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Micro Finance And Rural Development M.Phil Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Phil
Department : Economics
Subject Code/Name : Micro Finance And Rural Development
Year : I
Semester : II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website :

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2010 :

Alagappa Micro Finance & Rural Development Question Paper

1. Describe the importance of micro finanace in Rural development
2. Explain the role of micro finance institution. in Rural India.
3. Analyse the role of NABARD in Agricultural finance in India.

Related : Alagappa University Basic Financial Accounting B.Com Model Question Papers :

4. Evaluate the sources of credit for Indian farmers.
5. Discuss the role of micro finance in employment generation.
6. Evaluate the poverty alleivation programme taken by the micro finance institution
7. Explain the various models of SHG’s.
8. Analyse the role of SHGs in women empowerment.
9. Explain the recent development in the field of rural finance in India.
10. Discuss the future challenges of micro finance in India.

Quantitative Techniques In Economics

1. Prove that :(i) (A – B)- – A- – B
2. Discuss concave and convex functions.
3. Explain the essential features of Slutsky equation.
4. Maximise 1 2 1 2 U = q q – q – 2q
5. Prove that the elasticity of substitution for Cobb-Douglas-production function is unity.
6. Explain the relationship between TC, MC and AC.
7. Discuss the relationship between AR and MR curves.
8. Distinguish between Leontief’s open and closed input -output models. Explain the Hawkins-Simon conditions for the existence of a general solution to the input output system
9. Using any example from economics show how the dual of a linear programming problem can be interpreted
10. Solve the following linear programming problem by Simplex method :
Maximize f = (2×1 + 3×2 )
subject to
2×1+3×2<=6 and x1, x2 >=0

Contempory Issues In Indian Economic Development

M.Phil. Degree Examination, April 2010 :
Second Semester : Economics
(CBCS—2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks (5 × 15 = 75)
Answer any Five of the following.
1. Evaluate the various poverty alleviation programmes implemented by the Government of India.
2. Trace the size, growth and structure of population in India during 1981-2001 census.
3. Critically evaluate the causes for low productivity in Indian Agriculture.
4. Examine the achievments of NABARD in the field of rural credit.
5. State the factors hindering the progress in human development.
6. Discuss the achievements and failures of the Five year plans in India.
7. Suggest measures to correct the disequilibrium in Balance of payments.
8. Bring out the role of FERA in India’s trade.
9. Analyse the New economic policy in India.
10. Critically examine the causes and effects of Inflation.

Economics Of Infrastructure

M.Phil. Degree Examination, April 2010 :
Second Semester : Economics
(CBCS—2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks [5 × 15 = 75]
Answer any Five of the following questions.
Answer any Five of the following questions.
1. Discuss the significance of infrastructure in economic development.
2. Assess the various principles and policies of pricing in public utilites.
3. Explain the problems of road transport in India.
4. Critically examine development, progress and problems of Indian railways during the five year plans.
5. Discuss the characteristics of postal services in Indian.
6. Describe the various factors determining demand for energy in India.
7. Examine the relationship between energy and economic development.
8. Discuss the effects of energy shortage in India.
9. Explain the importance of human resource development.
10. Describe the various factors influencing of Health.

Research Methodology

1. Differentiate between pure and applied research with apt examples.
2. Bring out the importance of research in social sciences.
3. Enumerate the sources of a research problem.
4. Describe the problem of objectivity in social research.
5. Explain various sources of hypothesis.
6. Give a detailed account of ANOVA and its significance in re search.
7. Enumerate the types of sampling.
8. Distinguish between primary and secondary sources of data.
9. Explain the significance of a research report and the steps involved in writing the report.
10. Explain the components of a research design. Prepare a re search design for a problem of your choice.

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