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CS344 Web Development and PHP programming-II B.SC Question Bank :

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : B.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : CS-344 Web Development and PHP programming-II
Year : III
Semester : VI
Document Type : Question Bank
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MIT Web Development & PHP Programming -I

Chapter 1 –

Introduction to Web Techniques

1.What is PHP-
2.Define web server &web browser-

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College CS-336 Object Oriented Software Engineering B.SC Question Bank :

3.Explain server side scripting & client side scripting-
4.Write any 5 web browser name-
5.Write any two conditions which return false Boolean value-
6.What is HTTP-
7.Write any 5 web server name-
8.Explain lexical structure-
9.Explain how PHP page execute-
10.What is type juggling-
11.What is type casting-
12.What is variable- Explain its rule.
13.Explain the scope of the variable with its all types-
14.Which are the different data types available in PHP-
15.What are the different types of operators used in PHP-
16.Explain HTTP request & HTTP response-
17.Why “HTTP is stateless” explain-
18.Write the difference between explicit type casting & type juggling-
19.Explain the scope of static variable in PHP with suitable example-
20.Explain loop control structure with suitable example-
21.Explain the bitwise operator with suitable example-

Chapter 2 –

Function & String

1.What is function-
2.State the use of print_r () function-
3.Write a short note on default parameters-
4.Explain variable parameters with suitable example-
5.What is anonymous function-
6.Write the difference between built in function & user defined function-
7.Explain types of string in PHP-
8.What is here a document-
9.Explain any three printing function with example-
10.What is encoding & escaping-
11.Explain any three comparing strings function with example-
12.Explain any five string manipulating function with example-
13.Explain exploding & imploding function with example-
14.Explain any five string searching function with example-
15.What is regular expression-
16.How to remove leading and trailing spaces of the strings-
17.State the difference between extract () and compact () function-

Chapter 3 –


1.What is array-
2.Explain index & associative array with example-
3.How to store data in array-
4.Explain multidimensional array with example-
5.Explain 5 extracting multiple values from array-
6.Explain array_splice () & array_chunk () with example-
7.Explain extract () & compact () function with example-
8.How to traversing array with different ways-
9.How to search an element from array using built in function-
10.How to search an element from array without using built in function-

11. State the purpose of array_walk ()?
12. Write a short note sorting on array?
13. Distinguish between array_slice () and array_splice ()?
14. What is an indexed array? Explain different iterator functions in array?
15. What is the difference between in_array () and array_search ()?
16. Write a php function to find union of two arrays?
17. Write a PHP script for check string is palindrome or not using array stack function?
18. Write a PHP script to find max and min from array?
19. How to remove any element from array?
20. Explain array stack & queue function suitable example?
21. Write function to count number of times given element occur in array?
22. How will you find number of elements in array?
23. Differentiate between array_search () and in_array ()?
24. State the purpose of range ()?
25. Write a PHP function to combine two arrays?

Chapter 4 –

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

1. How to create class in PHP
2. How to create an object in PHP?
3. What is inheritance? Explain with suitable example.
4. Explain the use of scope resolution operators?
5. What is introspection? Explain with suitable example to express usage of introspection?
6. What is the purpose of $this & extends?
7. What are serializable objects in PHP?
8. Explain constructor & destructors in PHP?
9. What is overriding in PHP with suitable example?
10. Explain abstract class with suitable example?

11. Explain interface in php with suitable example?
12. Explain the difference between abstract class & interface?
13. What is encapsulation with suitable example?
14. How to block a class for further inheritance?
15. How to access properties and methods explain with example and also explain $this variable?
16. Define the relationship between a class and an object?
17. If we inherit a class do the private variables also get inherited?

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