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CS-221 Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++ B.SC Question Bank :

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : B.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : CS-221 Object Oriented Concepts and Programming in C++
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Question Bank
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Object Oriented Concepts and Programming :

1) State advantages of Object Programming over Procedure –
2) What do you mean by Late Binding and Early Binding- Distinguish
3) Explain various applications of OOPs.

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4) What are feature of the C++ language-
5) Write a short note on Data Abstraction.
6) What do you mean by Data Encapsulation and Data binding-
7) What is polymorphism- How is polymorphism achieved at compile time –
8) What is OOP- State advantages of OOP.
9) “C++ is a pure Object Oriented Language”. Justify T/F.
10) What is extraction and insertion operator-
11) Give Syntax to create a reference variable
12) Why can’t you initialize within a class-
13) Write a C++ statement to allocate memory dynamically for an array
14) How does a declaration differ from class definition-
15) Define the terms 1. Class 2.Object 3. Identifiers-
16) Write a program to find product of digits of an integer number n.
17) Write a c++ program to find maximum of 10 numbers.
18) Write a C++ program to generate 20 terms of Fibonacci sequence
19) Write a C++ program to check whether number n is Prime or not.
20) Write a c++ program to read the values of a and b and display
21) Write a reference variable- What is mean by passing argumen-
22) What is friend function- What are merits and demerits –
23) What do you meant by dynamic initialization of objects-
24) What is stream- Describe briefly the features of I/O system supported –
25) What is scope resolution operator- What are the applications of it-
26) What is a friend class- What are advantage abd disadvantage-
27) What is nested class- How is nested class defined and declared in C++-
28) Create a class FLOAT that contains one float data member. –
29) Write a short note on Inline function. Write Advantage –
30) Why can’t static member function access a non-static member of a class-
31) What is static data member and static member function-
32) Write a function that prints specified number of blank lines on the screen.-
33) Write a C++ program to read the set of n integers and store it in 1D array.-
34) Write a C++ program to read a set of lines and find number of character, –
35) What is overloading in OOP- What is function overloading –
36) Write an OOP in C++ using function overloading for addition-
37) In which circumstances, programmer can not telly on compiler supplies –
38) How many times will the constructor of a class –
39) Write a note on destructor with suitable example [SA]
40) Write a note on constructor with suitable example. –
41) In a copy constructor, is it necessary for existing instance
42) What is Copy Constructor- Describe merits and demerits of it.
43) Explain different types of constructor with example
44) Define a class to represent complex numbers. Overload operator –
of that class. Also write main() to test this function. Be sure
45) Write a C++ program for a class Integer which contains-
46) Explain pointers with suitable example.
47) Explain “this” pointer in C++. What are the applications of “this pointer-
48) Write a C++ program using operator overloading –
49) Explain operator overloading of an assignment operator.
50) Create a class STRING to overload +-(concatenation) and ==(equality)-
51) What is operator overloading? Why is it necessary to overload an operator?
52) What is Abstract class?
53) What do you mean by virtual destructor? Explain with example.
54) What do you mean by protected access specifier? Explain protected derivation in detail.
55) What do you mean by virtual base class and abstract base class? Explain with example.
56) What is virtual function? Why do we need virtual Function? When do we make a function pure virtual Function?
57) Write a short note on Constructor in derived class.
58) What do you mean by Inheritance in OOPS? Explain different types of inheritance in C++.
59) Write a short note on Virtual Base Class
60) Write a short note on Pure Virtual Function.

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