
(b) Preservation by dying.
(c) Preservation by chemicals.
18. Describe in detail on Composition and Spoilage of food.
19. Write an essay on food born viruses.
20. How will you produce wine through fermentation ?

M.Sc. Degree Examination, April 2011 :
First Semester :
Biochemistry :
Elective—Nutritional Biochemistry :
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Section A : (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all the questions.
1. How can you calculate the BMR ?
2. Write the composition of plasma lipoprotein.
3. Define Malnutrition.
4. Make a note on starvation.
5. List out the water soluble vitamins.
6. Write any three significance of dietary iron.
7. List out the predisposing factors for diabetes mellitus.
8. Comment on phenylketonuria.
9. Write short note on allergy.
10. What is the role of antigen ?

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