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Development Economics M.A Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Department : Economics
Subject Code/Name : Development Economics
Semester : II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website :

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov 2010 :

Development Economics :

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 60 Marks
Part – A :

Related : Alagappa University British Literature-I M.A Model Question Papers :

1. Economic development.
2. Human poverty.
3. Disguised Unemployment.
4. Technical progress.
5. Human capital.
6. Population.
7. Externalities.
8. Terms of trade.
9. Trade policy.
10. Liberalization.

Part – B : (5 × 4 = 20)
Answer all questions.
11. (a) Explain the characteristics of underdeveloped economy. Or
(b) Explain the various methods of measuring inequalities.
12. (a) Distinguish between Absolute poverty and Relative poverty. Or
(b) Explain the role of agriculture in economic development.
13. (a) Explain the Mexde’s model of economic growth. Or
(b) Explain the importance of investment in human capital.
14. (a) Explain the impact of industrialization in economic development. Or
(b) Explain the need of liberalization in global economy.
15. (a) Explain the concept of sustainable development. Or
(b) Explain the trade policies of developing countries.

Part – C : (2 × 15 = 30)
Answer all questions.
16. (a) Discuss the interdependence of agriculture and industry. Or
(b) Discuss the role of globalization in economic development.
17. (a) Discuss the significance of trade in economic development. Or
(b) Discuss the various types of unemployment in developing countries.

M.A. Degree Examination, November 2010 :
Mathematical Economics :
(Non CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 60 Marks
Section – A (10 × 1 = 10)
Answer all the questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is Mathematical economics ?
2. Give an example for demand function.
3. State the price elasticity of demand.
4. What is production function ?
5. From total cost function, derive all other cost functions.
6. When Average Cost is minimum, what is Marginal Cost ?
7. What is the condition for profit maximization ?
8. Define Monopoly.
9. What do you mean by Linear programming ?
10. What is Open Input-Output Model ?

Section – B : (5 × 4 = 20)
Answer all the questions . All questions carry equal marks.
11. (a) What is the role of Mathematics in Economics ? (Or)
(b) Distinguish between Econometrics from Mathematical Economics.
12. (a) Find the elasticity of demand of the function, x = 100 – 5p at p = 10. (Or)
(b) Mention the important results from Slutsky equation.
13. (a) Explain the three features of Cobb-Douglas production function. (Or)
(b) Determine the degree of homogeneity of the function Z = (x4 + 2x2y2 + y ) / (x + y).
14. (a) If the demand function is p = 1/3 Q3 – 3Q2 + 9Q, find at what level of output AC be minimum ? (Or)
(b) Find the equilibrium price and quantity demand for the following market Models. Qd = 12 – P and Qs = 8 + 5 P
15. (a) What are the assumptions of Input-Output analysis ? (Or)
(b) Solve the following Linear programming problem by using graphical method.

Section – C : (2 × 15 = 30)
Answer all questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
16. (a) Discuss the mathematical and nonmathematical approach to economic analysis. (Or)
(b) A firm has the following total cost and demand function. C = 1/3 Q3 – 7Q2 + 111 Q + 50 and Q = 100 – p . Find profit maximising level of Output ; also find profit at this level of output.
17. (a) Find the maximum and minimum values of the following two functions :
(i) y = x3 – 3x + 1
(ii) 3×4 – 10×3 + 6×2 + 5

M.A. Degree Examination, November 2010 :
Macro Economic Theory—I :
(Non CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 60 Marks
Part – A (10 × 1 = 10)
Answer all questions.
Define the following concepts.
1. Monetary Policy.
2. Input and output accounting.
3. Efficiency of capital.
4. Market asset.
5. Multiplier.
6. Permanent income hypotheses.
7. Funds accounting.
8. Accelerator.
9. National income.
10. Trade cycle.

Part – B : (5 × 4 = 20)
Answer all questions.
11. (a) Explain the consumption function. (Or)
(b) What are the implications of neo-classical approach of macro economics ?
12. (a) How to relate efficacy of Monetary and Fiscal policies ? (Or)
(b) Explain the Samuelson theory of trade cycle.
13. (a) What is the policy dilemma with a trade deficit ? (Or)
(b) Enumerate the limitations of Mundell- Fleming model.
14. (a) Explain the theory of Employment. (Or)
(b) Distinguish between Absolute income and Relative income.
15. (a) Briefly explain the Goodwins Model Control of Business cycle. (Or)
(b) Explain the relationship between Micro foundation and Macro foundation.

Part – C : (2 × 15 = 30)
Answer all questions.
16. (a) Discuss the J.M. Keynesian theory of consumption function. (Or)
(b) Discuss the neo-classical and Keynesian views on interest.
17. (a) Briefly explain the monetary approach to Balance of payment. (Or)
(b) Explain Walrasian general equilibrium model.

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