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CS204 XML and .NET Programming M.SC Question Bank :

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : M.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : CS-204 XML and .NET Programming
Year : I
Semester : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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XML & .NET Programming :

1. What is Framework-
2. Explain the terms CLR, CTS, CLS-
3. Why .Net has cross language operatibility-

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College CS102 Advanced Networking Concepts M.SC Question Bank :

4. How to define structure in .Net-
5. Difference between classes & structure-
6. What is polymorphism- Explain its types.
7. What is late Binding-
8. Difference between Value type & reference type-
9. Difference between Abstract class & Interface-
10. Explain abstract class with example-
11. Explain Interface with suitable example-
12. What is garbage collector-
13. What is delegate- Explain with suitable example.
14. What are assemblies- Explain its types.
15. What is strong name-
16. Write the command for creating strong name & installing-
17. Explain manifest & metadata-
18. What is partial class-
19. What is access modifier- Explain the scope of all modifiers.
20. Difference between DLL & Exe-
21. Write the name of method we use for Fetching directories-
22. What do you mean by StreamReader & StreamWriter class-
23. Difference between String & String Builder Class-
24. What is Collection- Explain all types of Collection.
25. Difference between HashTable, ListDictionary & Hybrid Dictionary-
26. What is the use of Name Value Collection-
27. What is ArrayList- How it differ from Array.
28. What is threading-
29. Explain all methods of threading classes-
30. What is Generic- Explain with suitable example.
31. Difference between GroupBox & Panel control?
32. Explain ADO.Net Architecture?
33. Difference between Data Reader & Data Set?
34. Difference between ADO & ADO.Net?
35. Difference between Connected & Disconnected architecture?
36. Explain all methods of Command objects?
37. Explain Data Relation class with suitable syntax & example?
38. Which method we use for writing & reading the XML file using dataset?
39. Explain DataAdaptor Class & its use?
40. Which code we write when we use stored procedure?

1. What is Postback-
2. What is IsPostBack-
3. What is AutoPostBack-
4. Difference between ServerSide & Client Side-
5. Explain Inline code & Code behind code-
6. What is ViewState-
7. Which two properties are common for all validation controls-
8. Which property we set for perform all validation on server side-
9. Explain Page life Cycle-
10. Which property we set of hyperlink control –
11. Explain Application life cycle-
12. Write the XML file code for any Adrotator control-
13. What is a theme-
14. Which property we set for disable any page theme-
15. Explain configuration file and its type-
16. Why we use CauseValidation Property-
17. What is State management-
18. What is Application variable-
19. What is Session variable-
20. What is Query String-
21. What is Cookies-
22. Which method explicitly we use to kill the user session-
23. What is Master pages-
24. What is Style Sheet and write the code to connect with page-
25. Difference between themes & StyleSheet-
26. List the name of all Validation Control?
27. What do you mean by validation Group?
28. What are XML & its rule?
29. What is DTD?
30. What is XSLT & XSL?

VB.NET Programming :
1. Define IDE.
2. What is CLS?
3. What is MSIL?
4. How to declare a constant.
5. What is Just-in-Time compiler.
6. Enlist various features of CLR.
7. Enlist various features of VB.Net ?
8. What is garbage collection ?
9. Enlist any two default namespaces available in windows application.
10. What is meant by Assembly ? Enlist various types of Assemblies.
11. What is event? How do you raise event?
12. What are the access specifier.
13. What is Currency Manager?
14. Explain Multiline and Word Wrap properties of RTF.
15. Enlist properties of Scroll bar control.
16. Explain any two built-in date functions.
17. Explain any four properties of form.
18. What is property ? Enlist types of Property.
19. What is data validation in VB.Net.
20. State the difference between data set and data reader.
21. Explain any two properties of Button Control.
22. Explain difference between ListBox and ComboBox.
23. Enlist operators used for String Concatenation.
24. What is the use of Timer control in VB.Net.
25. What is Tree View Control in VB.Net
26. Enlist different standard controls in VB.Net.
27. What is Data Validation in VB.Net
28. How to use MDI in VB.Net.
29. Write any two properties of Data Grid.
30. Explain the Active MDIChild property of a form.
31. State different types of Access Modifiers.
32. What is interface ?
33. What is polymorphism ?
34. What is Header and Footer Fields in Crystal Report ?
35. Write any two uses of crystal report.
36. Enlist any two exceptions in VB.Net
37. Explain finally statement in VB.Net
38. What do you mean by Sealed Class?
39. What are different types of Errors in VB.Net ?
40. What are Menus and Context Menus in VB.Net.
41. What is difference between Read( ) and ReadLine( ).

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