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Indian Writing in English I B.A Previous Exams Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.A
Department : English
Subject Code/Name : Indian Writing in English I
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Model Question Paper /Previous Exams Question Papers
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Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2010 :

Alagappa Indian Writing in English Previous Question Paper

Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Section – A (10 × 2 = 20)

Related : Alagappa University English For The Electronic media M.A Model Question Papers :

1. Who is Juno –
2. What is hidden in the stone idol –
3. What is the special about the three cities that the enterprisers crossed –
4. What did the poet do with the ashes of his father –
5. What is Ganghiji ’s advice to youngmen and women regarding handwriting –
6. Who were not directly affected in previous wars –
7. How does Bijjala treat Sovideva –
8. Why does Jagadeva kill himself –
9. Who is the centre figure of the novel ‘‘Untouchable’’. –
10. Who reminds Bakha of his illiteracy

Section – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer All the questions.
11. (a) Can the Lotus be regarded as small scale allegory ?
(b) How does the poet describe the goddess in the poem ‘‘The Stone Goddess’’ ?
12. (a) Summarise the poem‘‘The King Speaks to the Scribe’’
(b) What was the mood of enterprisers in the beginning ?
13. (a) What do you know about Dorabji Edvji Gimi ?
(b) What does R.K Narayan say in ‘‘Crime and Punishment’’?
14. (a) Write the significance of the opening scene of the Play ‘‘Tale-Danda’’.
(b) How was the proposal made to marry Kalavati to the cobbler Sheelavanta ?
15. (a) How does Mulk Raj Anand exhibit the theme of suffering in the novel ‘‘Untouchable’’ ?
(b) Sketch The character of Bakha.

Section – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Write any Three of the following questions.
16. Critically analyse the Poem ‘‘The Stone Goddess’’.
17. Write an appreciation of ‘‘Enterprise’’
18. What light is Thrown on the life of Gandhi at school ?
19. Attempt an essay on the theme of the play, ‘‘Tale Danda’’.
20. ‘‘Mulk Raj Anand displays penetrating thought and humane attitude in understanding the grim realities of one of the aspects of the social life in India’’-Discuss.

April 2010

B.A. Degree Examination  :
Fiction : (2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 marks
Section – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer All Questions.
1. How did the tiger react to the bait?
2. What did the Monks do with the golden locket?
3. Why didn’t Ben Price arrest Jimmy?
4. What is the greatest tragedy in “Lord of the Flies”?
5. What made the landlady contact Dr. Klatson?
6. Who was Mr. Brownlow?
7. How does the Baron help Hughie in getting married to Laura?
8. Why did the barber Percomb come to the Little Hintock?
9. What essential characteristics do Johnny, Maurice and Roger Share?
10. Who will lead a rough kind of life as the wife of Giles?

Section – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions in about 150 words each.
11. a. Sketch the character of Hughie.
b. Describe the incidents that led to Ben Price’s suspicion of Jimmy.
12. a. Describe the scene of Fagin’s arrest.
b. How did Bill Sikes meet with his death?
13. a. What reason did Sherlock Holmes give for not allowing Watson near him?
b. Mention the incident which provoked the hunting expedition of Mrs. Packletide.
14. a. Comment on the role of the beast in “Lord of the Flies”.
b. How did Jack treat Sam and Eric?
15. a. Sketch the character of Giles Winterborne.
b. How did Fitzpiers reunite with Grace ?

Section – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any THREE Questions in about 300 words
16. How did Fagin train the boys in the trade of picking pockets?
17. The Woodlanders is a realist analysis of marital themes. Do you agree with the view?
18. “The best way of successfully acting a part is to be it.” How does Sherlock Holmes prove the truth of this statement?
19. Bring out the appropriateness of the title “Lord of the Flies”.
20. Narrate the story of “The Model Millionaire”.

April 2011

B.A. Degree Examination, :
Poetry – I : (2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 marks
Part – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer ALL Questions in a sentence or two
1. What does the poet seek to do to ‘eternize’ his beloved?
2. How does time acts as a destroyer of beauty, according to Shakespeare?
3. What are the companions of death?
4. How does Pope propose to get a few acres?
5. What is meant by ‘charter’d street’ in the poem ‘London’?
6. How much was the Preacher’s annual income?
7. What advice does Gray give to the rich people?
8. When did Wordsworth meet the daffodils?
9. With what things does the poet compare the Skylark?
10. Who is Duke Ferrara according to history in Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’?

Part – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Write paragraphs on the following.
11. a. How does Spenser propose to immortalize his love ?
b. Write a note on Shakespeare’s treatment of time in his sonnet.
12. a. Has death any effect on ‘Death, be not proud’ ?
b. How does William Blake describe the control of street and nature in London ?
13. a. Describe Goldsmith’s visit to the ‘Deserted Village’.
b. How does Gray give a contrast between the living and the dead ?
14. a. To what does the poet compare the song of the Solitary reaper ? Why ?
b. Write a short note on Xanadu in ‘Kubla Khan’.

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  1. 1st semester B.A English exam model question papers

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