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Obstetrics And Gynaecology MPT Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 8111/Obstetrics And Gynaecology
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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March 2009 :
[KU 606 G] Sub. Code: 8111
(Common to New/Revised Regulation)
Q.P. Code : 278111
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All questions :
Draw suitable diagrams where ever necessary :
I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Describe in detail about the pelvic floor muscles, grading system for pelvic floor muscle contractions and its significance in relation to urinary incontinence.
2. Elaborate on antenatal exercises, benefits of antenatal exercises and physiotherapy management of low back pain during the antenatal period.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Pain relief during labour.
2. Partogram.
3. Diastasis Recti and its management during post natal period.
4. Post natal exercises and its benefits.
5. Conditioning exercises.
6. Physiological changes in endocrine system during pregnancy.
7. Post menopausal osteoporosis.
8. Post operative complications of mastectomy and its management.
9. Breathing techniques used in various stages of labour.
10. Post operative physiotherapy management in hysterectomy patients.

September 2009 :
I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Define diastasis recti. Describe its causes, types, testing and recommended graduated exercises.
2. A 40 yrs. Old female underwent total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo – Oophorectomy for a uterine tumour. Explain in detail the physiotherapy assessment and management following surgery.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Pelvic floor muscles.
2. Peurperium.
3. Perineal pain.
4. Cystometry.
5. Management of sacro iliac joint dysfunction.
6. Supports of uterus.
7. Antenatal screening tests.
8. Stress incontinence.
9. Climacteric.
10. Carpal tunnel syndrome.

March 2010 :
I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Describe stages of labour. Add a note on the physiotherapy intervention during labour.
2. Describe the physiotherapy evaluation and treatment of stress urinary incontinence.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Hormones and their functions in pregnancy.
2. Body mechanics guidelines for post caesarean patients.
3. Pelvic motion training.
4. Physiological changes of cardio respiratory system in pregnancy.
5. Contraceptive methods.
6. Deep vein thrombosis.
7. Causes of post natal back pain and its physiotherapy management.
8. Clinical assessment of new born.
9. Post operative physiotherapy management for hysterectomy.
10. Biomechanics of the female pelvis.

MAY 2011 :
I. Essay Questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Briefly describe the Role of Sacro-iliac joints and its ligaments in pregnancy. Explain about Sacro-iliac joint dysfunction and its positional treatment.
2. Explain in detail about the ergonomic principles and home exercises in post natal period.
II. Write Short Notes : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Suspensory ligaments.
2. Effect of pregnancy on respiratory system.
3. Ectopic pregnancy.
4. Pregnancy induced hyper tension.
5. Post operative complications of lower segmental section.
6. Pelvic floor and pelvic tilting exercises.
7. Contradictions to exercise during pregnancy.
8. Restless leg syndrome and its treatment.
9. Re education of Diastesis Recti Abdominis.
10. Bladder retraining.

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