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Cobol Programming And Business Applications B.Sc Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : Cobol Programming And Business Applications
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov.2010 :

COBOL Programming Question Paper

Part – A (10 × 1 = 10)
Answer all questions.
1. What is an identifier ?
2. Give the general format of COMPUTE verb.
3. EXIT verb is used to indicate ————.

Related :Alagappa University Digital Computer Organisation M.C.A Model Question Papers :

4. Define level number.
5. Write the general form of IF statement.

6. Say true or false : A table is a group of data consisting of different items.
7. —————— is the name assigned to a file and is used for the purpose of its identification.
8. Name the four modes in which a file can be opened.

9. Say true or false :
The IO control paragraph is optional.
10. When the sending field is numeric and the receiving field is numeric or numeric edited the data movement is called —————.

Part – B (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer any five questions.
11. Write a program in COBOL to find the factorial of a given number.
12. Explain the character set in COBOL.
13. What is the use of MOVE verb in COBOL ? Give examples.
14. Explain GOTO with DEPENDING clause.
15. What is the use of INSPECT verb in COBOL ? Give the syntax and explain with an example.
16. Explain the simple SORT verb.
17. Explain the OPEN statement for sequential files in COBOL.

Part – C (5 × 12 = 60)
Answer any five questions.
18. Wr i t e i n det ai l abou t F I L E con t r ol en t r y f or a sequ en t ial f i l e.
19. Descr i be t h e Pr ocedu r e Di v i si on st at emen t s for i n dexed f i l e i n COBOL .
20. Wr i t e a pr ogr am i n COBOL t o gen er at e t h e Fi bon acci ser i es.
21. Descr i be t h e PI CTU RE an d V AL U E cl au ses i n COBOL .
22. Expl ai n i n det ai l t h e STRI N G ver b i n COBOL .
23. Gi ve an exampl e for var i abl e l en gt h r ecor ds i n a sequ en t i al f i l e an d di scu ss i t .
24. Describe the PERFORM verb in detail.
25. Discuss about the application of computers in Science and Technology.

Digital Electronics

Part – A (10 × 1 = 10)
Answer all the questions.
Choose the correct answer :
1. —————— is an universal gate.
(a) NAND
(c) EX-NOR

2. The process of converting any symbol into binary form is known as —————.
(a) Multiplexing
(b) Encoding
(c) Decoding
(d) Binary counting

3. Ring counter is a ——————.
(a) Combinational circuit
(b) Sequential circuit
(c) TTL circuit
(d) ECL circuit

4. ————— is an unipolar transistor.
(a) NPN transistor
(b) PNP transistor
(c) FET
(d) None of these

5. Successive approximation method is used for —————.
(a) A/D conversion
(b) D/A conversion
(c) Code conversion
(d) None of these

Fill in the blanks :
6. The number of symbols in a particular number system is known as ————.
7. A Mul tiplexer has 8-data input lines and ——————— data output line(s).
8. ————— counters are called as Ripple counters.
9. The I2L basic gate is similar in operation to the —————— gate.
10. —————— is a measure of how close the actual output voltage is to the theoretical output value.

Part – B (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer any five questions.
11. Perform the following :
(a) (1011.11)2 – (110.1001) 2 using 2’s complement representation.
(b) (53.75)10 – (972.8)10 using 9’s complement representation
12. Design a Half adder and explain its operation.
13. Explain the working principle of 4-bit Ring counter.
14. Draw a block diagram of PLA and explain its principle.
15. Write a brief note on CMOS logic circuit.
16. Compare and contrast binary weighted method and R – 2R ladder method of D/A conversion.
17. Explain the accuracy and resolution of A/D conversion.

Part – C (5 × 12 = 60)
Answer any five questions.
18. Explain the following Binary codes :
(a) Gray codes
(b) Error detection codes and
(c) EBCDIC codes

19. Perform the following :
(a) Simplify the function F ? ?m (0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
(b) Express the following function is canonical SOP form, F = A’ B + C + B ‘ C

20. Design a 3 × 8 Decoder and explain its operation.
21. Describe the function of magnitude comparator with a neat diagram.
22. Explain the construction and working of JK flipflop and enumerate its applications.
23. Construct the 4-bit Ripple counter and explain its operation using timing diagram.
24. Describe the operations of RTL and DTL circuits with neat sketches.
25. Discuss the working principle of successive approximation method of A/D conversion.

Programming IN C

[Common for Computer Application/Information Technology]
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Part – A (10 × 1 = 10)
Answer all questions.
1. An underscore is often used in middle of an ——————.
2. The control construct if -else comes under ————— construct.
3. The argument used in a function call are called. ————.
4. A pointer is a ————— data type in C.
5. An array expression is usually written as a ———— constant.
6. The ————— operator returns the value of the variable to which its operand points.
7. The name of a structure is referred to as ——————.
8. There are ———— types of logical bitwise operators.
9. The mode ———— is used for opening a file for updating.
10. The action of connecting a program for a file is known as ——————.

Part – B (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer any five questions.
11. List out the different types of constants in C Language. Explain.
12. Explain the switch statement with a suitable example.
13. Write a program in C to find the sum of individual digits of a 6 digit number.
14. What are the scope, storage and linkage of an static variable ? Explain with examples.
15. Write a brief note on pointers to a function.
16. Explain structures with in structure with an example.
17. Explain how to create a data file in C with an example.

Part – C (5 × 12 = 60)
Answer any five questions.
18. Describe the simple and nested for loops with example.
19. Write a program to print the factorials of the numbers from 0 through 15 using functions.
20. Explain about library functions.
21. Wr i t e a pr ogr am i n C t o sor t t h e n numbers both in ascending and descending order using functions.
22. Write a program to print the ‘Employee Pay bill’ using structure.

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