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History Of Europe From A.D 1453-1789 B.A Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.A
Department : History
Subject Code/Name : History Of Europe From A.D 1453-1789
Semester : II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov.2010 :

Alagappa University History Of Europe Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Related : Alagappa University History Of India From PreHistory To 1206 A.D B.A Model Question Papers :

Choose the correct answer :

Section A

1. The Turks captured Constantinople in
(a) 1453.
(b) 1553.
(c) 1653.
(d) 1753

2. Who was Leonardo da Vinci ?
(a) Judge.
(b) Painter.
(c) Reformist.
(d) None of the above.

3. Who discovered America ?
(a) John Calbert.
(b) Megallan.
(c) John Paul.
(d) Columbus.

4. In which country reformation first took place ?
(a) Germany.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) Itlay.

5. Who founded the Society of Jesus ?
(a) Martin Luther King.
(b) Ignatious Loyola.
(c) John Calvin.
(d) John Paul.

6. In which year Peter the Great ascended the throne of Russia ?
(a) 1725.
(b) 1689.
(c) 1698.
(d) 1686.

7. Which war is considered as the last of the wars of religion in the History of Europe ?
(a) Thirty years of war.
(b) The spanish Succession War.
(c) The Austrian Success of War.
(d) The Seven Years War.

8. Who was considered as the magician of the art of writing ?
(a) Voltaire.
(b) Montesquieu
(c) Louis XVI.
(d) Thomas Hobbes.

9. Which book was unsidered as the Bible of the Revolution ?
(a) The Social Contract.
(b) The Spirit of Laws.
(c) The Emile.
(d) Introduction to the principle of Morals and Legislation.

10. What was the name of the land tax in France ?
(a) Taille.
(b) The Gabella.
(c) Tithe.
(d) Income Tax.

Say True or False :
11. Rousseau’s statement, Man is born free and is everywhere in Chairs
12. Napolean was born in 1769.
13. The treaty of utrecht was signed in 1712.
14. The French Revolution had great impact upon the freedom fighters in latir American Countries.
15. Napolean inagurated the Continental System.

Fill in the blanks :
16. ———— became the pioneer in Geographical Discoveries.
17. The Turks captured the Constantinople in ————.
18. Ignatious Loyola started ————
19. Armand De Richellieu was a native of Paris.
20. ———— was the greatest Tzar of Russia.

Section B

(5 × 4 = 20 )
Answer any Five questions.
Answer should not exceed a page.
21. What do you know about Feudalism ?
22. What were the economic effects of the Geographical Discoveries ?
23. Write a note on the Society of Jesus.
24. What were the effects of the Thirty years war ?
25. How Frederick William laid the foundation for Prussia to become a Super Power ?
26. Write a note on John Calvin.
27. Evaluate the role of the French Philosophers for the outbreak of the French Revolution.
28. Sketch the history of the Partition of Poland ?

Section C

(4 × 15 = 60 )
Answer all the questions.
The answer should not exceed 3 pages.
29. (a) Write an essay about the Geographical Discoveries on Europe. Or
(b) Analyse the causes and consequences of the Reformation.
30. (a) Explain the Dutch war of Independence ? Or
(b) What were the reforms of Cardinal Richelieu ?
31. (a) Write about the reforms of Louis XIV. Or
(b) Justify the Domestic Policy of Peter the Great.
32. (a) Critically examine the Seven Years War. Or
(b) Write an essay about the French Revolution.

B.A. Degree Examination, November 2010 :

History Of India From A.D. 1707 To 1857

(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Section – A (20 × 1 = 20 )
Answer All questions.
Choose the correct answer :
1. The Head Quarters of the Scindhian was —————.
(a) Poona
(b) Gwalior
(c) Indore
(d) Baroda

2. The Third battle of Panipat was fought between Ahmed Shah Abdali and —————.
(a) Mughals
(b) Sikhs
(c) Marathas
(d) None

3. The Black Hole tragedy occured in :
(a) 1752.
(b) 1754.
(c) 1756.
(d) 1758.

4. Which of the following Years Act has the Provision for Board of Control ?
(a) 1773.
(b) 1784.
(c) 1793.
(d) 1813.

5. The treaty of Amristar was signed between the British and —————.
(a) Nana Sahib
(b) Daulat Rao Scindhia
(c) Ranjit Singh
(d) None

State True or False :
6. Coorg was connected by Lord William Bentinck.
7. CornWallis set up the public works department.
8. The Act of 1853 reduced the number of Board of Directors from 24 to 18.
9. Gopala Nayak led the Dindigul League in the course of South Indian rebellion.
10. The Pindars were a class of robbers.

Fill in the blanks :
11. The Vellore Mutiny took place in —————.
12. ———— was the first Peshwa.
13. ———— won the battle of Karnal.
14. The Rohilla war has fought during the period of ——————.
15. ————— recommended the Permanent Settlement of Bengal.

Match the following :
16. Carnatic war II & (a) Wellesley
17. Maratha war I & (b) Cornwallis
18. Mysore war III & (c) Robert Clive
19. Gurkha war & (d) Dalhousie
20. Anglo Sikh war II & (e) Hastings

Section – B : (5 × 4 = 20)
Answer any five of the following, in a page each.
21. Balaji Viswanath.
22. Nadir Shah.
23. Battle of Plassey.
24. Pitt India Act.
25. Tughs.
26. Ranjit Singh.
27. Charter Act of 1833.
28. Marudhu Brothers.

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  1. What is mercantilism ?

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