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Emergency Medicine EM & EMS Diploma AECT Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 1003/Emergency Medicine (EM) & EMS
Year : I
Paper : III
Document Type : Question Bank
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2011-2014 :

TNMGRMU Emergency Medicine EM & EMS Diploma Questions

AUGUST 2012 Sub. Code: 1003
Q.P. Code : 841003

Related : TNMGRMU Hospital Orientation And Management Diploma AECT Question Bank :

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Mins)
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on:
1. Principles of life support for unconscious patient.
2. The hospital transport importance.
3. Enumerate the role and Emergency for OPC poison patient.
II. Write Notes on:
1. AR entry and its significance.
2. Ryle’s tube.
3. Endotracheal Intubation.
4. Management of RTA patient.
5. Transport of spine injury patient.
6. Sudden airway obstruction management.
7. Significance of past History of unconscious patient.
8. Importance of consent form.
9. Disaster management.
10. Pre hospital transport of burns patient.
III. Short Answers on:
1. Significance of Airway.
2. What is CBD?
3. What is Atropine chart?
4. What is C.T. importance?
5. What is MRI imaging?
6. What is cervical collar?
7. What is trachaostomy?
8. What is Asthma?
9. SMV mode in ventilator?


I. Elaborate on: (3X10= 30)
1. Describe the Protocol to be adopted by a paramedic when emergency medical service is activated.
2. Describe in detail the Basic life support algorithm in adults along with its principles .
3. Detail on the body mechanics of lifting moving human body in emergency situations.
II. Write Notes on: (10X5=50)
1. Confidentiality
2. Personal protective equipment
3. Immediate first aid in drowning
4. Inter hospital transfer
5. ‘Do not resuscitate’ order
6. Colour coded triage system
7. Glasgow coma scale
8. AED
9. Drugs used in cardiac arrest
10.Ambulance transport
III. Short Answers on: (10X2=20)
1. Informed Consent
2. Assault
3. Mass casuality
4. Thomas splint
5. Negligence
6. Medical ethics
7. Ambu bag
8. Define disaster
9. Paramedic’s accountability


I. Elaborate on : (3×10 = 30)
1. Basic Life Support (BLS) Algorithm & when to withdraw Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
2. Discuss patient right, including autonomy, end of life decisions, moral and ethical implication of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders
3. Describe the legal and ethical accountability of paramedics
II. Write Notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Role of Automated External defibrillators outside the hospital
2. Primary roles and responsibilities of paramedics
3. Importance of emergency medicine as separate specialty
4. Sequence of spinal immobilization.
5. Steps of Stomach wash & its importance
6. What is code blue & its importance
7. Discuss on lifting and moving patients
8. Describe basic preparation of pediatric patient for transport
9. Maneuver involved in foreign body obstruction
10. Uses of stomach wash on poison victim
III.Short Answers on: (10 x 2 =20)
1. Name the cardiac arrest rhythms
2. Consent
3. Confidentiality
4. Helmet removal technique
5. Air medical transport
6. Prehospital traction Splint
7. Personal protective equipments
8. Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) and its uses.
9. Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
10. Assault


Section-1 (months: 1-3)
English :
I. Communication :
** Role of communication
** Defining Communication
** Classification of communication
** Purpose of communication
** Major difficulties in communication
** Barriers to communication
** Characteristics of successful communication – The seven Cs
** Communication at the work place
** Human needs and communication “Mind mapping”
** Information communication

II. Comprehension passage :
** Reading purposefully
** Understanding what is read
** Drawing conclusion
** Finding and analysis

III. Explaining :
** How to explain clearly
** Defining and giving reasons
** Explaining
i. differences
ii. Explaining
iii. procedures
iv. Giving directions

IV. Writing business letters :
** How to construct correctly
** Formal language
** Address
** Salutation
** Body
** Conclusion

V. Report writing :
** Reporting an accident
** Reporting what happened at a session
** Reporting what happened at a meeting

Section-2 (months 1-3)
Hospitals & patients : Orientation
i History
ii Classification
iii. Organisation & structure
iv. Doorway to the hospital – Emergency department
v. Departments & Teams
vi. Paramedical Staff
vii. Ancillary departments
** Lab
** Pharmacy
** Imaging
** Physio/speech
** Patient support services
** Admin/Billing
** Medical insurance
** Patient transport
** Dietary
** Social services

I. Health information management
** Medical terminology
** Medical records
** Electronic Medical Records
** Medico-legal issues

Section-3 (month: 4)
I. Hardware
** CPU
** I/O devices
** Memory

II. Software
** Operating systems
** Applications
** Word processing
** Presentations
III. Internet
** E-mail
** Search engines
** Uploading/downloading files
** Cloud computing
** Educational sites

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