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Advanced Physiotherapy In Neurology MPT Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 8105/Advanced Physiotherapy In Neurology
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
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TN MGRMU Physiotherapy Neurology Question Paper

March 2009 :
[KU 606 B] Sub. Code: 8105
(Common to New/Revised Regulation)

Related : TNMGRMU Advanced Physiotherapy Management MPT Question Bank :

Q.P. Code : 278105
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All questions :
Draw suitable diagrams where ever necessary :
I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Elaborate on the role of physiotherapist in head injury unit.
2. Write in detail about the various motor learning theories and its clinical applications.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Voluntary control assessment for hand.
2. Stroke syndromes.
3. Ventriculo atrial shunt.
4. EMG in myasthenia gravis.
5. Eaton – Lambert syndrome.
6. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and role of PT management.
7. Wrist drop.
8. Management for rigidity.
9. Home programmes for CP Children.
10. Motor and sensory symptoms in multiple sclerosis.

September 2009

I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Write in detail about polyneuropathies and explain physiotherapy assessment and management for the same.
2. Write in detail about the physiotherapy assessment, diagnosis and management for 60yrs old female with left middle cerebral artery lesion.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Neuromas.
2. Assessment of developmental milestones.
3. Diabetic neuropathy.
4. Postural reflexes.
5. Acute phase management for T12 lesion.
6. Post polio syndrome.
7. Physiotherapy management for spina bifida.
8. Principles of bobath approach.
9. Neuro transmitters.
10. Functions of CSF.

March 2010

I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Write in detail about neuro developmental therapy and approaches.
2. Discuss the physiotherapy management for a 35 yrs old bus driver with L4-L5 lumbar spondylosis.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Memory disorders.
2. Role of sensory system on motor performance.
3. Motor and sensory symptoms in multiple sclerosis.
4. Assessment of unconscious patient.
5. Right and left discrimination.
6. Clinical features of hydrocephalus.
7. Facio scapulo humeral muscular dystrophy.
8. Principles of Rood’s approach.
9. Trigeminal neuralgia.
10. Dyskinesias.

September 2010

I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Write in detail the assessment for a spastic cerebral palsy child of 1 year age and add a note on neuro developmental techniques for the same.
2. Write in detail about the physiotherapy assessment diagnosis, and management for a 65 years old male with Parkinson’s disease.
II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Vojta technique.
2. Residual Poliomyelitis.
3. Physiotherapy management for cerebellar ataxia.
4. Electromyographic biofeed back.
5. Hereditary sensory motor neuropathy.
6. Physiology of CSF.
7. Myotonia congenital dystrophia.
8. Brunnstrom’s sequential recovery with stages of stroke.
9. Cauda equina lesions.
10. Changes in coordinated movements with age.

May 2011

I. Essay Questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Draw a neat schematic diagram depicting neural control of bladder? Also discuss various types of neurogenic bladder and its relevant P.T management?
2. Discuss various types of body scheme disorders and its P.T assessment and management?
II. Write Short Notes: (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Neurophysiological basis of cryofacilitation techniques.
2. Clinical Testing of Sensory Integration and Balance.
3. Functional visual skills.
4. Role of physiotherapy in chronic pain.
5. Excitatory neurotransmitters.
6. Difference between ballistic and ramp movements.
7. Respiratory physiotherapy for cervical cord lesions.
8. Lower limb PNF patterns and its application in neurological population.
9. Normal and abnormal Motor unit action potential.
10. Stages of motor control.

October 2011

I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
1. Write in detail the principles of management of a 2 year old child with spastic diplegic type of cerebral palsy, who has a good sitting balance and associated with epilepsy.
2. Describe in detail a comprehensive plan to manage the upper limb of a person with stroke using contemporary motor control theories.

II. Write notes on :
1. Guidelines for management of autonomic dysreflexia.
2. Psycho-social factors which influence recovery in persons with upper motor neuron (UMN) lesions.
3. Early identification of children at high risk for developmental disorders.
4. What are the physiological changes following neuroplasticity.
5. What are the optimal “practice and feedback” conditions to learning sit to stand in persons with stroke?
6. Management of a dyssynergic bladder in a person with spinal cord injury.
7. Rehabilitation principles for a person suffering from hemi neglect.
8. Balance dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease.
9. Describe the common compensatory strategies adopted by a person with stroke while walking.
10. Rehabilitation of gait in persons with spinal cord injury at L4 level.

April 2012

I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
1. Discuss the application of Motor Relearning Program in the analysis and training of upper limb function for stroke?
2. Discuss the various levels of altered consciousness along with multi model sensory coma stimulation program?

II. Write notes on :
1. Ankle strategy
2. Augmented feedback
3. PNF-Technique of Reversal of antagonists
4. Vestibulo-Ocular reflex testing
5. Types of hemi neglect and its evaluation
6. Functional Electrical stimulation its application in foot drop.
7. TENS in pain management
8. Clinical features of Parkinson’s disease.
9. Physiotherapy for gait ataxia.
10. Automatic nervous system.

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