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Introduction to Programming and ‘C’ Programming B.SC Question Bank :

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : B.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : Introduction to Programming and ‘C’ Programming
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
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Introduction to Programming & ‘C’ Programming :

Chapter 1 : Programming Languages :
1. What are different types of computer languages

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2. Explain machine language.
3. Distinguish between Assembly language & Higher level language.
4. What is the difference between syntax errors & logical errors-
5. What are compilers- How do they differ from interpreters-
6. What is an Assembler-
7. What are source programs & object programs-
8. Compare and Contrast Interpreter & Compiler.
9. State advantages of high level & assembly language.
10. State two interpreters & two compilers. 1

Chapter 2 : Problem Solving using Computers
1. What is an algorithm- What are the advantages of writing an algorithm-
2. What care should be taken while writing an algorithm-
3. Write an algorithm to calculate prime factors of an integer.
4. What is a flowchart- What are the principles of flowcharting-
5. Explain the flowcharting symbols with examples-
6. Draw a flowchart to calculate the sum & average of n numbers.
7. Draw a flowchart to check whether a given number is prime or not.
8. Draw a flowchart to generate N terms of Fibonacci series.
9. Draw a flowchart to calculate xn where x is real and n is an integer.
10. Draw a flowchart to find all divisors of an integer number N.

Chapter 3 : Introduction to C :
1. Where was C developed by whom-
2. State the features of C language.
3. State the applications of C language.
4. Explain structure of C program.
5. What is the purpose of main ( ) function-
6. Why C called middle – level language-
7. Explain program development life-cycle.
8. What is the purpose of compiling- 3

Chapter 4 : C tokens :
1. State basic data types in C.
2. State user-define data types in C.
3. Explain the use of sizeof () operator.
4. Discuss the logical operators of C.
5. Discuss the relational operators of C.
6. Discuss the bitwise operators of C.
7. Define type casting with examples.
8. Explain working of conditional operator.
9. What is an escape sequence-
10. State the use of increment and decrement operators.
11. State the use of bitwise operators.
12. State the use of shift operators.
13. How the symbolic constants are define.
14. What is purpose of #include-

Chapter 5 : Input and Output :
1. State any four functions included in the header file ctype.h.
2. Which header file is use for input-output operations-
3. State two functions for reading the characteristics from the user.
4. What is the difference between puts( ) and putc( )

5. What is the purpose of scanf( ) function? State any four format specifies use with scanf( ).
6. What is the purpose of printf( ) function? State any four format specifiers use with printf( ) statement with an example.

Chapter 6 : Control Structures
1. What do you mean by sequential execution of a program?
2. What do you mean by repetition?
3. What is compound statement? Explain with the help of syntax diagram.
4. What is meant by control structure?
5. What is purpose of the while structure? Explain the execution of the while structure.
6. What is the purpose of do‐while structure? Differentiate between while a do‐while structures.
7. Explain the for control structures. Also, explain the role of control variables.
8. Write a short note on the nesting of control structures.
9. Draw a neat syntax diagram of the if statement and explain its execution with the help of suitable example.
10. Explain the purpose of switch statement. How does this structure differ from the others? Compare switch statement with if‐else statement.
11. What is meant by label? What is the use of label?
12. What is a purpose of goto statement?
13. What are the drawbacks of using goto statement in a structured programming language?
14. What is a use of control structure?
15. Why compound statements are useful?
16. What is looping?
17. Differentiate between conditional and unconditional branching.
18. What is branching?

Chapter 7 : Functions in C
1. What are the advantages of program modularization? How is programs modularization achieved in C?
2. What is meant by scope of variables?
3. Distinguish between local and global variables.
4. What is meant by parameters passing? How are they used?
5. What is difference between actual parameters and formal parameters?

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