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MG2351 Principles of Management Question Bank :

Name of the College : Valliammai Engineering College
Subject : Principles of Management
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Valliammai Principles Of Management Question Bank

Part-A (2 Marks)

Related : Valliammai Engineering College MA7169 Advanced Numerical Methods M.E Question Bank :

Unit – I

1. Define Management.
2. What is globalisation?
3. What are the functions of Managers?
4. Write the different levels of Management.
5. What is meant by scientific management?
6. What are the effective characteristics of Managers?
7. Define Organization.
8. Define effectiveness.
9. Define efficiency.
10. Who is known as father of modern management theory?

11. Define Administration.
12. Distinguish between Management and Administration.
13. Write some characteristics of Management
14. What are stages in evolution of management thought?
15. Define the term scalar chain.
16. What are the roles of management in organization?
17. What is time study and is motion study?
18. What is Espirit de corps?
19. What is systems approach to Management?
20. What are the roles of managers

PART-B (16 Marks)
1. Explain briefly about the various functions of Management. Explain the three levels of management.
2. What are the Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of management or theory on administrative management?
3. Explain briefly about the different factors affecting the organizational environment.
4. Explain the different schools of management. Discuss the contribution of human behaviour school.
5.i) Define Management . What is meant by management process? ii) Management: Science or Art – Discuss.
6. i)Explain about the various views on management and administration ii)Compare Management and administration.
7. Explain in detail about the contributions of Hawthorne experiments towards the development of management thought.
8. i)Write the characteristics and limitations of classical approach. ii)Compare and contrast Systems approach and contingency approach
9. What are the different managerial skills in organisation hierarchy? management? Explain. What are the type of managerial attitude towards operations of MNC?
10. (i)Discuss the trends and challenges of management in global scenario. (ii) Discuss the effects of globalisation & liberalization in improving organizational growth.

Unit- II

2 PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define planning . Distinguish strategic and tactical planning .
2. Define strategies.
3. Define objectives and goals.
4. What are the different types of plans?
5. What is meant by policies? Classify them.
6. What is the importance of setting organizational objectives in a modern complex organisation?
7. Define MBO. Mention any four features of MBO.
8. Define Programs.
9. Define SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix .
10 .What do you understand by decision making?
11Mention the various types of forecasting techniques
12.What is decision tree?
13. Explain the Delphi Technique.
14. List any four quantitative techniques in forecasting ?
15. Mention the sound policy characteristics.
16. What are the Objectives of planning?
17. Mention the Characteristics of ‘Programmed’ and ‘Non-Programmed’ decisions
18. Define planning premises.
19. What is the importance of setting organisational objectives in a modern complex organisation ?
20. What are the benefits of Management by Objectives?

PART-B (16 Marks)
1. Explain the overall decision making process. Explain the process followed in normal situation.
2. Explain the various decision making techniques and the factors influencing it.
3. Explain the process of MBO. What are the benefits & limitations of MBO? How will you overcome the limitations?
4. (i)Explain the steps involved in strategic planning process. (ii)Distinguish betweeen strategic planning & operational planning
5.What are the principles for formulating policy in a modern organization? Explain the essentials of formulating policies.
6. List the various techniques used in business forecasting. Explain any two in detail.
7. Distinguish between programmed & non-programmed decisions & discuss in detail about the modern approaches to decision making under uncertainties.
8. Explain the principle of planning & discuss the various types of organizational plans with its merits & demerit.
9. Explain briefly about the major kinds of strategies with examples.
10. Why planning is regarded as the primary function of management. Explain the various steps in planning.

Unit – III

Part-A (2 Marks) :
1. Define span of management./span of control.
2. Give the main difference between the formal and informal organization. Give examples.
3. List out the steps involved in organizing.
4. Discuss “Departmentation”. What is SBU?
5. What are the different bases of departmentation? Compare departmentation by function & product.
6. Define decentralization. What are its advantages?
7. How do you measure managerial effectiveness?
8. Define staffing. What are the selection process errors?
9. What is meant by performance appraisal?
10. What is career planning & career development?
11. Define Organizing. What is human resource planning?
12. What do you understand by effective organizing?
13. What is functional departmentation?
14. What is on the job training?
15. What is departmentation by process and by product?
16. Mention the three categories of span of management.
17. What is staff authority?
18. Compare Line and staff authority.
19. How can we define power?
20. What is meant by Delegation of Authority? What is over delegation & under delegation?

1 Comment
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  1. These questions are enough for sem preparation.

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