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Circuits,Networks Analysis And Synthesis B.SC Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.SC
Department : Electronics
Subject Code/Name : Circuits,Networks Analysis And Synthesis
Semester : II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website :

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL : 2010 :

Alagappa Networks Analysis & Synthesis Question Paper

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 marks

Part – A

(10 x 2 = 20) :
1. A 200- R1 is in series with a 400- R2 and a 2k- R3. The
2. State Kirchhoff’s current law.
3. Define damping factor.
4. What is transient law-
5. Define coefficient of coupling. Mention its significance.

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6. Distinguish between mean value and root mean square value of an
7. What are inverse h – parameters-
8. Define band pass filter.
9. State the importance of Laplace transform.
10. Using Laplace transform, find the s – domain equivalent circuit of a

11. a. State Thevanin’s theorem and prove it in case of a two terminal
12. a. Discuss the problem of dc transient response in an R – L circuit.
13. a. Obtain an expression for the band width of an RLC circuit. Also
14. a. What are the open circuit impedance (z) parameters- Deduce
15. a. State and prove initial and final value theorems.
16. Find the voltage across the 2- resistor shown in fig. by using
17. In the circuit shown in figure, determine the complete solution for
18. A voltage V (t) = 10 sin – t is applied to a series RLC circuit. At
19. Design a low pass filter (both – and T – sections) having a cut – off

Part – B

(10 x 2 = 20) :
Answer ALL the Questions
1. What is meant by energy band-
2. What is intrinsic semiconductor-
3. What is transistor- Mention the two types of transistor.
4. Calculate IE in a transistor for which – – 50 and B I – 20- A .
5. State requirement for a transistor amplifier to be of class B type.
6. The overall gain of a multistage amplifier is 140. When negative feedback
7. What is an LC oscillator-
8. What is meant by astable multivibrator-
9. Define amplification factor – of a FET.
10. State the difference between a FET and a bipolar transistor.
11. a. Discuss the behaviour of a pn junction under forward and
12. a. Describe the action of an npn transistor.
13. a. Explain the working of a push – pull amplifier with a neat circuit.
14. a. Draw the circuit diagram of Hartley oscillator. Explain its
15. a. Sketch the circiut of a CS amplifier. Derive the expression for
16. A halfwave rectifier uses a transformer of turn ratio 4 :1. If the
17. In a transistor circuit, collector load Rc – 4k- whereas the zero
18. A transistor uses transformer coupling for amplification. The output
19. In a phase shift oscillator, R1 – R2 – R3 – 1M- and

Part – C

(10 × 2 = 20) :
Answer ALL the Questions
1. What are transducers- Explain with a suitable example.
2. Give any two applications of AC bridge.
3. What do you mean by Function generator-
4. Define Duty cycle.
5. Write down the uses of Digital Multimeter.
6. Give a brief note on Guarding techniques.
7. What are the various types of Oscilloscopes-
8. Write a note on curve tracer.
9. What are the requirements of an automatic test system-
10. What is micro controller-
11. a. Explain the errors in measurements.
12. a. Describe AF generator.
13. a. Explain automation in voltmeter.
14. a. Describe sampling oscilloscope with a neat diagram.
15. a. Explain how to test an audio amplifier-
16. Describe Electronic Weighing Machine.
17. i. Dis tinguish AM/FM signal gepnerator.
18. Describe digital multimeter with a suitable circuit diagram.

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