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Radiological Mathematics M.Sc Non Medical Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : M.Sc Non-Medical Degree Examination
Subject Code/Name : 4012/Radiological Mathematics
Year : I
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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2011-2013 :

TNMGRMU Radiological Mathematics Question Paper

Sub. Code: 4012
(Revised Regulations for Candidates admitted from 2010-2011)
Q.P. Code : 284012
Time : Three hours
Maximum :100marks

Related : TNMGRMU Radiological Mathematics M.Sc Non Medical Question Bank :

MAY 2011

Answer All questions. :
I. Elaborate on : (2 X 20=40)
1. Describe the following concepts (a) accuracy and precision (b) round-off-error (c) addition and multiplication law of probability (d) Confidence intervals
2. (a) Evaluate 1 dx/1+x2 using Simpson’s three-eighth rule and compare with the solution
(b) Explain about five properties of Chi-square distribution

II. Write notes on : (10X 6 = 60)
1. Calculate the decay constant for cobalt-60 (T1/2=5.26yrs) in units of month-1
2. What will be the activity of 5000 Ci of cobalt-60 source after 4years?
3. A treatment regimen with total dose of 20Gy must be given in two phases. The ratio of the dose in each phase is 3:1. What dose must be given for each phase?

4. In a certain residential area, a sample of 15 households showed the following incomes (in rupees) for the households:
1044 796 812 2100 902 600 796
672 482 1828 2358 939 550 796 325
Find out the mean, median and the mode for the sample.
5. Explain about (a) Skewness (b) Kurtosis in detail
6. Use the Taylor series method of order four to solve the initial value problem u’ = t2 + u2, u (0) = 1
7. The two regression equations of X on Y and Y on X are given below: Y = 100.26 + 0.77 X; X = 1.28 Y – 143.7. Find out the means of X and Y.

8. Write a short note about (a) efficiency (b) sensitivity (c) signal-to-noise-ratio
9. Assuming the each child as probability 0.51 of being a boy, find the probability distribution of number of boys in a family of 4 children. In a sample of 500 couples how many do you expect to have.
(i) Exactly 1 boy
(ii) Exactly 1 girl
(iii) At least one boy?
10. Write a function to draw a circle of unit radius using MATLAB function. For generating data, use the parametric equation of a unit circle; X = cos??,

MAY 2012

Sub. Code: 4012
I. Elaborate on: (2 X 20=40)
1. a) Calculate Karl Pearson correlation coefficient for the following
data ( 15 + 5 =20 marks)
Age 30 32 35 38 42 44 45 51 55 65
Blood urea 25 30 44 34 38 32 30 44 40 45
b) Discuss the assumptions of Karl Pearson correlation method?
2. a) A bag contains 10 Aspirin 5 Paracetamol 3 Analgin and 2 Crocin tablets. One tablet is drawn at random. Find the probability that the tablet drawn is Aspirin or Analgin or Crocin.
b) Discuss continuous probability distributions and discrete probability distributions. (10 +10 =20 marks)
II. Write notes on:
1. Discuss measures of central tendency.
2. Prepare the decay chart for cobalt-60 teletherapy isotope for the period of one half- life.
3. Define: i) law of large numbers ii) Central limit theorem.
4. A manufacturer of television sets knows that of an average 5% of his product is defective. He sales television in consignment of 100 and guarantees that not more than 4 sets will be defective. What is the probability that a television set will fail to meet the guaranteed quality?
5. Calculate Mean, standard deviation for the following
10 Diastolic blood pressure data:
90 100 88 102 70 66 78 82 84 86.
6. What are the properties of t-distribution?
7. Define
i) Minimum detectable activity
ii) uncertainty in the counting rate.
8. Discuss binomial distribution.
9. Define signal to noise ratio.
10. Discuss Euler’s method and modified Euler’s method.


Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on :
1. a) Find is their significant difference between diabetic persons cholesterol value and non-diabetic persons cholesterol value. t-table value=2.26.
b) Discuss the conditions for applying student t-test.
2. a) A study revealed that among 90 males 15 were obese and among 60 females 20 were obese. Use chi square test to find whether sex and obesity are associated.
b) Discuss precautions for applying chi square distribution.
II. Write Notes on :
1. Discuss Correlation and regression.
2. Prepare the decay chart for cobalt-60 teletherapy isotope for the period of one half- life.
3. Discuss Euler’s method and modified Euler’s method.
4. Discuss linear graphs and nonlinear graphs.
5. Discuss Ranga-kutta method.
6. What are the properties of F-distribution.
7. Define i) Minimum detectable activity ii) uncertainty in the counting rate.
8. Discuss F- distribution.
9. Define signal to noise ratio.
10. Out of 800 families with 4 children each, how many families would be expected to have.
(1) 2 boys and 2 girls (2) no girl

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